The Last Jedi & Episode 9 - Discussion and SPOILERS (that means stay out if you have not seen it)
  • Ah yeah, forgot about that.
    A weak link for about an hour's worth of film mind.
  • Other things I liked.
    The opening space battle was fantastic, Kylo Ren's space bit was also great (ignoring floating Leia at the end).
    Snoke getting offed was a surprise but welcome, peaces things really open.
    BB-8 doing almost everything.
    Evil BB-8.
    Phasma actually fighting, I don't think that will be the end of her either.
  • I liked a bunch from the film but it was very uneven for me, tone all over the place. I didn't find the opening comedy phone call funny and so that put me on the back foot really.
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • I find Phasma to be an intriguing character who manages to be pretty cool without really doing anything...

    It is almost like they don’t actually know what to do with her. Or are they playing some form of long game with her, intending her to have a larger role in the third film?

    My only concern is that they are actively trying to create a new Boba Fett style character.
    Gamertag: aaroncupboard (like the room where you keep towels)
  • MattyJ wrote:
    wtf was that tick?!

    A fairly typical ableist trope.
  • I think Phasma just exists in these films so they scan spin her off into some side stories...they're trying to engineer a new Boba Fett type cult figure they can then milk, without any real idea or plan on how she fits in these movies.

    It is weird how divisive this movie is, in so many different ways.  Initially I was fairly sure the differences stemmed from what you thought of the Luke story, but that the rest of the movie would kind of play the same for everyone.  But it's like everyone has managed to find different bits they like or dislike, and their own rival with the opposite views.
    "Like i said, context is missing."
  • A friend of mine saw this for the second time yesterday and says he enjoyed it far more and now considers it better than the prequels.

    High praise indeed.
  • jdanielp
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    MattyJ wrote:
    I liked a bunch from the film but it was very uneven for me, tone all over the place. I didn't find the opening comedy phone call funny and so that put me on the back foot really.

  • 1/Ditch the slow mo chase - have the rebellion hold up in mines throughout. The empire slowly wearing down the wall. The rebellions literal last stand- Leah struggles to keep up moral as more and more of the rebellion find there way out of the mine and defect to the empire. Perhaps chalking off their dwindling numbers as the film progresses.

    2/ Rey and Luke. Keep much of this but get some more action into it! Have Luke continually best Rey in light sabre duels with various improvised weapons to show his mastery: Rey has the sabre but Luke won't touch it. Make more of the lessons (kill bill 2 stylee) she learns enough but still can't persuade him to join the fight

    3/Do the Vegas planet thing but do it right- make it Dubai planet; some extreme example of wealth and engineering in the most hostile place also highlight the super rich living at the expense of underclass- Poe really inspires seeds of rebellion here. Perhaps set up for episode 9 appearance 

    4/ Klyo mercs Snoke early doors after he mocks him. Takes control. Rey and Kylo battle it out in front of the mine but he beats her. Last minute suprise appearance by Luke who saves her, destroys the walkers and kicks serious ass but then Does and Obi-wan and disappear dies. Rey goes crazy (perhaps Vader " Nooooo") and battle commences but is a stalemate. The rebellion escapes but is severely depleted.
    Ps4:MrSpock1980J     XBL-360: Jadgey      
    Things are looking up for my penis.
  • As much as I disliked the whole casino section, I did wallow in the spectacle of the various races, the riff on cantina music and the introduction of new species. There was a lot going on in the casino to just gawp at, which has always been part of the appeal of sci-fi. That spectacle will have a similar visual impact on kids that the Mos Eisley cantina did for us.
  • I quite liked this review from FilmCritHulk which pretty much chimes with my reasons for liking the film.  (I totally understand why loads of you hate it, but for me the coarse correction of what Star Wars is, and what it's about, is enough to off-set some shit jokes and plot holes.  I suspect it's also, ultimately, what has really pissed some people off as well.)
  • I'm fine with the themes that the casino planet was about. Force for all and that, sure. It's just that the entire section was rubbish.

    Acting Admiral Purple Hair would have avoided all of that by actually explaining the plan properly. But no, she knew Poe was a dickhead who does stupid shit and pushes him into doing some more stupid shit rather than contrasting his idiotic bombing run with escaping to the planet undetected and getting re-enforcements.
  • tin_robot wrote:
    I quite liked this review from FilmCritHulk which pretty much chimes with my reasons for liking the film.  (I totally understand why loads of you hate it, but for me the coarse correction of what Star Wars is, and what it's about, is enough to off-set some shit jokes and plot holes.  I suspect it's also, ultimately, what has really pissed some people off as well.)

    I found this review to be pure tat.

    Poe’s arc vs. Laura Dern’s characterization is a prime example. The way the film plays with audience expectations with her is never a “ta-da! surprised you, didn’t I!?” It’s what most good turns do in that they make you slap your forehead and go “of course!” Poe’s mutiny was always misguided, him repeating the mistakes of the past. And so the narrative turn played right into his arc beautifully. And holy hell, does she get a triumphant moment as a result… the silent cut.

    Err... Poe's arc made no sense at all. He started off moronic for no reason at all. His being moron felt forced, and him "learning" at the end - quoting holdo's facile spark phrase, was equally forced. By then they had lost so many of their junky vehicles, what was the point in turning back? Surely once you set off - and set off with no plan for air support btw, you've made the decision to go for a last ditch fight. But no, some time after setting off, and after losing half his vehicles, Poe's arc must be shown to have come to a close. I found it coarse, patronising, and annoying. Even more so on a second viewing
  • Ditto Asian girl magically breaking the laws of physics and crashing into Finn. On a second viewing it pissed me off. They show her driving back, the opposite way. So was Finn going at half the speed limit? How did she catch up to him?

    Things like that underpin the entire film. The space battles made no sense. The space chase made no sense. It was all so utterly forced. I genuinely think only the acting /performances save this from.being no better than RoTS.
  • Finn was being slowed by the ram ray thing. That is why he lifted the stablizer prong thing as it was adding drag.
  • Is that the ray that shoots death star technology laser that
    disintegrates the side of the vehicle? But what it does to the cockpit is slow it down some? That makes total sense! What a retard I was not to understand that dive!
  • That also makes him more of a moron then. Go alongside it and turn in at the last minute.
  • No, he must go headlong yelling allahu Akbar. That's his arc, see. He starts off wanting to save Rey and himself and being a scaredy cat. Then he wants to play craps. But come the end he is willing to sacrifice himself pointlessly.

    Amazing! This is what we killed off Han and Luke for, these idiots.

    Don't get me started on bb8. It wouldn't have surprised me if one of the at-ats at the end merked all but kylo's walker, then at at finished him off with some casino slots.

  • And Yoda... Silly Yoda from ESB who was only silly to test Luke, is now permanently silly. Acting like a goon, willing Luke to burn the books. All of the original trilogy characters, bar Han, have been mindfucked just to tell the audience "forget about us, we're rebooting". If it had been done with skill, I would not mind. But it is so poor and transparent. It's quite offensive.
  • The ray is charging up so isn't at full power yet, he was going head long into it because he needed a direct shot into the barrel of it at the right moment.
    It's all in the film.
  • Loved this film. During moment I was watching it, I was really enjoying it.
  • That also makes him more of a moron then. Go alongside it and turn in at the last minute.
    To be fair, the point of that scene is that Finn's being a moron.  It's a film about morons learning not to be morons.  (Though I'd agree that it's an act of Prometheus level stupidity, and is really only being done like that to make it clear that he's ramming the cannon thing - because it was clearly felt that the audience were morons too.)
    legaldinho wrote:
    Err... Poe's arc made no sense at all. He started off moronic for no reason at all. His being moron felt forced, and him "learning" at the end - quoting holdo's facile spark phrase, was equally forced. By then they had lost so many of their junky vehicles, what was the point in turning back? Surely once you set off - and set off with no plan for air support btw, you've made the decision to go for a last ditch fight. But no, some time after setting off, and after losing half his vehicles, Poe's arc must be shown to have come to a close. I found it coarse, patronising, and annoying. Even more so on a second viewing

    Poe doesn't start off moronic for no reason.  He starts off as the same crazy maverick flyboy that he was in Force Awakens.  (And that we've seen in a million other movies)  It's just that in the real world, crazy maverick flyboys doing their own thing because they think they know better are morons.  

    As for what's the point in turning back - they set off expecting to get to the planet undetected, not as a last ditch attempt.  They're then also expecting the heavily fortified base to offer some protection, because they're unaware of the Order's magical ramming cannon thing.  The plan is to hold off until they can get help.  They run only once it's clear that they actually can't defend the base and that help isn't coming.  They then decide that having some of them survive is vastly preferable to suicide by First Order.  Poe and Finn both learn the lesson.  

    I completely understand finding it coarse and patronising (and appreciate everything I've just written probably comes across the same way).  But I found it refreshing, rather than annoying.  I'm really bored of movies in which arrogant wankers save the world with the power of their enormous egos, and liked having a bloody great Blockbuster that suggested there might be a better way of doing things.  

    Ignoring all the (many) plot holes and irritations, I kind of wonder whether people's reactions to the film ultimately come down to how they respond to that idea.  Though that might just be me.

    Also, I've only seen it the once, and reserve the right to completely change my mind when I inevitably see it again...
  • Yoda was trolling Luke - Rey had already nicked the books.
  • The ray is charging up so isn't at full power yet, he was going head long into it because he needed a direct shot into the barrel of it at the right moment.
    It's all in the film.

    I get that he needs a direct shot into the barrel of it. You don't need to go through the powering up ray that is apparently slowing him down to do so. This is in fact an idiots plan.

    He should angle in, or go alongside it (it won't move) then turn in so that he's only in the path of the ray for a brief time. This means he isn't taking damage, and gets there quicker leaving less chance for the thing to power up and destroy him before he destroys it.
  • Just back. Fucking loved it.

    I'm sure it's easy to micro-analyse and pick holes in but it's a film about space wizards. I might go again between Xmas and New Year.
  • Nah. I don't think it really matters which way Finn goes in a film - straight ahead, cut in, put his hazard lights on....he's trying to make a dramatic sacrifice to save his friends - I'll accept some dramatic license in a film.
    What's stupid is his other friend crashing into him at high speed in decrepit old hover rockets to stop him doing that, where there's a very high chance of killing both of them, plus then not saving anybody.  That's not dramatic license, it's just stupidity and inconsistency that snaps you out of the moment.
    Fair enough if she convinces Finn that it's better to live another day than be a gungho flyboy who wants to kill himself to try to save many....crashing into him by being a gungho flygirl seems to undermine the lesson.
    "Like i said, context is missing."
  • It's all in the film.
    You could say this in reply to most of the complaints. The answers are right there, if you stop blustering and pay attention.
  • I didn't like seeing bad Ade Edmondson though.
  • GooberTheHat
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    Yoda was trolling Luke - Rey had already nicked the books.

    Yup, he would have known that.
  • tin_robot wrote:
    That also makes him more of a moron then. Go alongside it and turn in at the last minute.
    To be fair, the point of that scene is that Finn's being a moron.  It's a film about morons learning not to be morons.  (Though I'd agree that it's an act of Prometheus level stupidity, and is really only being done like that to make it clear that he's ramming the cannon thing - because it was clearly felt that the audience were morons too.)
    legaldinho wrote:
    Err... Poe's arc made no sense at all. He started off moronic for no reason at all. His being moron felt forced, and him "learning" at the end - quoting holdo's facile spark phrase, was equally forced. By then they had lost so many of their junky vehicles, what was the point in turning back? Surely once you set off - and set off with no plan for air support btw, you've made the decision to go for a last ditch fight. But no, some time after setting off, and after losing half his vehicles, Poe's arc must be shown to have come to a close. I found it coarse, patronising, and annoying. Even more so on a second viewing

    Poe doesn't start off moronic for no reason.  He starts off as the same crazy maverick flyboy that he was in Force Awakens.  (And that we've seen in a million other movies)  It's just that in the real world, crazy maverick flyboys doing their own thing because they think they know better are morons.  

    As for what's the point in turning back - they set off expecting to get to the planet undetected, not as a last ditch attempt.  They're then also expecting the heavily fortified base to offer some protection, because they're unaware of the Order's magical ramming cannon thing.  The plan is to hold off until they can get help.  They run only once it's clear that they actually can't defend the base and that help isn't coming.  They then decide that having some of them survive is vastly preferable to suicide by First Order.  Poe and Finn both learn the lesson.  

    I completely understand finding it coarse and patronising (and appreciate everything I've just written probably comes across the same way).  But I found it refreshing, rather than annoying.  I'm really bored of movies in which arrogant wankers save the world with the power of their enormous egos, and liked having a bloody great Blockbuster that suggested there might be a better way of doing things.  

    Ignoring all the (many) plot holes and irritations, I kind of wonder whether people's reactions to the film ultimately come down to how they respond to that idea.  Though that might just be me.

    Also, I've only seen it the once, and reserve the right to completely change my mind when I inevitably see it again...

    I just don't know how you can say that makes sense. They set off expecting help to come? And two minutes later they figure no help is coming and turn around? I'm talking about Poe attacking the ram thing. How can anyone defend that sequence? It's utterly moronic. It makes no sense except to set up Poe for the forced, completely unsubtle "see now movie goers I have learned my lesson I have completed my arc."

    Is this the high bar we are all delighted star wars is aiming for?


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