The Next Next Gen Thread o/\o
  • b0r1s
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    I guarantee you can put a PS4 disc in a PS5. Not so sure about the digital edition.
  • monkey wrote:
    Have Sony definitely confirmed that I can put a PS4 disk into a PS5 and it will play it? I know they've made some disclaimer about the top 100 games will play and the others should. But have they confirmed it will run from disk? Rather than some re-downloaded digital edition or whatever.
    They've been very coy with their language about things like this. Lots of usage of words like we believe, and we expect.
    The bottom line currently appears to be that if you put a ps4 disk in your ps5, you should hopefully be able to play the game (especially if it's in the top 100 ps4 titles). What this doesn't address of course, is whether you're actually playing anything from the actual disk, or whether it just becomes a glorified drinks coaster with a game license on it that you will then have to re-download from the store to get the game to run.
    This is probably the more likely outcome, because games are so patched up the wazoo nowadays, you'd struggle to run a ps4 disk on a ps4 without some major patching for most big titles.
    I expect it'll be a very mixed bag at launch when it comes to results, especially for titles that aren't 1st party Sony affairs, because I suspect the onus is going to be on all those 3rd party developers to do a lot of the work to get their old games working, and really, why should a lot of them care?
    The PSplus Collection titles will clearly be the ones that work at launch. Outwith that, I think it's going to be a constantly updated lottery going forward.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • Both reveals very much feel like an attempt by publishers to gain some control over the digital market, and not offering very much in the way of a meaningful reason to get very excited about either offering. The games will come in time, but I think at launch both offerings are looking pretty slight.
  • Absolutely. The hardware is there. The prices are decent. There's an option for everyone...
    ...and then you get to the games, and there's basically fuck all from either camp.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • Also think you can't understate the importance of them pushing their digital marketplaces as the defacto way to buy games, makes me wonder if Game Pass has been a long setup to get this in place after the Xbox One reveal debacle. 

    I honestly don't buy a lot of games full price these days, so it doesn't bother me massively... but stuff is creeping up everywhere and letting these publishers fully control the market doesn't read to me as great for people who like picking up games on the cheap second hand, or trading them amongst pals.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    What a miserable page
  • b0r1s
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    I’m not sure either model will work out for everyone here. GP could become, outside of MS first party, more and more average stuff as devs realise they aren’t getting enough return on it.

    On Sony’s side people push back against the bullshit pricing so publishers capitulate, but the nearly every game has micro shit. What’s weird on this side is the pricing in UK and Europe for games just doesn’t translate. Even with VAT.
  • Tempy wrote:
    Also think you can't understate the importance of them pushing their digital marketplaces as the defacto way to buy games, makes me wonder if Game Pass has been a long setup to get this in place after the Xbox One reveal debacle. 

    I honestly don't buy a lot of games full price these days, so it doesn't bother me massively... but stuff is creeping up everywhere and letting these publishers fully control the market doesn't read to me as great for people who like picking up games on the cheap second hand, or trading them amongst pals.

    Gamepass is there cos they wanted to get some of the market back after falling so far behind Sony.
    Wii U Themagickman - PSN - Themagickman   Xboxlive - Themagickman
  • What a miserable page
    I think a lot of people will get a lot of fun out of it because they like buying new gadgets and all that fuss that comes around that, and that's cool. I just don't really get that myself, and I don't have massive faith in either company to make digital better for the people buying the games that way, rather than making it better for themselves.
    Kernowgaz wrote:
    Gamepass is there cos they wanted to get some of the market back after falling so far behind Sony.

    Yep, and now it's letting them soft launch a similar thing to what they had wanted to do with Xbox One. Product strategy can evolve over time.
  • b0r1s
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    But I honestly think the view of launch games is totally subjective. I am genuinely looking forward to Demon’s Souls as I didn’t get far when I had it on PS 3.

    The Spidey price has probably stopped me buying that at launch but then there are quite a few of those PS4 games that I never played that will let me test out boost mode etc.
  • Tempy wrote:
    Also think you can't understate the importance of them pushing their digital marketplaces as the defacto way to buy games, makes me wonder if Game Pass has been a long setup to get this in place after the Xbox One reveal debacle.  I honestly don't buy a lot of games full price these days, so it doesn't bother me massively... but stuff is creeping up everywhere and letting these publishers fully control the market doesn't read to me as great for people who like picking up games on the cheap second hand, or trading them amongst pals.
    I've never doubted that for a minute. It serves two clear purposes in that it incentivises the player to buy into the ecosystem and stay brand loyal between iterations, and it slowly gets your userbase on board for the coming digital only revolution further down the line.
    So at the moment, both the consumer and the corpo win, but that could easily shift in the corpo's favour in the long term. It's a long game innit.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • The patching complication didn't even occur to me. I've got a fair few PS4 disks still left to play. I've thought for a while that there's no rush because I can always carry them forward to the next gen. But that's looking less certain. 

    Sony just don't want to do BC so they can't be trusted to deliver. They've been dragged kicking and screaming even up to this point.
  • wrote:
    Have Sony definitely confirmed that I can put a PS4 disk into a PS5 and it will play it? I know they've made some disclaimer about the top 100 games will play and the others should. But have they confirmed it will run from disk? Rather than some re-downloaded digital edition or whatever.
    They've been very coy with their language about things like this. Lots of usage of words like we believe, and we expect. The bottom line currently appears to be that if you put a ps4 disk in your ps5, you should hopefully be able to play the game (especially if it's in the top 100 ps4 titles). What this doesn't address of course, is whether you're actually playing anything from the actual disk, or whether it just becomes a glorified drinks coaster with a game license on it that you will then have to re-download from the store to get the game to run. 

    This is probably the more likely outcome, because games are so patched up the wazoo nowadays, you'd struggle to run a ps4 disk on a ps4 without some major patching for most big titles. 

    I expect it'll be a very mixed bag at launch when it comes to results, especially for titles that aren't 1st party Sony affairs, because I suspect the onus is going to be on all those 3rd party developers to do a lot of the work to get their old games working, and really, why should a lot of them care? The PSplus Collection titles will clearly be the ones that work at launch. Outwith that, I think it's going to be a constantly updated lottery going forward.

    People seriously need to forget the top 100 thing. It was an offhand comment to illustrate that most games should work:

    "Running PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 4 Pro titles at boosted frequencies has added complexity," Cerny said. "The boost is truly massive this time around and some game code can't handle it. Testing has to be done on a title-by-title basis.

    "Results are excellent, though. We recently took a look at the 100 top PlayStation 4 titles as ranked by playtime, and we're expecting almost all of them to be playable at launch on PlayStation 5."

    As to if they will run 'off the disc, well they don't run off the disc on PS4. It will work the same way on PS5.

    The reason they've used the language they have is that without testing every single PS4 game, they can't guarantee it will run every game. 360 BC has some games that ran, but with some issues. It will likely be the same for this.
  • I think if it’s not a deal that is satisfactory to people they won’t buy it.
  • EvilRedEye
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    If BC is that important you should wait for launch and see how it pans out before putting your money down. It should be relatively fine but they're not guaranteeing every game will work.
    "ERE's like Mr. Muscle, he loves the things he hates"
  • wrote:
    Also think you can't understate the importance of them pushing their digital marketplaces as the defacto way to buy games, makes me wonder if Game Pass has been a long setup to get this in place after the Xbox One reveal debacle.  I honestly don't buy a lot of games full price these days, so it doesn't bother me massively... but stuff is creeping up everywhere and letting these publishers fully control the market doesn't read to me as great for people who like picking up games on the cheap second hand, or trading them amongst pals.
    I've never doubted that for a minute. It serves two clear purposes in that it incentivises the player to buy into the ecosystem and stay brand loyal between iterations, and it slowly gets your userbase on board for the coming digital only revolution further down the line. So at the moment, both the consumer and the corpo win, but that could easily shift in the corpo's favour in the long term. It's a long game innit.
    Back in the 360 and PS3 days, everyone used to wonder why the MS and PSN store prices were so uncompetitive. They've kept them at the top end for years. Now here we are. With everyone scampering around the internet trying to find available stock for digital only consoles.
  • I think if it’s not a deal that is satisfactory to people they won’t buy it.
    Or they'll buy it and then the terms of the deal change over time.
  • bad_hair_day
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    Bad Hair Day

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    What a miserable page

    The world of wireless VR is one of joy.

    retroking1981: Fuck this place I'm off to the pub.
  • It's of course worth bearing in mind that we're a bunch of old farts here now, and that the younger generations that have grown up with digital just won't give a fuck about our worries, and will just jump in with both feet. This is not necessarily a bad thing. It's just a generational difference in attitudes.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • What a miserable page

    My next gen console is a 3070.
    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."
  • wrote:
    It's of course worth bearing in mind that we're a bunch of old farts here now, and that the younger generations that have grown up with digital just won't give a fuck about our worries, and will just jump in with both feet. This is not necessarily a bad thing. It's just a generational difference in attitudes. gets it. This is also why our collective fears about the Oculus 2 matter not a jot. Withholding our meagre data won’t slow Facebook’s world domination plans. They’ll have the rest of the (under 25) world playing their game.
  • Lord_Griff wrote:
    Unlikely wrote:
    I know. :) I'm surprised so many people want to go the pay monthly route though. I'd have thought more people would buy outright but it seems a popular option.

    Not everyone is lucky enough to be able to throw £450 down at one time.  Surely that's obvious?
    Is it? I had no idea I was so fortunate.

    Education pays far too well.
  • regmcfly
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    It does?
  • Shit Reg, you’ve been doing it wrong all this time!
  • Reg did you forget to tick the "I want the moniez" box when you filled out the teacher form?
  • You should simply ask your employer for more money.
  • regmcfly
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    Reg did you forget to tick the "I want the moniez" box when you filled out the teacher form?

    Theres a teacher form?

    monkey wrote:
    You should simply ask your employer for more money.

    Will do. Off to see the head

  • Oh my God, Reg never filled in the form.
  • Nah, surely everybody has filled in the form. How could somebody have not filled in the form, doesnt add up.
  • It will have been in the interview.
    Interviewer: "Do you teach for the money or for the love of it?"

    Reg, thinking he has the right answer to impress: "Of course i do it for the love of it, the shaping of young minds...."

    <interviewer ticks 'no to teh moniez' box>
    "Like i said, context is missing."

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