Breath of the Wild 2: No, -You’re- Breathtaking!
  • Also no more shite voice acting please
    Gamertag, PSN, NNID: mikemsp            3DS code: 3668 - 8117 - 9395

    Currently playing: Bone
  • Just switch it over to JP
  • EvilRedEye
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    It looks like they aren't ditching the original map interpreting comments they've made? Maybe it will be like a dual world thing? Although there would be big loading times.
    "ERE's like Mr. Muscle, he loves the things he hates"
  • The feeling i get is that the second world will be underground and they’ll hopefully have figured out a way to create a map which doesn’t feel like it’s flat.
  • EvilRedEye wrote:
    It looks like they aren't ditching the original map interpreting comments they've made? Maybe it will be like a dual world thing? Although there would be big loading times.

    Didn't realise more had been said, thought the trailer was all that was known.

    So it's definitely set in 'the same Hyrule' then, which was obviously suggested in the trailer, but still...hmmm. It'll be very interesting to see what they're doing with it. Many many questions. Is reusing a location a first for a modern videogame?
  • Moot_Geeza wrote:
    EvilRedEye wrote:
    It looks like they aren't ditching the original map interpreting comments they've made? Maybe it will be like a dual world thing? Although there would be big loading times.
    Didn't realise more had been said, thought the trailer was all that was known. So it's definitely set in 'the same Hyrule' then, which was obviously suggested in the trailer, but still...hmmm. It'll be very interesting to see what they're doing with it. Many many questions. Is reusing a location a first for a modern videogame?

    Naw, quite a few games do that, no? Saints Row did it with 3/4 + Gat out of Hell, if I remember correctly. I'm sure there's quite a few others.
  • Far Cry Primal reuses an earlier Far Cry map design but takes it back to the past. Asset reuse is pretty common, or else we'd never get any games.
  • regmcfly
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    Didn't far cry recent one also reuse 5?
  • regmcfly
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    And I guess every Yakuza game
  • regmcfly wrote:
    And I guess every Yakuza game

    This is the best call.
  • So, we've all established that the tl;dr is that Moot is a typical fanboy and thinks Nintendo invented asset reuse.
  • Or that, if they didn't invent it, they did it best.
  • Typical absurd claims from yer boy there
  • Or that, if they didn't invent it, they did it best.
    Haha. That takes me back.
  • regmcfly
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    Is this some Phil shit here
  • It's a swizz, doing it first or most recently. Asset reuse yup, but an entire map for a 'sequel' to a game most players explored fully? Doesn't sit right with me. There's plenty they could (and presumably will) do with it to prove me wrong, but this still feels like hefty Breath of the Wild DLC.
  • regmcfly
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    Then get kicking down the doors of Yakuza studios
  • You are the people who called Far Cry Primal, a game a team many hundreds strong worked on tirelessly for at least a full year, "DLC" and I claim my five pounds.
  • But these are different things. No-one starts a Yakuza game like a giddy cartographer.
  • This just seems a really bad faith way of engaging with the announcement of a Sequel given the monumental amount of work that went into making Breath of the Wild. When you've got such an amazing, vivid, systems driven engine and map that are baked together, why would you not use it as a base layer for the game? A game whose trailer starts in a setitng totally alien from the current map, and shows the map being physically altered at the end? And why would you assume they're doing it to swindle people? Surely Exploring a broken Hyrule to see what's changed is as exciting as uncovering it the first time? Except now you've got the previous context to add to it?
    Moot_Geeza wrote:
    But these are different things. No-one starts a Yakuza game like a giddy cartographer.

    Yeah but they do start Far Cry games to explore them.
  • Moot_Geeza wrote:
    It's a swizz, doing it first or most recently. Asset reuse yup, but an entire map for a 'sequel' to a game most players explored fully? Doesn't sit right with me. There's plenty they could (and presumably will) do with it to prove me wrong, but this still feels like hefty Breath of the Wild DLC.

    Thing is, something like Majora's Mask is just the same. It didn't use the same map, sure, but it was made on a super tight deadline and reuses just about every asset except the map. Pretty much every NPC in that game (Tingle and some bosses aside) is ripped straight from Ocarina, and it's heralded as one of the coolest Zeldas ever. I don't think its in Nintendos nature to just do a straight asset flip, and Reg 'n' Tempy have it right here re: Yakuza and Far Cry.
  • EvilRedEye
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    With Yakuza there's probably not as much asset reuse as you'd think due to engine changes, parts of the city changing, games being set over drastically different time periods and large swathes of content not being dependent on the Kamurocho assets. Whereas BOTW2 is a natural environment, there's no engine change, there aren't many characters or major cut scenes - I'm sure they add a ton of stuff on top of BOTW Hyrule if they reuse it or they would genuinely have been twiddling their thumbs.
    "ERE's like Mr. Muscle, he loves the things he hates"
  • It just seems a really sad way to look at games, which time and time again we're told of the insane hours put into them, only for people to decide the people behind them are lazy, or on the grift.
  • We can pretty much guarantee that it's a major project that'll have a good 4 years or so put into it. So whatever it is, it'll be far beyond any kind of DLC.
  • Rather than championing/justifying the decision because that's the decision they've made I've decided to say I'd prefer (and expected) an all new location. I'm surprised I'm in the minority here, would everyone have ticked the 'same location please' box in a BotW2 questionnaire?
  • I want them to make the best game they think they can make, and I trust them with that decision more than anyone here.
  • Lazy or on the grift? From the word swizz? As in 'a bit of a swizz'?
  • I'm talking about your comment in the context of people elsewhere online who seem to feel like developers owe them the absolute earth, and have made similar comments about this potential sequel being "just DLC" as if they have any conception of the work that goes into games.
  • They knew what they were doing with the first. The adventure, fear, excitement etc of the unexplored. They’re not going to just think fuck it, same again for the next one.

    It’ll be the same map but transformed by underground evil gannon stuff. Mix of old and new probably.

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