Destiny 2 - Developed by Bungie
  • It really does play so lovely. I remember it taking an absolute age to load between orbit and landing and even opening the menus took about 10 seconds from pressing the button to being able to see my gear.
    Now it's silky smooth and loads so rapidly. I can't wait to play some more
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.
  • Verecocha wrote:
    Apologies if this is already covered ground, but I was a bit perplexed even for Destiny when I went back in, now the Series X patch is out. After a cutscene I was on a snowy planet and the enemies were immune to all my weapons and oneshotting me, so I backed out to yon moon and it seems everything needs you to be 1050+ and I'm only 970. Am I missing something?

    You're wearing a Halloween mask, Masqueraders Helm, which is a 0 item. CHange it for any other helmet. brilliant.

    Oh yeah, that was what happened to me as well . The opening cutscene was amazing, I was like "who the fuck is this character?"

    And then realised it was me. With my jokes mask

    Don't wank. Zinc in your sperms
  • The first few missions were actually a challenge with base gear on. Had a few restarts. Then a legendary scout dropped with firefly and some other mad perks and I was unstoppable and I just glazed over.
  • This does indeed look lovely, also HDR was off be default, just FYI you can switch it on in options if you have it. I will say I’ve noticed loads of random pop in enemies for the first time, but think that might have been server load issues since everyone would have jumped online with new shiny upgrade.

    I started a new character on this last night (stopped midway through forsaken last time, didn’t get much further than that).

    So I can still play single player stuff from before? Or can I just do some basic missions and forsaken now? Base Destiny 2 just...gone?
  • I dunno I tapped out before I bothered to check.
  • So I can still play single player stuff from before? Or can I just do some basic missions and forsaken now? Base Destiny 2 just...gone?

    Yup, the vanilla D2 campaign, the Curse of Osiris Campaign, and the Warmind campaign are all gone. 

    Start a new character now and you're limited to a New Light questline that starts you off in the Cosmodrome (and is accessible to everyone from the kiosk to the left of the postmaster in the tower), the Strike, Gambit, and Crucible playlists, and fucking around on the patrol zones. Plus you'll have your Forsaken content.

    The other paid expansions; Shadowkeep and Beyond Light, come with their own campaigns and a variety of other activities, and are included with Xbox Gamepass. Seasonal content is on top of this.
  • I still love the game, but I have zero interest in playing it right now. It's gonna take me a while to accept the state of things with sunsetting and all that content removed, and even longer to build up the willingness to grind to the hard cap.
  • So I can still play single player stuff from before? Or can I just do some basic missions and forsaken now? Base Destiny 2 just...gone?

    Yup, the vanilla D2 campaign, the Curse of Osiris Campaign, and the Warmind campaign are all gone. 

    Start a new character now and you're limited to a New Light questline that starts you off in the Cosmodrome (and is accessible to everyone from the kiosk to the left of the postmaster in the tower), the Strike, Gambit, and Crucible playlists, and fucking around on the patrol zones. Plus you'll have your Forsaken content.

    The other paid expansions; Shadowkeep and Beyond Light, come with their own campaigns and a variety of other activities, and are included with Xbox Gamepass. Seasonal content is on top of this.

    Ah... that’s a bold stance to take... I mean I bought destiny 2 and now can’t actually play the campaign?

    I suppose I don’t mind jumping straight into forsaken, since I didn’t complete it, and played the campaign twice before. It’s just very weird to lock out such a huge bit of content I already owned but that’s the nature of live online games I guess.

    Am a bit loathed to spend £20 on shadowkeep and another 35 on beyond light. There’s no ‘bundle edition’ or anything I guess these days?

    Edit: Ignore me, after just checking they’ve reduced the price of both by quite a bit. Guess I’m jumping back in!

    Oh and thank you very much for the info stormy!
  • My Warlock was halfway through the Curse of Osiris campaign. She'll never know how it turned out. I don't think she missed much - it was dull in the extreme. Pretty though.
  • Curse of Osiris was D2's lowest point, without doubt. It made me drop the game for the best part of a year.

    @cosmic No worries, and aye, it's rough. I get why it had to happen - this game wasn't designed to be expanded on forever, and to continue to build on D2 (rather than ditch everything and move on to D3) some content had to be "vaulted". I get it. But I don't like it.

    Forsaken is great though, and all the post-campaign activities in the Dreaming City are well worth looking into. If it's at all possible, I'd advise leaving that location until you discover it at the end of the campaign. The way it's just wide open without any context since New Light kinda kills the magic.
  • Oh cool, will do. Was just mucking around with a new character last night on erf so will just continue there and do straight story first. Guess there is some story stuff for freebies players, then move onto forsaken, shadowkeep and beyond light missions in order.

    Usually that nets enough XP and cool gear to get into the strikes. I've only played PVP once before and have never even touched a raid, yet according to my trophy list I played 650+ of Destiny 1, and over 55 hours of Destiny 2. So am sure there's enough there to keep me busy!

    I didn't mind Curse of osiris or warmind, thought they were ok. The problem is I'm very easily pleased because just 'playing' destiny is itself amazing. If they just kept that old prison of elders open and giving new guns forever I would never leave.
  • It does feel fantastic to play, those shooting mechanics are so damn sweet and I adore the world they've created.

    I enjoyed Warmind as well when I finally got around to it, the design language, the music, the weapons and armour, Escalation Protocol and the Whisper, just great.

    Dammit this is making me wanna carry on with Beyond Light.
  • Crossplay next year, that'll be nice.
  • It does feel fantastic to play, those shooting mechanics are so damn sweet and I adore the world they've created. I enjoyed Warmind as well when I finally got around to it, the design language, the music, the weapons and armour, Escalation Protocol and the Whisper, just great. Dammit this is making me wanna carry on with Beyond Light.

    If it helps it's currently on sale till the 14th... I got Shadowkeep for £6 and 25% off BL.

    Wait, crossplay? With PC players? and in PVP? That can't be good...
  • Crossplay between the consoles and the few here on PC will be nice and might pull me back in a little for the Raids.
    Artist also known as Verecocha...
  • Speedhaak
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    Yeah look, I am playing some at the moment - grinding out some Iron Bananas but sure, every now and then I am stopping in my tracks going "what the fuck am I doing this for again?". It is at this stage a pure cyclical affair with each new season bringing back the same old grind to regain old ground with the same guns and armor. Repeating the same grinds, acquiring new Exotics to throw into your vault and burning through the same never ending meandering story.

    At this stage I'm at peace with it, it is what it is. Game is not likely to change drastically withing the remainder of it's life cycle especially now that they are going to be splicing content in and out. I really dislike this as well by the way, Destiny should feel like a World and even though they've given us lore reasons for the missing content it still feels in the back of your mind like this modular videogame and you're just playing it to see numbers go up instead of being invested in this huge expansive sci-fi world which we all fell in love with back in 2013.

    It's a real shame Buingie weren't in the position to just continue on with Destiny 1 and build upon that. I bet they have fucking nightmares about it too as they know in their heart of hearts this is what they should have done.
  • I'd love to get into the proper raids and stuff. Only ever really done SP content and a smattering of small co-op missions. But I'm flaky and time will tell how much I get back into this once I take that godforsaken mask off.
  • It does feel fantastic to play, those shooting mechanics are so damn sweet and I adore the world they've created. I enjoyed Warmind as well when I finally got around to it, the design language, the music, the weapons and armour, Escalation Protocol and the Whisper, just great. Dammit this is making me wanna carry on with Beyond Light.
    If it helps it's currently on sale till the 14th... I got Shadowkeep for £6 and 25% off BL.

    What format?
  • Those are the current Steam prices (Forsaken's also £6-somethin'). I pre-ordered the deluxe edition of BL for £60 like a mook, and that's now a tenner off as well.
  • I'd love to get into the proper raids and stuff. Only ever really done SP content and a smattering of small co-op missions. But I'm flaky and time will tell how much I get back into this once I take that godforsaken mask off.

    I'd love to do the older raids with Badgers. It's easy to get above the power level needed for the older raids (i'm already there, took about the same time as a Halo campaign and was very enjoyable.) I cant see me grinding enough to get to the new raid. I loved the raids in D1, never done a D2 one.
  • It does feel fantastic to play, those shooting mechanics are so damn sweet and I adore the world they've created. I enjoyed Warmind as well when I finally got around to it, the design language, the music, the weapons and armour, Escalation Protocol and the Whisper, just great. Dammit this is making me wanna carry on with Beyond Light.
    If it helps it's currently on sale till the 14th... I got Shadowkeep for £6 and 25% off BL.

    What format?

    I think all formats? I bought on PS4 but the website says 25% off BL on all formats I think. I was looking last night and was annoyed at the prices (thinking there’s no way I’m paying £55 on this stuff) but at £30 odd for it I bit. They must know lots of people are playing again to check the new upgrades.

    Not sure if shadowkeep is as chap on Xbox as well, most likely will be across the board.
  • b0r1s
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    This is great on PS5. Think I’m gonna get Beyond light. Too many bloody games.
  • Shadowkeep, Forsaken and Beyond Light are 'free' on Gamepass Cosmic.
  • Ah, no need to buy those if you have Xbox then! Unless you don’t have gamepass I guess, but then why wouldn’t you these days if you own an Xbox.
  • Well this is all very, very nice running on X with the fov slider up to 105. Zoom zoom, pew pew, punch punch.

    A bit lonely though. Got enough in the campaigns to keep me going for now anyway.
  • Looking forward to seeing this run once it downloads
  • Does zooming out via slider compromise performance?
  • Nah, it's all good. And srsly, running 105 FoV is as much of a game-changer as the framerate or graphics upgrade.
  • Here's the same shot, a couple of second apart. First is D2 console standard FoV, second is 105. There's just so much more... everything.


  • isanbard
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    I always found a 105 too fishbowly on PC generally.

    I tend to stick to a 90/95 odd at most given the option but it's nice to check it out.
    GT: isanbard PSN: DAQster DS-FC: 0361-6861-4525 AC: Bumdirt

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