Streets of Rage 4 - The Grandest Upper - Out now!
  • Level 24 best so far on the weekly, must be better to be had here right?

    Watching a vid atm of some guy hitting level 89, gets kinda crazy.
  • Just got to Level 30 on the weekly.

    Fuck knows how you get to lvl 89. The current world number 1 is lvl 108.
  • Stick to switch. Top is about level 60 right now. No cheats!
  • Yossarian
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    Funkstain wrote:
    Stick to switch. Top is about level 60 right now. No D-pads!

  • On Xbox second is around 60 and third around 50 so its a huge leap to first.
  • Damn, level 30 is legit, which character was that with, Liv? I'll get on it later and try to eek out a couple more levels. The one with Max and Shiva has a high tendency to fuck me atm.

    (I'm using Max atm)
  • While I like the variety the survivor has by being random, this morning I had the electrified boxing ring with multiple swing balls (I think there was 4, might have been 6) as the 4th level with Mr what running around. If I got hit I tended to bounce from ball to electrified rope and back across. I could not figure out how to not take damage as a blitz attack would end up with a ball swinging back and likely hitting me into the ropes and repeating the cycle. So maybe it needs some work?

    That said, shiva with the triple jump is just insane fun.
    SFV - reddave360
  • nick_md wrote:
    Damn, level 30 is legit, which character was that with, Liv? I'll get on it later and try to eek out a couple more levels. The one with Max and Shiva has a high tendency to fuck me atm.

    (I'm using Max atm)

    It’s that (level 16) immediately followed by super tough level 17!

    But if you don’t mind cheesing it, you dispatch Shiva ASAP (helps to have buddy to distract max) then just stay in the conveyor, watching as max repeatedly on other side just walks straight into the lasers…
  • nick_md wrote:
    Damn, level 30 is legit, which character was that with, Liv? I'll get on it later and try to eek out a couple more levels. The one with Max and Shiva has a high tendency to fuck me atm.

    (I'm using Max atm)

    That was with Shiva. All the unlocked moves assigned.

    Main upgrades were no jump upped stats, no heal items +8% hit heal, second level assistant which gave me the floaty pipe guy.

    I think 'no heal items +8% hit heal' was a big one. As long as I had some low level people to own I had health. That assistant character helps as well as they can take the heat off you.

    On the level where you fight Max and Shiva deal with Shiva then just let Max keep walking into the laser beams. Max is supper tough otherwise.
  • Yeah I've been doing the laser beam cheese, they're still dangerous enough for me.

    The no heal items / blood recover is deffo top tier pickup, later on health items are too scarce to make a difference.

    Gonna hammer it later when I'm back from my Hot Date.
  • The assistant probably helped against Max/Shiva as well.
    Distracting one while I beat down on the other.

    It was third level assistant.
    I got lucky with those assistants as well. Started with the big cop, then the big suit guy with the handgun and third the floaty pipe bloke.
    Spoiler I'm terrible with names.
  • Shiva's my favourite atm but the no weapon pickups is making me drift to Max. Them golden weapons are handy af, can kill a boss in a couple of hits.
  • Interesting, I've avoided the 8% health regen buff like the plague so far.
  • I did at first Moot but as Nick says I think it comes into its own later.

    I'm not against Shiva not having weapons. I had toxic weapons in that run just because it was the only one worth picking. Pipe guy was leaving pipes everywhere so I was effectively shooting toxic pipe bullets across the screen to crowd manage at one stage.
  • I'm not going back this week anyway, level 20 will do. I think it refreshes tomorrow so I'll get stuck in then.
  • Anyone played in co-op yet? Played three player Random Survival with the kids earlier. At the end of each level, only one player can choose a buff. They're the only one to receive it, so you end up doing significantly less damage.

    Also you end up not being able to scroll the screen as someone is on the far side, so get hit by enemies off screen a lot.

    If anyone dies during the stage, Altruism will always be offered, which brings everyone back to life, and they keep their buffs.

    Roo is top tier for Survival mode. Save Star moves for tricky situations, then just spam it a few times.
  • Been getting back into this recently. I'm really struggling with getting decent scores. Even on normal. I can scrape an A sometimes but its mostly Bs. I'm getting there with the combos, setting them up a bit more, and keeping them flowing. But then a Donovan or Galcia slips in a single sucker punch and it's all gone. 
    I'm trying to retrain my brain to play a scrolling beat em up a bit differently. The way I've always done these is just steam in, you'll pick up the odd hit but that's fine. It's hard not to slip back into that. 

    The way the leet Youtubers seem to do it is (apart from just being better at the game) spam the specials until most of their life bar is green and know that you'll make it up again when you need to. That's difficult to commit to if you can't stop yourself getting bitch slapped. I really need to take this back to basics. Try an easy run without getting hit or something, or no specials. Just the basics until I've got all the sloppiness out of it.
  • Are you utilising the back hit ( right trigger) much? Its easy to forget its there or get carried away with a combo on the enemy in front of you instead of slapping that twatty Donovan approaching the rear.
  • It's handy to disable the auto back-hit in the settings so you can do quick left/right turns whilst punching without doing the back-hit (it makes it so that you have to use the double-button method, or a different mapping). By default if you're facing one direction, and then press the other+attack, you do the back-hit - it's quicker to do quick turn left/right whilst punching.
  • Cheers I will give that a try.
  • I picked it up from a tips video tbh, I haven't made use of it all that much but it made sense to me :D
  • Any tips for the Y twins? They are the bosses I fear turning up the most.
  • Im going to give this week's run a go tonight I think if work doesn't run over.
  • LivDiv wrote:
    Are you utilising the back hit ( right trigger) much? Its easy to forget its there or get carried away with a combo on the enemy in front of you instead of slapping that twatty Donovan approaching the rear.

    Yeah back hit is something I need to work in way more. I could do with remembering charge hit exists. And the neutral jump seems like a good way of dodging those one off punches if you can get it in in time. Could do with getting that into muscle memory.
  • LivDiv wrote:
    Any tips for the Y twins? They are the bosses I fear turning up the most.

    m8 you got further than I did last week, you tell me innit!

    @monkey yeah the neutral jump has invincible frames like throws do, handy to avoid hits.

    Gonna jump on the weekly tonight also.
  • Haha.
    Yeah but I have to spam stars on them pricks.
  • The only fighting tips I’d have for them is the boring one: patience. They are (in normal or plus guide) mostly invincible, especially the brother. So you get a few hits in and get the fuck outta dodge. Then go again.

    With the brother you can charge him a lot he tries to back off to get his guns off. With the sister wait for her charge attack double to finish (pretty easy to avoid vertically) then go in whilst she recovers.

    The pro tip for this challenge is: weapon up. Loads of gold weapons get dropped, and you can concentrate pick ups on their endurance and environmental effects. If you have the golden halberd you can slice through Y twins, lieutenants, in no time. I’ve made level 24 so far feels easier than last week’s, lots of food pick ups.
  • Cheers Funk.
    Patience is the current strat (when not spamming stars) but there is some more nuanced detail there thanks.

    Im normally playing as Shiva so getting used to properly using weapons with him.
  • Choice of powerups is paramount for this mode.

    You really want to go for something that reduces Special cost, and the one that lets you restore 8% of damage dished out to your own health.

    You can then defensive special when you need to, and restore a nice chunk of health from hitting enemies.

    If you're good at maintaining combos, the damage -90%, but each hit adds 2% damage can get you doing huge damage/health regen.

    Then specialise your build around either weapons or melee, with as many electric/toxic/fire powerups as possible.

    If you can get the pipe robot guy as an ally, it's an almost endless supply of pipes.
  • Golden halberd is legit OP af too from my experience.

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