Work - The pros and the cons...
  • HawBawJaws wrote:
    Head office just released a statement to employees. Long story short, they dunno when we'll reopen yet, but they're already looking at reducing headcount in some places. There's 4 casinos they reckon won't reopen at all. Well, now I'm freaking out, I'm likely in a last in first out situation. Baws.
    Worrying times mate. Fingers crossed for you.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • My wife just received notice of her firm making redundancies too. Most of my clients are doing the same. Companies all over the UK started redundancy processes yesterday, timed so that they’ll let people go at the end of the original furlough period.

    Fingers crossed for you HawBaw, and for any other badgers at risk now too.

    Everyone remember we have an emergency fund if things get really tough.
  • poprock wrote:
    My wife just received notice of her firm making redundancies too. Most of my clients are doing the same. Companies all over the UK started redundancy processes yesterday, timed so that they’ll let people go at the end of the original furlough period.

    Fingers crossed for you HawBaw, and for any other badgers at risk now too.

    Everyone remember we have an emergency fund if things get really tough.

    May well have to apply to it, already struggled with rent etc. 2020 can get right in the fucking bin.
  • Don't hesitate. We always knew it would get tougher before it got better, whatever the shitstains around Downing St try to tell us. The reason I haven't even mentioned refunds to donators is precisely because we're just at the beginning of the bollocks, if you'll forgive me being a Debbie downer
  • That is really rough HBJ.
    Sorry mate.
  • I’d kinda forgotten about the support thread so I’ve just donated. Not a brag at all but perhaps a reminder or nudge for anyone else like me who has forgotten about the thread. Could perhaps do with bumping in the covid thread and it’s own thread too as I guess it’s only know things will start getting tighter for some of us?
  • Who do I dm to apply? After shopping today, that's me absolutely brassica.
  • Sorry to hear that Haw, funkstein is running it. Drop him a pm?
  • HawBawJaws wrote:
    Who do I dm to apply? After shopping today, that's me absolutely brassica.
    Dinostar77 wrote:
    Sorry to hear that Haw, funkstein is running it. Drop him a pm?

    Yep. Head over here for the support thread.

    Funkstain wrote:
    If someone is in shit because of the pandemic and needs some money, let the thread know. It's not gonna be a lot but if you need money for food, a contribution to rent, travel, whatever - post here.

    No need to post publicly in the thread, feel free to PM Funk.
  • I’d kinda forgotten about the support thread so I’ve just donated. Not a brag at all but perhaps a reminder or nudge for anyone else like me who has forgotten about the thread. Could perhaps do with bumping in the covid thread and it’s own thread too as I guess it’s only know things will start getting tighter for some of us?

    Thanks for the reminder, I'd forgotten too.
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • I’ve just finished work for the day. It’s a Sunday. I put in 12 hours yesterday too. I’ve looked back over my calendar and we’ve now been working from home for 11 weeks. Out of that time I’ve only had one full day off. One day out of 77.

    I’ve had enough. Gonna have some stern words with the boss tomorrow.
  • Feel ya, Pop. I'm reaching another covid breaking point so I'm going into my boss' office tomorrow with a blank holiday slip and saying "I'll take whatever is available". Let's just hope it's soon for both of us.
  • GooberTheHat
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    I had a similar situation until about 3 weeks ago, it's proper shit. Booked a week of from Friday because I need to not think about work for more than just a few hours.
  • Good luck Gav.

    My woes are minor, I know. I’m overworking to ensure the company survives. I’ve just got to draw a line somewhere for my own health and sanity. Might as well be here.
  • GooberTheHat
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    Yeah, my issues pale in comparison to gav.

    I think I'm overworking so much because I don't want to give them any excuses to call me back into the office.
  • No no no no, not at all guys. Our brains are muscles and if they strain it's not good. We gotta look after ourselves, over everything right now.
  • My brain is one of the main things that makes our company money. We literally charge clients for my thinking. Our MD should really appreciate the need for me to take some care of my brain. I just have to remind her.
  • Must ..resist ...jokes about half price sales
  • On the working from home thing - I dont think its a good thing at all unless you can have a seperate work space and only allow work during the certain times. Otherwise as many here seem to have found, the tendency is to end up in an almost 24 / 7 position where others will call / email / text you at all hours because thats when they have decided its their best work time. 

    I know some people love it but I think I prefer the work place just so I can have my 'me and family' space. I would have done  work outside of normal hours before but its felt so much more intrusive since I've been working from home as the norm.
    SFV - reddave360
  • I think if you are doing the work from home thing long term you need a dedicated office room with a window and a door you can close, it should also be a good sized room as well.

    Additionally you need to be left alone to work and I think that is thing people will be struggling with during thos as kids arent at school. I dont have kids or a partner living with me but I even close the door off to the dog when I'm in the thick of it.
  • It’s bullshit how smoothly we’ve sleepwalked into making this kind of work normal.
  • I think working from home is great but you have to get over the artificial guilt thing or worries about what you think your boss thinks you are doing.

    It makes work task led not time led which for the vast majority of people doing office work is the way it should be.
  • LivDiv wrote:
    I think if you are doing the work from home thing long term you need a dedicated office room with a window and a door you can close, it should also be a good sized room as well.

    Additionally you need to be left alone to work and I think that is thing people will be struggling with during thos as kids arent at school. I dont have kids or a partner living with me but I even close the door off to the dog when I'm in the thick of it.

    Childcare is a bastard at the moment. When its safe for my son to go back to nursery, working from home will be a muh more productive and pleasant experience. Its just really really hard juggling childcare and work commitments between the pair of you.
  • Managed to get some time off starting next week. Just now it's the one week, but it may be allowed to be extended to two. Sucks it has to come to this but fuck, I need it.
  • Your front line gav, you deffo deserve time off. Enjoy it.
  • Enjoy that downtime Gav. It's amazing how being at home with no responsibility or thoughts of work can melt off that stress.
  • Treat yourself to that downtime gav, you have very much earned it. Don't feel guilty for a second.
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.
  • Being stuck on furlough for the rest of the month from today. Haven't slowed down a bit since lockdown began so the break is honestly going to be welcome, but I'm really not sure how I'll fill the time, especially with my other half still having to work. I can see me getting on her nerves.
  • We’re doing the same with a few staff, so that we’re all set for the next phase of furlough. If you want to do the ‘part time furlough’ thing in future, you have to have had that member of staff on full furlough at some point before 10th June.

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