Work - The pros and the cons...
  • Dark Soldier
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    Gonna start looking elsewhere soon I believe, small rant:

    Basically most people have their wrap up times for a call under three minutes. Everything is sweet. Now they're trying to implement concepts that certain calls only need a certain amoutn of wrap up time. So an easy enquiry, 30 seconds etc. Hard call, three minutes. They're assessing almost all calls and marking ya on how long the wrap up takes. Keep the customer on the call as you do your notes, which half the time you can't do as it isn't a free number and customers obviously want it done and end call.

    People already getting warned for calls taking too long. Trying to cut out any chat amongst team mates. I had a call today, never dealt with that situation before. Took four and a half minutes to wrap up as had to ask a manager. At three and a half minutes an assistant team manager rings me asking me how long I'd be. Fucking joke.

    And, as expected, the working every other weekend never got reverted back to working every third weekend, as it was, as people now do this schedule, albeit not happy with it. Talks of implementing late shifts too, from 4pm until midnight.

    To put this into context, last year they bought three business, one for just shy of 5mil. It tanked because it was fucking shit, and they've sold it for one a half mil. Hence won't hire new colleagues due to the loss, and now trying to drive everyone to stress peak taking 50-70 calls each every single day. Any spare time between calls you have you'll be told to do emails, or other stuff across the business.

    The people there are great, not one bad egg. The calls are, 99% of the time, fine and enjoyable. The situation can go fuck itself until it bleeds.
  • Yeah but you got a pay rise for meeting the 3 minute target right? Right? DS?

    Fucking hate that kind of industry. Make them a million pounds and they will ask for two. All that happens is the good staff either leave or work out how to play the system and perform to just the minimum level.
  • Dark Soldier
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    We got three 15 minute huddles a week mate woo-hoo!

    I can already game it, and have done. Already figured how to game the new system too as its blatantly obvious. Fuck 'em.
  • Owned by Capita?
  • Dark Soldier
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    If they were it'd probably be more relaxed. Owned by a billion quid company man.
  • Capita are shitheads who follow the exact same method your company do, so I had assumed. They're probably all the same
  • Dark Soldier
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    You'd expect something just a tad less depressing from Dunelm, but as with all call centre jobs, experience and knowledge means shit when they can replace you over night with some bumbling fucking idiot who'll jump when asked to
  • Unfortunately that's exactly what it comes down to.  Any options to shift out of call centre/retail? Fuck, I've never worked in a call centre but I have done my time in retail and it sounds like that was a shitload more pleasant than what you're doing.

    My Dad spent years in a fairly senior management position with Hydro-Electric.  When he was made redundant he probably could have taken early retirement, but instead got a job working as a patient transport driver for the SAS (Scottish Ambulance Service, although I'm always tempted to not provide that clarification).  At the time it struck me as a bizarre move but it was a way more fulfilling experience than what he'd been doing in recent years.

    I don't for a minute mean to suggest your circumstances or options are the same, just to highlight a total change of direction is sometimes not only possible but genuinely rewarding.  Gav's done similar (and I hope it's going well).  I should probably mention something about thinking outside the blue sky box and possibly a new paradigm for good measure.
  • Dark Soldier
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    The thing is I love the role, genuinely enjoy the reaction when you do a good job for the customer, its all the shit surrounding it. I'm kinda limited to roles due to my knees, I absolutely adored the gardening but doing that for anything close to long term would destroy my physical health. With my qualifications, experience and knees I'm kinda fucked with office/call centre type shit really.
  • Dark Soldier
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    I'd love to do what gav does now but its pushing/a fair chunk of walking daily etc.
  • Yo, I've neglected to update in here cos I'm usually shattered after a shift. Yes it is going very well. But I type this as I'm on backshift and getting enhanced wages, sitting waiting til another job comes in.

    I like this.

    Don't need to sell anything. This is the life.
  • If that was me, I'd be noting down the ridiculous chain off events, popping it on their social media feeds and sending it to the Chief Exec. Obviously with no names or incriminating detail but I've found as both an employee and a customer, that organisations hate any of this kind of bad press getting out. Probably quite a naive and pig-headed approach though.
  • Yo, I've neglected to update in here cos I'm usually shattered after a shift. Yes it is going very well. But I type this as I'm on backshift and getting enhanced wages, sitting waiting til another job comes in. I like this. Don't need to sell anything. This is the life.

    And it's a vital job helping men (and women) rather than The Man.
  • I am scared though about the fact that the last three men to retire here as porters have been back within 36mths to have hip replacements. Already had odd pains on the inside of my hip as well. Any tips apart from Scholl gel insoles?
  • Dark Soldier
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    Walk on your hands
  • Attach fire extinguishers to to the chairs and use them as propellants.
  • Actually just start a few fires.  Most of those lazy fuckers will be out of the chairs and running in seconds.
  • get horrible orthopaedic shoes
  • FranticPea
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    I need a hip replacement in 20 years too Gav, we can have fire extinguisher chair races together.
  • Unlikely wrote:
    Actually just start a few fires.  Most of those lazy fuckers will be out of the chairs and running in seconds.

    Speak to Poprock for advice
    equinox_code "I need girls cornered and on their own"
  • Pop didn't start the fire...
  • God, this job interview thing on C4.
    Every company think they are unique with their 110% slogan crap these days. Their pissing ideologies and shite.

    Live, Breath, The Brand. Here is minimum wage and a 0 hour contract.

  • Beech wood and grey as far as the eye can see. If there was smellovision I predict a mix of bleach and coffee breath.
    So fucking depressing.
  • God, this job interview thing on C4. Every company think they are unique with their 110% slogan crap these days. Their pissing ideologies and shite. Live, Breath, The Brand. Here is minimum wage and a 0 hour contract.
    I'm watching it and I'm foaming at the mouth. 
    I honestly don't know if I could look for a job in this day and age, the older I get the more I just can't put up with this 'I've drunk the koolaid shit.

    I nearly walked out of the place ifreelance at least week but this show is made me think I'm better off staying.
    Live= sgt pantyfire    PSN= pantyfire
  • I remember when I worked for Fat Face they used to tell us to "Live the Fat Face story".

    The Fat Face story was about the owners who snowboarded in winter, surfed summer and sold jumpers to fund it.
    I'm not sure how exactly I was to go on a ski holiday on minimum wage or surf all summer in Milton Keynes.
  • What's the best work-related acronym y'all have came across?
  • Ultra High Net Worth Individuals. 

    a.k.a UHNWIs

    But you pronounce it unwise because fuck those rich ass motherfuckers.
    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Not acronyms, but the words “learnings” (things we’ve learnt) and “ideation” (fuck knows) get bandied around far too often at work for me.
  • You have no idea how much shit I have to listen to in work. 
    I just want to shake them and scream in their faces ITS NOT REAL.
    Live= sgt pantyfire    PSN= pantyfire

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