Work - The pros and the cons...
  • Just joshing, grats fam. Blaze a zoot at lunch in true qa fashion innit
  • Nice one Tempy! There always seems to be QA work available in the game industry. With a bit of experience on your CV that could be a nice little earner for occasional temp gigs.
  • Cheers man, they're embedded in some kind of "digital and media software studio" too, I don't want to say what the game is in case there is some NDA thing, but they made it sound like testing for them could lead to me getting pinched to work in other areas.
    nick_md wrote:
    Just joshing, grats fam. Blaze a zoot at lunch in true qa fashion innit

    At least I didn't type C&A, ha!
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Yerp, congrats Tempy (as much as I wouldn't dream of working 7 days per week for an extended period)
    cockbeard wrote:
    Good on you, hard work for a short while but I'd imagine a decent cv boost, it's taken me until now to realise how important they are

    If I've only done one sensible thing in my working life (and it is entirely possible that I have only done one sensible thing), I've always gravitated towards well known companies, even if I was doing shitty jobs for them. I doubt I'd be where I am now if I did the exact same roles but didn't have places like Virgin, Apple and the British Council on my CV.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Actually, I could have been at smaller companies doing less shitty jobs, but seeing as I have no discernible skills, that wasn't an option.
  • You are full of discernable skills Yoss :) x

    (Not in any way meant to be sarcastic)
  • Nina
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    Nice one Tempy, one of B his colleagues started out as a tester at 343 (I think, that Microsoft studio) and programmed in his free time. Got himself a job as a programmer now at a different company, so there's definitely chance of landing something you'd want as soon as they realize you have more skills.
  • Congrats temps - I came up through publisher QA then developer QA, so I know loads of folk who've built careers in games from their QA days - it's a good place to start out, presumably akin to runners on film sets. Obv, closer to the dev team you are the better experience it is for you and you get a good grounding in how stuffs put together.
    It can be mind-numbing work but if the folk are nice it can be good craic - you'll breeze the day to day tasks cos you're analytic and have great communication skills. Good on ya!
  • I also came up through publisher qa, it's a defo legit foot in door and if you can stomach the shite wages you find the good rises to the top. Some of my happiest working memories are probably entry level tester, no responsibility, just great times with great mates. Can't live off the money tho, sadly.
  • This is actually really good wage wise but is only 20 days total (5 weeks of 4 days) and I am basically sat in the same studio as the developers, who are a two man team making a weird art game.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Has Trippy hired you?
  • It better be Routine. Only question is to ask when da fug da fug it's being released.

    Congratulations BTW.
    equinox_code "I need girls cornered and on their own"
  • Gearing up for my performance review tomorrow afternoon. Having to come up with five objectives to work towards for the next year, none of which can involve "just getting on with my day job". I have so much else I should be getting on with today, and so much more that I'd rather be doing overall.
  • Get promoted.
    Get a raise.
    Become the best in the world at what I do.
    Disrupt the industry with a revolutionary new idea.
    Think of an idea that will disrupt the industry.
  • Not necessarily in that order.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Find all 900 Korok seeds in Zelda.
  • MAKE
  • I work in a metal building, the amount that it rains in Glasgow is distracting enough already.

    Yossarian wrote:
    Find all 900 Korok seeds in Zelda.

    That's making the list, cheers.
  • Just got asked in for an interview to be Art Director of the Big Issue mag.

    It’s a bit of a surprise, because the original job ad stated that interviews would be held in the last week of May. (Makes me think I wasn’t first choice, but nobody interviewed has worked out.)

    Sounds pretty serious by design job standards. They want sample designs (spec work! The Devil itself!) and a 45-minute Q&A session with an interview panel. I’m more used to just having an informal chat with company directors, often in the pub.
  • Nice! Good luck.

    If you want it, prep the shit out of it. Best investment you'll ever make.
  • WorKid wrote:
    Nice! Good luck.

    If you want it, prep the shit out of it. Best investment you'll ever make.

    Seconded. Plus, if you can't motivate yourself to prep then you may need to ask yourself whether it's the right opportunity.
  • I prepped for it last month. Just a bit of behind the scenes research I can do now to top up.
  • Grats pop.

    How's the cex these days Gav?
  • Was going great until this morning. Basically fucked it and misread my rota thinking I was in at 11, nope, I was opening the shop at 9. Opened 45mins late. Expecting a big slap on the wrists.

    More annoyed at myself than anything. This was a new slate for me, a chance to control the narrative surrounding myself. Don't want to be known as the guy that fucks up sometimes, like it was at HMV, to the point it became a in-work meme almost. Oh and my bank card got declined so I'm also skint. Sigh x 100000000000000
  • bad_hair_day
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    Bad Hair Day

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    Don't beat yourself too much Gav, people often misjudge stuff when it's bloody hot.

    I believe eleven costa sprinters still owe you a fiver.

    retroking1981: Fuck this place I'm off to the pub.
  • How much business would you actually do in the first 45 minutes, on a Tuesday, on one of the hottest days of the year, in June?

    Don't sweat it man.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Job interview tomorrow lads. Dunhelm customer service in the email department.

    Let's fucking smash it.
  • I hope you get it my man, be wary that they don't slam you on the phones in a few weeks, the bastards. 

    A friend did the same via the Job Centre, for ASOS. Was happy with emails, enjoyed it, was good at it, then it turned out it was a ruse to get more call centre people. He ended up getting fired about 7 weeks into his call centre stuff, days before his probation period was up. Luckily he saved all his earnings from that time, because it takes 3 months to get back on housing benefits and proper Job Seekers, so if he hadn't saved it he would have been flat broke for three months. Bullshit.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Its exactly that kinda job Temps, I know it. I just need the experience, even if I only last 3 months tops. I sailed through the qualification course hence why the interview so soon. If I despise it after a certain period I'm out. Luckily with no real bills, bar what I pay me dad, I'd be okay money wise.

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