GOTY 2016 - the real one
  • Great list Tempy. You may be nudging me towards sacking off the Switch and buying a laptop. Am I right that TW:W, DD and Witness are PC (and don't need stupid amounts of power)?
  • Doom marine wants to kill demons. This allows him to.
  • His aim is to kill demons so he is following orders because they allow him to kill demons. It just so happens that the orders are parealel to his aims. When told to uncouple the argent energy links he smashes them up so as not to preserve them, because he is more into killing demons than acting in the company's interests.

    That said most egregious example of them abandoning the 'he doesn't give a fuck' attitude is later on when he sits and listens to a long boring conversation. There's also the issue of the aims of one of the characters muddying the waters somewhat. I didn't care for that side of it anyway.

    As for sticking with it, I found I was well in synch just before the first hell level, but I played a higher difficulty so perhaps that titled it. I always found the weapons and monsters scaled well and that the challenge was complex but consistent, with a few spikes at Vega Processing and the final parts of Hell.
  • WorKid wrote:
    Great list Tempy. You may be nudging me towards sacking off the Switch and buying a laptop. Am I right that TW:W, DD and Witness are PC (and don't need stupid amounts of power)?

    Warhammer needs a lot of CPU grunt to run at high settings but i think it isn't well optimised. Witness is probably quite low impact, as is Darkest Dungeon.
  • Can someone else play Rive please.  It's fantastic, and also the only game I haven't considered moving around on my list.  It needs one more point to break into the top 22.
  • Fine.  The dialogue and references are too nuanced for the likes of you anyway.
  • Moot_Geeza wrote:
    Fine.  The dialogue and references are too nuanced for the likes of you anyway.

    i'll but it when it's cheap on PC
  • I'll buy it when it's cheaper on PS4. Truth be told, I meant to buy it during the sales, and forgot.
  • So that's Vela, Tempy and Andy on the hook, plus Nick said it looked like something he'd enjoy playing (then said he won't because he doesn't have time, then proved that he LIED about not having the time when he spent a month on Angry Bejeweled or something on his phone).  I consider that a success, my work is done.
  • Birdorf
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    Martin Bird
    U: Birdorf, 3DS: 4382 3173 0928

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    Infinifactory PS4 - Came out on PC last year, but I found it much better to play with a pad. One of the best games I’ve played. No, really.

    Earth Defence Force 4.1 - Clunky, glitchy, but mindless shooty fun.

    Lost Frontier iOS - As close to Advance Wars as I’ve played. Really simple mechanics and a nice upgrade system.

    Inside - Short, but so sweet.

    Assetto Corsa - PS4 - Best handling (with a wheel) ever, it’s just a shame the rest of it is a bit half-finished, although it's getting there now. Private lobbies have just been Submitted to Sony QA.

    Edit: I probably should have numbered them, but that's number 1 at the top. I'm not one of those weirdos that puts 5 at the top.
  • Im not one of them Birdorf...

    4. Dirt Rally
    3. The Last Guardian
    2. Forza Horizon 3
    1. Inside
    5. Dead Rising 4

    Noticed it was the last day of poll today so will add ramblings later.
    Live, PSN & WiiU: Yippeekiyey
  • 1) The Last Gaurdian. Yeah the cam can be almost at PS2 levels of joy to control, but no game has ever blessed me with such amazing connection to a npc before & I doubt, will ever again.

    2) Pokemon GO. It's basic, it's shallow, it's only really at 15% of the Niantics final vision, and now I've barely touched it for 2 months. Tho during those 20 odd weeks post launch I was all over this. I walked places in my city & surrounding area that I've not seen since I was a young'un, even some places I've never been to before in my hunt for nests. I've met new people(more so in the first few hype weeks). I've lost weight during my quest for more dust. I've left Pokes in all parts of this land when out on business or with the fam, feck this game has even made me trespass. The enthusiasm has of course wained(completed the Euro Dex ages ago maxed some decent IV 'mon), and even with Gen 2, poss pvp/trading & more events around the corner, I'm not sure I will jump back in, but for a fair few months, this game brought something new into my videogame world.

    3) Titanfall 2. Short(a blessing these days with my limited TV time), punchy, stunning campaign that just kept building in flow & ideas as it rolled on to the credits. Multi, tight as always.

    4) Dark souls 3. After benching 2 after a few sessions & not really getting any decent time with Bloodbourne, I was not sure on wether to take a punt. So glad I did, whilst it doesn't flow & link as smoothly as DS1, it was closer to that og feeling than DS2. Obviously better sound & visuals & no Blightown crawl helps, but locations, bosses & all that jazz were on point.

    5) Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE. I'm not a Hugh fan of Persona/SMT type games, I'm not a fan of J-Pop or all that idol shiz, but this game was a sleeper for me. That said lets go back to launch. Cancelled my spesh edition(darn fool) for the reasons above, pile of shame was teetering & time was a precious commodity. Thinking I'll pick it up on the cheap(darn fool returns, £37.99 for a 2nd hand copy) sometime in 2017 & give it some love before the Switch lands. Skip forward to now, & it's a beaut. Sure it has those limited location maps & re-use dungeons that are Persona/SMT staple & yes it's your standard JRPG trope ridden story line, but with a solid battle system, with FE elements thrown at it in the form of the weapons/weapon triangle, the characters(Performas) the level up system, & the tunes & soundbites, it Sunk itself straight to my heart. A fantastic bringing together of 2 very different games, became a gem & one of my games of the year.

    Nods & claps to Uncharted 4, Poke Sun, Bravely Second, Overwatch & Fates.

    Wanted to give this more justice, but as usual I've left it late(missed last years, was not going 2 for 2), I'm on my phone & ferrying my daughter around for the evening.
  • Moot_Geeza wrote:
    So that's Vela, Tempy and Andy on the hook, plus Nick said it looked like something he'd enjoy playing (then said he won't because he doesn't have time, then proved that he LIED about not having the time when he spent a month on Angry Bejeweled or something on his phone).  I consider that a success, my work is done.

    I put you on the hook in the first place! Just waiting for a Switch version to be confirmed or denied.
    "Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness." ― Terry Pratchett
  • Can I please vote tomorrow
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    I'd like to play Rive

    That aside, a lot of people making wrong choices, a lot of opinions I can safely ignore in the future. Eg Cosby, with his shambles of a list.
  • TheDJR wrote:
    Can I please vote tomorrow

    Yes. Might have to charge you a late submission fee though. Hmmm, how does £3.99 sound to you?
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • Hahaha
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • We all know he's putting Virginia top, so just put him down for that.
  • Bollockoff
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    Yeah , my 3rd slot goes to Superhot.

  • Andy wrote:
    Yeah, Face, you're not even close to forming your own opinions. Sheesh.

    Oh shut up.
  • 1. XCOM 2
    2. Overwatch
    3. The Last Guardian
    4. Hitman
    5. Dark Souls 3
  • regmcfly
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    Hitman love represent
  • Dark Soldier
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    TheDJR wrote:
    1. XCOM 2 2. Overwatch 3. The Last Guardian 4. Hitman 5. Dark Souls 3

    Dan, what. Dan?

    Also Borderlands 2 should be 1st overall.
  • Olimite
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    Olimite Too

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    If I could have voted for it I would have.
  • Andy wrote:
    Yeah, Face, you're not even close to forming your own opinions. Sheesh.
    Oh shut up.
    I'll give it due considera... no u.
  • I am leaning more to division with every day.
    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • bad_hair_day
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    Bad Hair Day

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    Elf, when can we expect the final results, I need the excitement?
    retroking1981: Fuck this place I'm off to the pub.

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