Reasons to be cheerful
  • That’s outstanding work Noxy. Love it.
  • davyK
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    Send message may have taken things a tad far????

    Holding the wrong end of the stick since 2009.
  • b0r1s
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    I need some plants in my place. Have literally zero. Mom always used to grow plants, so think I should at least have one.
  • I’ve never been great with indoor plants. Recently I learned that some of mine actually thrive when ignored. Which I guess means I was overwatering them before …
  • Nice work Noxy.

    Its a big thing in my line of work and architects are pretty much dropping the word 'biophillia' into every presentation we do. It's the new buzz word.

    Worth looking into though as there are huge benefits to it. Cundall in London (the engineering company) spent a shit load on an office refit with biophillia at its core. The staff love it plus it looks great.
    Live, PSN & WiiU: Yippeekiyey
  • Kow
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    Every plant I try and grow just dies, even stuff that should be hard to kill, like cacti and aloe vera. I'd love to have some greenery around but it just won't stay. Except for that fucking ivy, which is a menace.
  • b0r1s
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    Mom used to use baby bio and also regularly cut off dead ends etc. Definitely had green fingers. Think I’ll get a few when I move.
  • Thanks. I'm really enjoying it for now but I'm also a bit weary of how difficult a winter it could be. This time last year I only had 3 plants, so for the vast majority of them this will be their first winter in my room, which is sadly north facing and doesn't get much light. Would be devastated if a  bunch of  them died. So far I have killed  two and I'm pretty sure my Areca palm  will be next. Fortunately I invested in a decent quality grow light when I still had money so this should help, but the precariousness of their survival definitely causes  a bit  of anxiety.
  • My partner has bought a bunch of plants, only wee ones, but she's enjoying taking care of them. I'm glad you've got something to occupy your time. Physical hobbies are good (no shagging jokes please). 

    I am still keeping myself occupied with painting. I try and put aside a bit of money from articles I've written/stuff I've sold to buy some stuff. Latest conquest was the Void Dragon, one of GW's latest kits which is a ridiculous feat of sculpting and engineering. More photos in relevant thread, but sometimes I like sharing this stuff beyond the borders.

  • That's very impressive.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • How much does something like that cost?
  • That's awesome, Temps.
  • Stupid money. £68 direct, but I got it Third Party for £54. These days Warhammer is basically my only expenditure besides rent/food/bills etc, maybe some cash on games. I tend to shop around a lot and like I say, I got this because I'd sold a bunch of stuff. It's not a cheap hobby, but getting to be creative is a treat.

    Sounds absurd out of context but... I dunno. Everyone needs a hobby I guess.
  • Not at all absurd. Sanity is priceless. Do you also collect to play the game, or it's more for the painting?
  • FranticPea
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    Looks ace Tempy.

    Keep telling you though, 15mm.....40p a mini. It's the future ;)
  • Not at all absurd. Sanity is priceless. Do you also collect to play the game, or it's more for the painting?

    I do, I am part of a really nice online community that I chat with pretty much daily, I often paint whilst on voice chat, it's a nice social thing!
  • Kow wrote:
    Every plant I try and grow just dies, even stuff that should be hard to kill, like cacti and aloe vera. I'd love to have some greenery around but it just won't stay. Except for that fucking ivy, which is a menace.

    House plant death is almost always over enthusiastic caring. They do much better when you care for them when they look a bit sick rather than them looking sick because of over-attention. Don't water them until they look ill when you first get them. Then after a while you learn to relax a bit and water them more sparingly before they look sick, but only just.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • Yea they’re a lot more resilient at coping with thirst. I don’t think I ever got close to killing one that way.
  • I’ve got one that is sick because it doesn’t like the draught by the window and another that is unhappy after drinking tap water. They can be difficult about stupid things sometimes
  • Good work Noxy and Tempy.
    [quote=Skerret]Unless someone very obviously insults your loved ones with intent, take nothing here seriously.[/quote]
  • Kow
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    Kow wrote:
    Every plant I try and grow just dies, even stuff that should be hard to kill, like cacti and aloe vera. I'd love to have some greenery around but it just won't stay. Except for that fucking ivy, which is a menace.
    House plant death is almost always over enthusiastic caring.

    Hah, it's definitely not that in my case.
  • I engage in retail therapy. Sometimes too much. 

    Work is fucked right now. I’m still at my desk, almost nodding off.

    I have this desire to treat myself (again) to justify these long hours. Justify is the wrong word. To... make myself feel it’s worth it?

    Dunno. Should get better soon.
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • Maybe another Folio Society book...
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • Treat yourself man, and try to separate home from work. Don't get dragged into that home is always at work trap.
  • Man, it’s so hard at the moment. Get up, log on, work, eat, work, pick up kids, work, play some Smash with kids, work, eat, work, bed. 

    Off to bed now. No idea why I’m posting in this thread in particular, annoying but cheery right now. Should get better after a few more days and I’m hoping (hoping) to have a quiet free weekend.
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • b0r1s
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    Doesn’t matter where you post. Go where the feels take you man. Definitely take Nick’s advice. Far too easy to keep that laptop on and keep working. Split the space, if you can. When you leave that space it’s the same as leaving work.
  • So because I thought it was pretty and interesting, I delved into whatever the fuck the Void Dragon is and lost three hours to deep W40K lore thanks Tempy
  • It’s good lore! Next you’ll be listening to the horus heresy audio books.

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