Superhero Films: Will They Ever Take Off?
  • I think the problem with the DC films is that they’ve given control of them to people who fundamentally don’t understand the characters or why/how they work in the right context.

    That they’ve managed to get it right with so much of their TV output shows that they are capable of producing the goods in terms of tone, content and Dan service. Why they didn’t just put Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg and Geoff Johns in charge of the whole DCEU is one of the stupidest decisions they’ve made. That stupidity is typified in their casting of a completely different Flash in the films compared to the TV stuff. Why make it so confusing for non-fanboys?

    I love DC comics over Marvel every day, but fuck those films - they’re unwatchable.
    Gamertag: gremill
  • Dan Service is an outstanding talent. Should be playing Superman in the movies.
  • It really is a shame that they've fucked it so royally. Even in Justice League there were flashes of the characters working. I thought they had finally started to figure out the Superman thing.
  • monkey wrote:
    Dan Service is an outstanding talent. Should be playing Superman in the movies.

    Gamertag: gremill
  • Getting the TV people in would be an incredible admission of failure.
  • Marvel: might well take off
    DC: will never take off

  • I_R wrote:
    Getting the TV people in would be an incredible admission of failure.

    I think that’s part of the problem though - this culture that says that TV is inferior to the almighty cinema. When even relatively throwaway soap opera (but hugely enjoyable nonetheless) series like The Flash, Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow are considerably better than the biggest budget films in recent year then at what point do you swallow humble pie and try and rescue the situation? It’ll never happen though - Hollywood execs and humbleness(?) are mutually exclusive concepts.
    Gamertag: gremill
  • I don't think there's a culture of TV being inferior these days, just as you say, execs fucking it by seeing Marvel and wanting the same big return without the work.

    TV isn't the guaranteed money spinner that a blockbuster franchise is - well, DC thought that until they shafted themselves massively by taking huge shortcuts.
  • I_R wrote:
    Getting the TV people in would be an incredible admission of failure.

    It would, but taking some time to understand why the TV versions work, and the movie versions don’t, would probably help.  (Of course, saying the TV versions “work” is overstating things a bit - they have smaller budgets, playing to lesser audiences, and at their best they are still disposable fluff but...  They’re still much better than the DC movies any present.)

    The first thing the TV shows understood was the need to course correct when it’s not working.  The first season of Legends of Tomorrow is one of the worst bits of TV I’ve seen.  Subsequent series however are a delight to watch - purely because they realised they had a concept sop ridiculous that playing po-faced and straight was never going to work, and leant hard into enjoying the silliness.  (Punching Nazis! Saving George Lucas from space men!  Saving Barack Obama from a giant psychic gorilla! Etc etc). It’s a show so unconcerned with jumping sharks that it strapped them to its feet and used them as water skis.

    Beyond that though, the TV shows essentially work as soap opera, and whilst that can’t easily transfer to the Big Screen, the central conceit of actually giving your characters some, well, character can, and does.

    Which is where I disagree with Miller.  I kind of get his point.  Marvel’s heroes are easier to characterise, in that each one generally represents something familiar to their audience.  Spidey is teen angst personified, Hulk is a walking metaphor for anger issues, the X-Men are any oppressed minority, etc etc.  DC’s heroes are generally regarded as emblematic of abstracts rather than experience.  Superman is positivity, hope, patriotism; Wonder Woman is femininity and truth and so on.  They’re harder to handle.

    Except.  Prior to the movies I would have said Captain America was just a blank slate of patriotic jingoism, Iron Man was just rich wanker wish fulfilment and Thor was a joke.  The idea that DC’s properties aren’t “characters” and Marvel’s are is only true in the sense that DC has singularly failed to provide any characterisation for them.  Because they employed a director who has consistently created glittering empty vessels.  They’ve employed writers that haven’t understood the characters they’re writing or what they represent.  (When they have - Wonder Woman for instance - the films have been better received, even if they’re still less than perfect.). The biggest disappointment for me with DC’s output is that the world could probably really do with a decent Superman movie right now, but they’ve instead made just another bunch of films about a brooding arsehole who can do magic.  (Hell, I don’t even like Superman, but the Donner films show he can be done right.)

    If the problem with the DC movies was really that their characters aren’t based on personality, but their superpower, it would be a piece of piss to fix.  Just do what Marvel did - give them a personality.

    The problem with the DC movies is simple and obvious.  They’re opportunistic shit made with an eye wholly on the bottom line with little or no love for the properties they represent.  (Marvel/Disney are every bit as interested in making cookie cutter money generators, but I suspect Feige et al have realised what DC haven’t, which is that for them to keep being profitable you have to protect what people loved about the characters in the first place.)
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Arrow is shite, even by my pretty forgiving standards for supertrash.
  • regmcfly
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    It's too late lads
    The roadmap is up

    See you in Justice League 2
  • I would rather they remain amusingly shit than improve slightly and become dull trash like the TV shows.
  • Tempy wrote:
    gRiM dArK rEaCtS oNlY @roujin


    Of the opinion that you can't male a decent 40k film. I love the lore, but if I stand back and try to imagine someone looking at 40k for the first time the whole thing is just too ridiculous to put into a self contained film.

    Getting into 40k is like being an atheist, then one day your friend convinces you church isn't what you think and so you go along and then you slowly get converted a bit at a time without reaising, until you know it to be the one ultimate truth but everyone around is looking at you like you are a raving lunatic when you talk about it.

    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."
  • I loved the 40k lore as a teenager but looking back it really feels like that's about the only market it could truly tap into. A future where mankind has to be oppressed by psychic Hitler to survive aliens, dissenters and actual hell. Not really appealing any more.
    SFV - reddave360
  • Seconded. The judgement is passed. Custodes, seize that man, he is clearly a xenos sympathizer!
    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."
  • Well done guys, you made the super hero thread on a games forum look nerdier.
  • At least we don't need to wonder if 40k will ever take off, because it's real.
  • Just started Batman (1989).
    7 minutes in and we have had the origins and a Prince track.

    This is how you make DC films.
  • Well done guys, you made the super hero thread on a games forum look nerdier.

    This is quite literally impossible, it's like you want me to come in here and start saying how I wish instead of the MCU being a thing that I would rather The Lexx came back, ignored season 4 where they found earth and made that shit non-canon and went back to the adventures of campy, innuendo, softcore sci-fi misfits having space adventures.

    Which I would.

    Imho Mahvel and DC can suck it compared to 2000AD and then the standalone stuff like Watchmen, V for Vendetta, etc. Both of which despite having their flaws are more interesting as movies than Marvel/DC films. I'm waiting on someone to try their hand at The Filth.

    That's not to take anything away from Marvel or DC, they have decent stuff, but for me they seem to exist in a place where they just cannibalize themselves these days, so many reboots, crossovers, alternate reality what-ifs mini series, etc.

    If anything 40k becomes the collected works of Shakespeare if its to compared it to marvel, which in comparison would be akin some naughty woodcut by a drunk monk crudely showing the local baroness' side boob or something.

    I will now casually walk away from the raging bonfire of a post I have left behind me.
    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."
  • Interesting footnote from a podcast I was listening too

    The Horus Heresy was invented so GW could sell a version of Epic/Space Marine with only one set of forces instead of two.

    Now it's a 50+ novel series that underpins every part of 40k and has its own dedicated rules team for the 30k historial variant.

  • I used to collect the Orks because they were the best.
  • monkey wrote:
    I used to collect the Orks because my parents were loaded.

    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."
  • Orks is, indeed, best
  • Gorkamorka is a testament to the bestness.
    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."
  • regmcfly
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    Wtf lads this is the aquaman thread take ur shitty tolkeins somewhere else xox
  • nah it's Rouj & Tempy town now
  • regmcfly
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    Forget it Horus. It's tempytown now

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