Gears thread
  • I'm actually finding the story engaging and liking it a lot. I'm basically at the end of act 2 now, so guessing I'm leaving my skiff behind for a while. Thought it was fun to drive around and they captured the frozen wasteland well, it's not supposed to be massively populated...thats the point. Sound design in the snow is excellent.
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • I’d be up for some Horde, when you guys get around to it.
    Wii U Themagickman - PSN - Themagickman   Xboxlive - Themagickman
  • This game is awesome. Has anyone else done Act 4 Chapter 1 yet? Because I really need to talk about it!!!
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • MattyJ wrote:
    This game is awesome. Has anyone else done Act 4 Chapter 1 yet? Because I really need to talk about it!!!

    Finished it the once and going back through on insane so go for it!

    The MP is excellent for this too, though I’ve only touched it really.
  • Soooooo (SPOILERS FOLKS)
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • MattyJ wrote:
    Soooooo (SPOILERS FOLKS)
  • Verecocha wrote:
    MattyJ wrote:
    Soooooo (SPOILERS FOLKS)

    So I:
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • The Red Desert is one of my favourite environments in a AAA game to date.
  • They stole that off Mario innit.
  • Shit, so they did.

    Gears is cancelled, sorry lads.
  • Also I have no idea what the fuck is going on in the story. I know I didn't play 4, but it's expecting me to remember stuff from Gears 3 which was over 10 years ago. Who the fuck is Niles?
  • Tempy wrote:
    Also I have no idea what the fuck is going on in the story. I know I didn't play 4, but it's expecting me to remember stuff from Gears 3 which was over 10 years ago. Who the fuck is Niles?

    There is a catch up on 4 and catch up on the whole series in the extras menu. Not sure if it covers all the detail missing but might be worth a watch.
  • LivDiv wrote:
    Tempy wrote:
    Also I have no idea what the fuck is going on in the story. I know I didn't play 4, but it's expecting me to remember stuff from Gears 3 which was over 10 years ago. Who the fuck is Niles?
    There is a catch up on 4 and catch up on the whole series in the extras menu. Not sure if it covers all the detail missing but might be worth a watch.

    I'm on the last Chapter now, it's too late for me
  • Pray4TempysGearsComprehension
  • Well I finished it. Felt like it never actually got started, plot is a real mess. Feels fun as hell to play but I just had no idea what was going on at the start or the end. The whole plot seemed to be "get the Hammer of Dawn online" 

    Not having a proper antagonist really sucks. There isn't even a stand in like there is in GoW 1 and 2.
  • Could probably do with a spoiler there Tempy.
    I'm not fussed about spoilers in this but if I was I would say that is a bit spoilery.
  • There's no story. Niles doesn't matter. Niles is a fuckwit
    Don't wank. Zinc in your sperms
  • How the hell does GoW1 not have an antagonist? Raam is the standout antagonist of the series.
  • I didn't say GoW1 didn't have one, I siad there isn't even a stand in for the antagonist like there is in GoW1 and 2: Raam and the Queen Guard thingy from the second game are sort of secondary to the Locust's drive/the Queen as the primary Antagonist, to me, they're just the beat stick that is employed against you. You might feel different, that's just how I remember it.

    GoW5 doesn't even have that though, the Swarm have zero personality, they have no big bad, they have no purpose or drive, they just sort of mill about?

    In the last act

    LivDiv wrote:
    Could probably do with a spoiler there Tempy. I'm not fussed about spoilers in this but if I was I would say that is a bit spoilery.

    Which bit and i'll edit? If it's the HoD that's like the first mission.
  • Just in general that...
    It's not major.
  • I mean that's just my take on it, other's who are invested my feel different. There is a thing that happens that seems major for fans?
  • I dont know, I'm just finishing act 2.
  • Raam is the Darth Vadar to Myrrah's Emperor Palpatine, imo.
  • Sure, he's great. I am not disputing that, just saying Gears 5 has a complete absence of Vader and Palps.
  • Seen, I haven't played it. Or 4 for that matter.
  • I still think Judgment was the series honed to its purest form. Just stage after stage of challenges with optional twists available from the start.
  • regmcfly
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    Tempy wrote:
    I still think Judgment was the series honed to its purest form. Just stage after stage of challenges with optional twists available from the start.
    Judgment was legit.
  • Judgement felt like little tiny shooting gallery bits, like an arcade game, had the dodgy control mapping, got rid of Cog vs Locust in pvp (coloured red vs blue cog instead), maps with far too much verticality, and too much ADS.

    It's still Gears and still fun, but there's a reason why it's the one no-one talks about.

    I did like the premise of the story though, the trial.

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