The British Politics Thread
  • legaldinho wrote:
    This format is a car crash, compared to the French h TV debates I saw. Embarrassing.

    Don't forget this format was chosen to be somewhat of a car crash
  • We should put them all on the Big Brother House.
  • They've already got a televised house to bugger about in. And we get to vote them out if we so wish.

    Unfortunately, as with BB we like to keep the twats in as long as possible, just to see what ridiculous schemes they can come up with next.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Everything is OKAY lads. A 10yo doing jokes written by his dad for him has got to the final of Britain's Got Talent. The UK is saved.
  • Seven people is too many if you're going to have a lot of questions in an hour and a half. Each got to give a quick answer then they were lucky if they got 10 seconds of uninterrupted time after that, lots of people all trying to speak all at once, then it was time for the next question.

    Angus Robertson should be PM but with Corbyn's manifesto and the Lib Dems policies on Brexit and cannabis grafted on to it. Lucas can be Energy Secretary. Nuttall is quite funny so can have a token job - Minister for Dogs or something.
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    So Amber Rudd's dad died on Monday?!  Jeez.  Fair play to her for showing up after there, and IMO even worse of May for making her do it.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    monkey wrote:
    Seven people is too many if you're going to have a lot of questions in an hour and a half. Each got to give a quick answer then they were lucky if they got 10 seconds of uninterrupted time after that, lots of people all trying to speak all at once, then it was time for the next question.

    Angus Robertson should be PM but with Corbyn's manifesto and the Lib Dems policies on Brexit and cannabis grafted on to it. Lucas can be Energy Secretary. Nuttall is quite funny so can have a token job - Minister for Dogs or something.

    I believe that the current comedy role is foreign secretary.
  • acemuzzy wrote:
    So Amber Rudd's dad died on Monday?!  Jeez.  Fair play to her for showing up after there, and IMO even worse of May for making her do it.

    Kind of Tory though isn't it? Fuck everybody but myself.
  • beano
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    all the way home.

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    JMW wrote:
    acemuzzy wrote:
    So Amber Rudd's dad died on Monday?!  Jeez.  Fair play to her for showing up after there, and IMO even worse of May for making her do it.

    Kind of Tory though isn't it? Fuck everybody but myself.

    About to write something similar

    "Better than a tech demo. But mostly a tech demo for now. Exactly what we expected, crashes less and less. No multiplayer."
    - BnB NMS review, PS4, PC
  • Fuck me.
    Speaking at a campaign event in Bath on Wednesday, May sought to laugh off the idea that she was frightened of taking part.
    “Jeremy Corbyn seems to be paying far more attention to how many appearances on telly he’s doing. He ought to be paying a bit more attention to thinking about Brexit negotiations. That’s what I’m doing,” she said.
    The sheer complacency. He's campaigning for the election you called.
  • How dare you complicate my forgone conclusion with politics!!
  • I mean, I'm used to seeing cunts get elected, but have rarely seen such outward contempt for the process and the public.
  • "Talk to plebs?! Fuck off! Now move, you oik, before I have my chauffeur run you down and sue your widow for the cost of cleaning your blood off the Jag."
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Politico has an interesting piece on the wide variance in opinion polls:

    tl;dr: the difference is almost all down to how likely a particular poll thinks young people are to actually vote. Those with wider gaps between the two parties are more sceptical that the youth will drag themselves away from their avocado toasts on polling day. The one that showed a six-point lead is based on the assuming a turnout of 82% of 18-24 year olds.
  • We're relying on young people turning out?

    Oh fuck.
  • Yup, until the youth can vote by pressing a button on Facebook, their vote is a complete non-starter.
    Come with g if you want to live...

    The Plymouth Herald have sussed her out.

    The prime minister, Theresa May, has been accused by some of sounding monotonous on the campaign trail. And the latest source is the Plymouth Herald, which has accused her of managing to get through a whole interview without saying anything.

    The paper sent its reporter to interview May as she “chatted with fishermen and nodded earnestly at nets and buckets” on the Devon coast.

    “To start with, it was quite an exciting experience ... But no sooner had the ministerial car pulled away from Sutton harbour than I began to feel a bit deflated,” the Herald’s chief reporter, Sam Blackledge, wrote. “Back at the office, we scratched our heads and wondered what the top line was. She had given me absolutely nothing.”
    Mate, she's too strong & stable to give anything away. She needs to be, to complete these Brexit negotiations, it's no good going off to the EU and blathering on about your feelings or the weather ... strength, stability ... these are the things that will make those Brussels bureaucrats tremble in their boots...

    Those fisherman should be grateful they've still got nets & buckets for Theresa to nod at, and that they haven't been taken away by some meddling EU fishing regulations.
  • Before 8.30am today, I had never interviewed a Prime Minister.

    Heading back to the office to transcribe my encounter with Theresa May at Plymouth's fish market, I couldn't be certain that had changed.
  • Kow
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    You really are heading into Jim Hacker territory. Actually, that would be a big step up at this point.
  • GooberTheHat
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    She is quite literally incapable of providing an answer to a question.
  • Theresa, what sort of horse do you need and where should we keep it?
  • Theresa, is that your arse, or is it your elbow?
  • GooberTheHat
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    WorKid wrote:
    Theresa, what sort of horse do you need and where should we keep it?

    It's very clear that we would like a horse, and we will make a decision on where to keep it after consultation after the election. But what is important now is that we get the right deal for Britain with Brexit. My team are the only option that can provide the strong and stable leadership to make sure that happens.
  • "I'm very clear that horses have 4 legs, which makes them strong and stable, much like me. I am a horse. Ride me. To the water, but I won't drink, let me make that clear."
  • TM: Of course, we all want a horse and it's only by having a strong economy that the British people will be able to get those horses that we all care so much about.

    Interviewer: Forgive me Prime Minister but the question was what sort of horse would you like personally.

    TM: I'm very clear that horses are horses and we're going to have the best possible horses for everyone.

    Interviewer: And the same question to you Mr Corbyn. What horse would you like?

    JC: A suffolk punch.

    Tabloid Headline: CORBYN FUCKS HORSE.
  • dynamiteReady
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    Fact checks on the key points of both the Labour and Conservative manifesto make for a good read... If it's already been posted, then fine, but it's always good to exit the echo chamber occasionally.

    Arseholes -
    Commies - http://

    Summary (mine at least)...

    ...Home ownership numbers are falling slightly, but it's still much higher than it was in the 80's

    ...With that in mind, figure on ownership are skewed towards the over 65s... That's a huge topic for discussion in itself. Barely touched on in recent national discussions... Build more houses, yes, but what are those large number of older home owners going to do, when they croak, eh?

    ...Levels of unemployment are surprisingly low, but there's something to be said about how much people are being paid. And we may have to accept that the zero-hours argument is being leveraged as a political tool, as roughly 5% of people appear to complain about the ephemeral nature of their contracts.

    ...Migration rates... It's stupid to even consider lowering them. It's probably more destabilizing to country than raising tax on wealthy pricks.

    ...Pensions are complicated...

    ...More feds would be great, but their numbers are not much lower than they were 20 years ago.

    ...Dementia tax is as evil as fuck.

    ...Corbyn should really describe what he means by rich and poor, cause' I really can't trust you fuckers to define that line.

    Not an exhaustive extrapolation, but it's food for thought.
    "I didn't get it. BUUUUUUUUUUUT, you fucking do your thing." - Roujin
    Ninty Code: SW-7904-0771-0996
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Corbyn's certainly defined rich: earning over 80k per year.

    Not sure about which poverty measure he's chosen.
  • dynamiteReady
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    That's true, actually.

    It's an interesting point tbf. Both sides should be forced to make that distinction.

    Interestingly, this dementia tax cap does kinda' also serve the function of making the same distinction as Corbyn's £80,000 figure... It's just a very different idea on how to retrieve the same money*...

    Especially when you take the breakdown of homeowner age into account...

    That would explain why the Tories are also dicking about with winter fuel payments and pensions...

    Doesn't make it any more appealing, but it's a realistic alternative...


    I prefer taxation upfront though. Repossession is macabre.

    *Well, not quite, but you can see what I'm getting at.
    "I didn't get it. BUUUUUUUUUUUT, you fucking do your thing." - Roujin
    Ninty Code: SW-7904-0771-0996

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