Breath of the Wild 2: No, -You’re- Breathtaking!
  • Same world, slightly later in time and with changes due to world events etc will make it all the more of a believable world in which you can lose yourself etc. It will now have some history that you were actually part of. 

    I’d be happy with completely different, but I have no issues with sequel in same base map. In Nintendo I trust.
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • Dubs
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    Has anything actually been confirmed beyond the trailer?

    Regardless, this isn't the project to be pessimistic about.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    There has to be a time travel theme going from the music, right? It'd be cool to see Hyrule Castle in its pomp.
  • Tempy wrote:
    Surely Exploring a broken Hyrule to see what's changed is as exciting as uncovering it the first time? Except now you've got the previous context to add to it?

    Yeah this.
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • There has to be a time travel theme going from the music, right? It'd be cool to see Hyrule Castle in its pomp.

    possibly, I felt it kinda fitted in with what they did with the music in the last game. Anything evil gets a lot of synthesised/manipulated stuff in it to separate it from the nature feeling of the natural piano.
  • EvilRedEye
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    Here is the quote from Aonuma for reference:

    "One of the reasons we wanted to create a continuation was because I wanted to revisit that Hyrule again and use that world again, while incorporating new gameplay and new story."

    "ERE's like Mr. Muscle, he loves the things he hates"
  • I didn’t realize people actually liked the piss dungeons in anything

  • Tempy wrote:
    I'm talking about your comment in the context of people elsewhere online who seem to feel like developers owe them the absolute earth, and have made similar comments about this potential sequel being "just DLC" as if they have any conception of the work that goes into games.

    Breath of the Wild was built from scratch, it's not inconceivable that a sequel could be too in terms of possible/not possible captain - theoretically speaking. The engine now exists, which doesn't necessarily put them on easy street for a sequel but certainly puts them on easier street, even before any talk of maps and locations. Personally speaking I don't feel any devs owe me, but I do have preferences as a consumer, and at the same time I almost never think about poor chaps working hard to get the games I buy over the line.
  • It took over 300 devs 4 years of full time work to make Breath of the Wild. 

    So from what we know this is them taking the map and altering it, for a game that started work in 2017, likely with a smaller number of devs due to Nintendo's comparatively packed lineup. 

    Consumer preference or not, it's still not a great stance. These are human objects.

    Like, altering a map isn't just jumping into an editor for a few lazy afternoons of work, the amount of effort they put into designing Hyrule was insane if you read up on some of the candid dev talks they put out.

    Anyway I am done tearing my hair out over this. I do understand the reticence in revisiting Hyrule, but I trust Nintendo to make it worth it. 

    It's still a case of damned if they do, damned if they don't. Games end up with huge swathes of cut content (just think of Wind Waker and MGSV to name two famous games with huge chunks cut that were still brilliant) so when they do something to ease the load on the devs, it's them taking an easier path? And why not? They created a masterpiece.
  • Apologies if that feels pointed as you but you're just happening to be saying the kind of stuff I've read everywhere online for years.
  • Nina
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    I just hope it has the motorcycle as I didn't buy the DLC and I want to try it.
  • All good temps, it'd be dull if everyone agreed with me (actually, ignoring me would be worse). I'm just chewing the fat with this anyway - it's interesting though.
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
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    Classic moot and his "fuck the working man" bs. It's shameless.
  • Ordinarily I'd want a new world, but fuck learning a whole new landscape that big.

    I'm all for it being the same Hyrule, I'm with moot on the dungeons though.

    Maybe they could do them but have the weapons disintegrate in sun light or breaking killing the boss. Something silly along those lines anyway. It would stop things like the hookshot breaking the outside world.
    オレノナハ エラー ダ
  • EvilRedEye
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    I can't truly enjoy a videogame unless I know it's made of the ground-up bonemeal of human souls.
    "ERE's like Mr. Muscle, he loves the things he hates"
  • Konami were the masters of that.

    Sleeping under desks, not allowed to see their families etc. All the best games were made that way.
    オレノナハ エラー ダ
  • There has to be a time travel theme going from the music, right? It'd be cool to see Hyrule Castle in its pomp.
    I’m interpreting that more as an unsettling inversion of the familiar. Where in BotW we saw Ganon’s dark power creeping through the environment like ivy or tentacles, it is now back in force, an alternate location woven through the fabric of the Hyrule we can recognise. Imagine if it was even a Soul Reaver approach...

    Moot_Geeza wrote:
    Breath of the Wild was built from scratch, it's not inconceivable that a sequel could be too in terms of possible/not possible captain - theoretically speaking.
    I realise I’m not at all knowledgeable about the franchise and how previous sequels have worked. My understanding, though, is that each instance of Zelda is a bit of history repeating. The story not always the same, but the constituent parts playing out their roles in thematically, aesthetically different settings. That being the case, does it not make sense that this, a direct sequel to a telling very much enshrined in its location, is set in some altered version of that same setting?
  • Believe it or not I've only just realised this is the first direct sequel to a 3D Zelda.
  • Majora's is a direct sequel, no?
  • It's not a continuation which is what I'm assuming they mean?
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • Google says Majora's is indeed a direct sequel, it's the same young Link.
  • I have faith that while the map will be the same the locations on/under/above the map will change to a satisfying degree.

    It's one thing to know where Kakariko Village is, another to find out what state it is in. That can be quite powerful.
    It could even be that whole locations are gone, locked off or destroyed. While other locations could appear.
  • That's precisely it, yeah. Like going back to the USG Ishimura in Dead Space 2. 100% more impact because you'd already spent 10+ hours there in the previous game.
  • Online thing on Majora's:

    It's a sequel but it takes place in the child timeline before Twilight Princess and Four Sword Adventures. Wind Waker takes place in the adult timeline after OoT but before the two DS games, Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks.


  • regmcfly
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    That timeline is the most glorious bollocks on the planet. I can't help but be impressed by it.
  • Breath of the wilds stance on the timeline is great! Let’s just bung all the references in here
  • Maybe they could do them but have the weapons disintegrate in sun light or breaking killing the boss. Something silly along those lines anyway. It would stop things like the hookshot breaking the outside world.
    This is a good idea. Something along those lines anyway. Botw was a bit too open. If you can go almost anywhere at anytime, the game doesn’t know how far along you are. You don’t get the same level of progressing challenge if something is designed to be completed first or last or anywhere in between. It made some parts fall a bit flat for me (like the divine beasts). The traditional mix of over world and gated dungeons gets round that. So I don’t really care how it happens but I’d like something more structured.
  • I never played Breath of the Wild. I'll be honest and say it's not the zelda I look for... But now with this I might pick it up and give it a go.
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • EvilRedEye
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    I enjoyed BOTW despite not taking to other Zelda games I tried, if that's worth anything.
    "ERE's like Mr. Muscle, he loves the things he hates"
  • It's still just under £50. Fucking Nintendo
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...

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