Politics of the Free - It’s because Democrats, stupid.
  • Walked out because he was asked about Flynn apparently.

    Such a bellend.
  • Sandy Hook shooting to some is now a conspiracy, faked by the Democratic Government to force stricter gun control.
    Shockingly red faced angry man Alex Jones ha got behind the theory.
    Even more shockingly, and I can't quite believe this is true, Trump is a Jones fan and has retweeted his stuff on several occasions.
  • So on that vid were trump walks out of the executive order signing;
    Before the election he said 'I can do presidential', well presidential seems to be walking with an odd gait and a look on his face like someone has just stuck their finger in his pooper.
    Live= sgt pantyfire    PSN= pantyfire
  • Sandy Hook shooting to some is now a conspiracy, faked by the Democratic Government to force stricter gun control. Shockingly red faced angry man Alex Jones ha got behind the theory. Even more shockingly, and I can't quite believe this is true, Trump is a Jones fan and has retweeted his stuff on several occasions. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-trending-39194035

  • GooberTheHat
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    Sandy Hook shooting to some is now a conspiracy, faked by the Democratic Government to force stricter gun control. Shockingly red faced angry man Alex Jones ha got behind the theory. Even more shockingly, and I can't quite believe this is true, Trump is a Jones fan and has retweeted his stuff on several occasions. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-trending-39194035

    But he's funny and shouty. Where's the harm?

    The guys an utter cunt, and anyone that supports him by listening to his podcasts or using his websites, or inviting him onto their TV shows needs to take a look at themselves. They are supporting a guy the claims the parents of murdered children are liars.
  • Kow
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    Jones does a good job of convincing people he's completely nuts when he appears on their podcasts - see recent Joe Rogan as good example. He's also entertaining. I have a feeling his sources feed him tons of bullshit and he just grabs it all. His and Jon Ronson's contrasting views on their shared experience of Bohemian Grove are a good indication of how his brain works.
  • Kow wrote:
    Jones does a good job of convincing people he's completely nuts when he appears on their podcasts - see recent Joe Rogan as good example. He's also entertaining. I have a feeling his sources feed him tons of bullshit and he just grabs it all. His and Jon Ronson's contrasting views on their shared experience of Bohemian Grove are a good indication of how his brain works.

    Gamertag: gremill
  • dynamiteReady
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    Don't worry everybody... He's going to fix North Korea nao...

    Sorry... "solve", even.
    "I didn't get it. BUUUUUUUUUUUT, you fucking do your thing." - Roujin
    Ninty Code: SW-7904-0771-0996
  • edit - heh, tin posted the same Day Today "War" clip in Brexit thread :-)
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Some dot-joining here, not much evidence for any of it, but potentially interesting.

  • Is Trump guilty of conspiring with the Russians?
    If you go by his character profile and past than yes, he's probably guilty. I'd say chances of him being guilty are 85-90%. It would be totally out of character for Trump NOT to capitalise on such a move, illegal or not. If he did conspire with the Russians he probably did it because....Why not? What are the chances of being caught if Trump himself was never in direct contact with the Russians? Assuming his inner circle keeps their mouths shut and the Russians as well, noone will ever know, right? Right? Fool proof plan methinks.....
    Only winning counts remember? You only lose if you get caught. Winning by any means necessary.

    Until, someone from his inner circle cracks. Or Putin decides he's done playing games with Trump.
    That's when we'll really start seeing cracks in the Trump administration.
    Steam: Ruffnekk
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  • I only read this thread for hunk's cogitations
  • *takes a bow*
    Steam: Ruffnekk
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  • hunk wrote:
    Until, someone from his inner circle cracks. Or Putin decides he's done playing games with Trump.

    My money is on the latter. Trump will do something to piss off Putin, possibly without thinking it matters, because Trump’s thinking is generally short term in nature. Quick wins, not the long game. Then Putin puts him in his place. And then Trump’s inner circle falls apart, followed by Trump himself.
  • If Trump conspired with the Russians Putin pwns Trump, and then some. That's what the whole investigation is about. In above scenario, Trump would not do anything without Putin's acknowledgement and approval because that's the deal. If he pisses off Putin in a twitter frenzy he'd be effectively ending his carreer......Unllikely but certainly not impossible considering this is Trump.

    Putin would really have to be pushed to give up such leverage over Trump. When push comes to shove he certainly won't hesitate to admit and brag about how he was the one who orchestrated Trump into power. Acknowledging this would not only make Putin look more powerful and influential, it would humiliate the US even more....

    Cold war? Cyber war round 1 goes to Putin.
    If Trump was stupid enough to conspire with the Russians, that is.
    Steam: Ruffnekk
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  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
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    Trump behind bars would be amazing
  • God I fucking hate Olberman's schtick.

  • Plot is now thick as pea soup.

    "What Russian ties?"
    "This is a normal business meeting and the US government should butt out!"

    Steam: Ruffnekk
    Windows Live: mr of unlocking
    Fightcade2: mrofunlocking
  • Still don't care about this Russia shit more the obviously awful shit.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    I care about any shit that could get Trump's tiny hands away from the button.
  • Peasoup smells like peaches of impeachment m'kay.......
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  • I'll wait for signs of Republicans in Congress that aren't McCain and Graham distancing themselves from him. This all seems like deniable noise, especially with Trump's aversion to chains of evidence.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    All it takes is for Trump to start looking like an electoral liability, and he's teetering on the edge of that.
  • Yossarian wrote:
    I care about any shit that could get Trump's tiny hands away from the button.

    I'm more concerned about an unopposed Pence presidency than Trump. That man is proper evil.
    Gamertag: gremill
  • What if.....

    Trump falls and Pence falls with him.
    Did Pence know of Trump's Russian dealings and ties? And if he did, did he just play along? Would the Republican party still trust him if that were the case?
    Lot's of wtff questions in this scenario.
    Steam: Ruffnekk
    Windows Live: mr of unlocking
    Fightcade2: mrofunlocking
  • Impeachment could be even more of a mess than this, especially with Fox News and talk radio still on his side.

    I wouldn't rule anything out, because it will be every man for himself and ideology going overboard, but I think it needs a smoking gun that hasn't appeared yet.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    It needs a smoking gun as long as republicans aren't scared of losing their seats. As soon as they are, they can sieze on any old shit.
  • I_R wrote:
    Impeachment could be even more of a mess than this, especially with Fox News and talk radio still on his side. I wouldn't rule anything out, because it will be every man for himself and ideology going overboard, but I think it needs a smoking gun that hasn't appeared yet.

    Doubt Trump would be impeached.
    I'm guessing he'd rather 'resign'  with face rather than be ceremonially impeached disgracefully.
    If it ever gets to that.
    Steam: Ruffnekk
    Windows Live: mr of unlocking
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  • I_R wrote:
    ...but I think it needs a smoking gun that hasn't appeared yet.
    I'm thinking grassy knolls, amirite?

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