The Last Jedi & Episode 9 - Discussion and SPOILERS (that means stay out if you have not seen it)
  • b0r1s
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    Probably soya drinking cunt.
  • b0r1s
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    Should’ve known
  • I imagine this is a similar reaction to when JJ got given Star Trek, a franchise he didn't care about and trampled plenty of, just so he could get Star Wars.
  • I fucking hate JJ Abrams Adventures In Space.
  • b0r1s
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    I enjoyed the Star Trek reboot. I wouldn’t say he trampled. He decided to side step, but that felt it was done in a Trek way. And I enjoyed most of the characters in it. The sequels admittedly had diminishing returns.
  • I really liked JJ’s Trek movie. The first one, I mean. I think he nailed the correct tone for that. Just enough lens flare too.
  • Tempy wrote:
    I imagine this is a similar reaction to when JJ got given Star Trek, a franchise he didn't care about and trampled plenty of, just so he could get Star Wars.

    Yeah but only morons care about star trek, THIS IS STAR WARS GODDAMIT
  • I think he tramped things that people felt were important, just like people claim Rian has down with Star Wars. Conversely I like Old Trek and Nu Trek, and and Old Wars and Nu Wars. I do have criticism for all the olds and nus. I guess I am, ultimately, an idiot who can't decide what I like.
  • b0r1s
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    Bloody hell Tempy. Stop being so balanced. Can’t you just have a view and stick to it regardless?
  • Nah, I am like Chidi from The Good Place

  • Dark Soldier
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    I liked Star Trek: Lens Flare, can't remember any of it though.
  • I liked the first, not the second, then liked the third again but it was getting into B-tier sci-fi movie territory by that point (like the TNG evil Picard clone film that ended the series the last time around).
  • EvilRedEye
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    Star Trek 2009 was the start of a new sub-series of Star Trek films though. And when JJ buggered off for Star Wars it didn't really affect much about Beyond. TLJ is the second of a trilogy in a series where trilogies have tended to be consistent in tone etc. It's a rare instance where I'm not willing to bear in mind that a particular dude was the director.

    I do wonder if there's a 'trying to run before you can walk' aspect to TLJ. RJ was attempting to make a more novel Star Wars without having made one before and consequently seems to have struggled to absolutely nail it.
    "ERE's like Mr. Muscle, he loves the things he hates"
  • One of the best things about this film is that the Emo Kylo Ren Twitter account is active again.

  • monkey wrote:
    I know this sounds slightly nerd-ragey but RJ does seem to have a contempt for a lot of the star wars baggage that fans expect. Contrast with JJ who absolutely loved playing around with all the usual toys and tricks. To be fair, any half-decent film maker probably should have contempt for a fixed template that should contain x,y and z and must feature characters doing this, that and the other. But then someone who felt like that perhaps shouldn't decide to make a star wars movie. He must have thought he was doing a Casino Royale with it and throwing away a load of old embarrassing baggage and cruft. Instead it was a Batman & Robin.

    Anyway, it creates a very deflating feeling. It's one thing to not have these old elements in there. But he can't help himself but tease the audience into thinking they might be then fuck you, you're not getting any of that, here's something whack instead.
    Monkey gets it.

    I got to the end of the casino sequence last night before going to bed. The design is as dull as dishwater. I get no sense of the planet. It all takes place in darkness and the whole thing is just boring. My STILL under construction website
    PSN : superflyninja
  • It's not cool to talk about a different movie on the TLJ thread. Why don't you haters start a separate "the version of TLJ wot I made up in my head" thread?
  • I see you’ve followed the thread about as well as you followed the film. Impressive.
  • Lol
    Andy wrote:
    It's all in the film.
    You could say this in reply to most of the complaints. The answers are right there, if you stop blustering and pay attention.
    Andy wrote:
    Syph79 wrote:
    If you didn't see it, it doesn't mean I made it up.

    Funny that it keeps coming back to this.
    Andy wrote:
    Skondo wrote:’s my opinion...

    The universal get-out, these days.

    If it’s incoherent, people wouldn’t be able to understand it, or follow its plot. And yet we can. If you can’t, I’m afraid that’s on you.

    I quite like these responses to this that Andy totally ignored - he hid for a couple of pages and came back like a bonehead.
    Andy wrote:
    Skondo wrote:’s my opinion...

    The universal get-out, these days.

    If it’s incoherent, people wouldn’t be able to understand it, or follow its plot. And yet we can. If you can’t, I’m afraid that’s on you.
    monkey wrote:
    Andy wrote:
    Skondo wrote:’s my opinion...

    The universal get-out, these days.

    If it’s incoherent, people wouldn’t be able to understand it, or follow its plot. And yet we can. If you can’t, I’m afraid that’s on you.
    Incoherent doesn’t mean incomprehensible.

    stopharage wrote:
    Synonyms for incoherent - unclear, confused, muddled, unintelligible, incomprehensible, hard to follow, disjointed, disconnected, unconnected, disordered, mixed up, garbled, jumbled, scrambled. 

    I enjoyed TLJ a great deal, but it's pretty obvious that it's incoherent in parts. Saying that it's incoherence is down to the viewer is absolving the filmmakers of some pretty shoddy elements.

    Andy hid from the thread for about three pages after that last post. But was back soon, blathering away, telling everyone how his niece is smarter than them, reminding us how big a star Harrison Ford was when he was cast in ANH.

    Oh Andy.

  • Dark Soldier
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    your missus must be dry as hell cos ur doin ur best fuckin in here lad
  • She's out in town with her mates darksie. SHE'S FAITHFUL TO ME STFU
  • A few things, Gonz.

    First of all, those posts are pointing out things that you missed, not things that you made up in your head.

    Second of all, it was davyK who suggested that Harrison Ford was a big star; I’m one of the ones who pointed out that he wasn’t. I did notice your snide remark afterwards, and wondered if you’d made exactly that mistake.

    I’m sure the irony of another failure of your comprehension won’t fail to escape you here. By all means, continue to call me a moron, but your staggeringly stubborn ignorance in this thread has truly been a delight.

    It is noted that the main thrust of your argument, once again, isn’t actually to counter any points, but to have a dig at me regarding your perception that I’m a coward. Again, well done.

    I’m sure most would argue that I’ve already spent waaay too much time in this thread, and have posted waaay too much. I’m really sorry I had the bare faced cheek to go to work and have a life and failed to respond to the point.

    I would argue that people generally use incoherent in the way I interpreted it in that post. I’d also argue that it came amongst many posts that made the point I was countering. Clearly, though, that’s not what the writer of that specific post meant. I apologise for the confusion.
  • I didn't call you a moron mate. I mean, I do think you are one, but until this post I didn't call you one. I just don't like bullies, and you are a moronic fucking bully, plain and simple. You've been bullying and patronising posters itt for having the temerity to have an opinion, to question the plot, the coherence and whatever, and you LITERALLY said they were dumber than your fucking infant niece. Why don't you go away and reflect about that a while.
  • Page 12, fella.
    legaldinho wrote:
    Andy wrote:
    legaldinho wrote:
    This guy gets it
    That’s about as far away from getting it as it’s possible to be.
    Yeah but that's coming from you, and that means two things: 1) it's the view of a moron 2) it's the view of a moron who wants to pick a fight on the internet if he gets up on the wrong side of the bed that morning Rest assured, I skipped all of your posts itt m8, and will continue to do so. Just do yourself a favour and skip mine * Luke to c3po wink.gif
  • I need that gif, where is it. WHERE IS IT INTERNETS
  • Anyway, page 12 was a month ago, and I guess since then I have been my own kind of bully. I'm just gonna let it go here. O think this film is ok. It has its flaws. It's definitely not worth calling someone names per the internet. I'm gonna apologise to Andy and leave this matter for now.
  • Well I apologised before that post, and PMed. At least I feel now if you accept the apology I won't feel quite as bad. :)

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