Ask the Bear & Badger
  • I use Spotify yeah.
    I dont know what iTunes has podcast wise but Spotify has most major ones. The only times I have come up a loss on podcasts is when they are tied into an exclusive service like the BBC or Luminary.
  • Someone mentioned some way of having a playlist of mucic that multiple people can listen to together, and I can't remember what thread it was in.

    Any ideas, or anyone know of other ways beyond both pressing play on something at the same time?
  • Kow
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    You could use something like Skype and share screen with audio.
  • poprock wrote:
    regmcfly wrote:
    Changing the subject, I'm meeting friends tomorrow online and we would like to have an online playlist that we can all listen to at the same time. Is there any way to do this?
    This works.
  • davyK
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    My prime sub comes with a pile of music that I avail of in many situations. i still bring my classic ipod on holiday though as a backup.
    Holding the wrong end of the stick since 2009.
  • I'm thinking of buying an air rifle, nothing to do with watching Doomsday Preppers. Some of my fondest memories of my dad are firing some rounds off at empties as we got through them at Christmas. I have a long enough garden to make a shooting range, does anyone have any experience or recommendations for buying? The one my da used to have was a crack-barrel spring job, I don't fancy any extra bits like gas cannisters. Will happily spend a few hundred quid, not keen on a scope, I like iron sights because I'm a real man and handy.
  • davyK
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    Air rifle for magpies.  Fantasize about it. Wouldn't do it of course but the buggers are noisy and chase every other bird away. The basts even watch for other nests and kill the chicks. Two pair squabble all summer with a pair of wood pigeons and generally lord it in our garden and immediate area.

    I've always fancied target shooting. In NI there are barriers to entry. You can get into it but it's a real ballache.
    Holding the wrong end of the stick since 2009.
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    I wouldn't imagine London neighbors would be overly keen on stuff being shot at in an adjacent garden? But maybe it's permitted anyway!
  • GooberTheHat
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    They're not particularly noisy. Probably about as noisy as slapping a ruler on a table.
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    Fair enough. Suspect I'd still be a bit "WTF!" but maybe that's just me and I've been on the receiving end of nosey neighbours so should probably stfu!
  • nick_md wrote:
    I'm thinking of buying an air rifle, nothing to do with watching Doomsday Preppers. Some of my fondest memories of my dad are firing some rounds off at empties as we got through them at Christmas. I have a long enough garden to make a shooting range, does anyone have any experience or recommendations for buying? The one my da used to have was a crack-barrel spring job, I don't fancy any extra bits like gas cannisters. Will happily spend a few hundred quid, not keen on a scope, I like iron sights because I'm a real man and handy.

    An alternative that might scratch the itch is slingshot/catapult shooting, very inexpensive and unobtrusive, and a lot of fun once you get the hang of it. You can buy mass-produced frames quite cheaply from various places, or have a go at making something yourself. I could send you a set of bands + pouch if you like, I would offer to make you a frame but I've probably got too many projects on the go right now as it is.
  • Whatever happened to minibuses? The public transport ones, I mean. Haven't seen one in years.
    "Plus he wore shorts like a total cunt" - Bob
  • acemuzzy wrote:
    I wouldn't imagine London neighbors would be overly keen on stuff being shot at in an adjacent garden? But maybe it's permitted anyway!

    I'd be shooting from the back of my garden towards my house, which is probably 20 or 30 meters. I doubt anyone would even hear an air rifle going off. Also, fuck em, it's my garden and I'm firing towards my house, no danger to anyone.

    nick_md wrote:
    I'm thinking of buying an air rifle, nothing to do with watching Doomsday Preppers. Some of my fondest memories of my dad are firing some rounds off at empties as we got through them at Christmas. I have a long enough garden to make a shooting range, does anyone have any experience or recommendations for buying? The one my da used to have was a crack-barrel spring job, I don't fancy any extra bits like gas cannisters. Will happily spend a few hundred quid, not keen on a scope, I like iron sights because I'm a real man and handy.

    An alternative that might scratch the itch is slingshot/catapult shooting, very inexpensive and unobtrusive, and a lot of fun once you get the hang of it. You can buy mass-produced frames quite cheaply from various places, or have a go at making something yourself. I could send you a set of bands + pouch if you like, I would offer to make you a frame but I've probably got too many projects on the go right now as it is.

    Cheers for the offer Gurt but for some reason I need to hold a rifle, a slingshot won't cut it. Am intrigued by the idea though.
  • Kow
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    Pellets from air rifles can bounce all over the shop. I managed to hit myself in the face with one once. Bounced straight back off a wooden door.
  • My dad has an air rifle that he fires in the garden. I say in the garden, he stands on his Juliet balcony and fires into the garden in a way that makes him look like Ralph Fiennes in Schindler's List.
  • Kow wrote:
    Pellets from air rifles can bounce all over the shop. I managed to hit myself in the face with one once. Bounced straight back off a wooden door.

    A catchbox/backstop is dead easy to make, old sheets or towels, cardboard, wood will all do the job if layered appropriately. The idea is to slow the projectile to a stop and absorb all its energy, then have it drop down or be stuck in something. Probably have to construct something a bit different for tiny fast moving pellets though, depending on how fast they go.
  • Bollockoff
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    LivDiv wrote:
    I use Spotify yeah. I dont know what iTunes has podcast wise but Spotify has most major ones. The only times I have come up a loss on podcasts is when they are tied into an exclusive service like the BBC or Luminary.

    Got it. So-long convenient tiny nano.
  • nick_md wrote:
    I'm thinking of buying an air rifle, nothing to do with watching Doomsday Preppers.

  • nick_md wrote:
    acemuzzy wrote:
    I wouldn't imagine London neighbors would be overly keen on stuff being shot at in an adjacent garden? But maybe it's permitted anyway!
    I'd be shooting from the back of my garden towards my house, which is probably 20 or 30 meters. I doubt anyone would even hear an air rifle going off. Also, fuck em, it's my garden and I'm firing towards my house, no danger to anyone.
    nick_md wrote:
    I'm thinking of buying an air rifle, nothing to do with watching Doomsday Preppers. Some of my fondest memories of my dad are firing some rounds off at empties as we got through them at Christmas. I have a long enough garden to make a shooting range, does anyone have any experience or recommendations for buying? The one my da used to have was a crack-barrel spring job, I don't fancy any extra bits like gas cannisters. Will happily spend a few hundred quid, not keen on a scope, I like iron sights because I'm a real man and handy.
    An alternative that might scratch the itch is slingshot/catapult shooting, very inexpensive and unobtrusive, and a lot of fun once you get the hang of it. You can buy mass-produced frames quite cheaply from various places, or have a go at making something yourself. I could send you a set of bands + pouch if you like, I would offer to make you a frame but I've probably got too many projects on the go right now as it is.
    Cheers for the offer Gurt but for some reason I need to hold a rifle, a slingshot won't cut it. Am intrigued by the idea though.
    Ok so a break barrel air rifle will be your best bet.
    Low maintenance, consistent power and never run out of air.
    Weihrauch are extremely good and one of theirs will last you for ever. Daystate and BSA are also extremely good, all of these makes aren't cheap but they do cheap ranges. Have a good look at what you're buying tho, my mate bought a weihrauch and we called it that panzershrek because it was a bench rifle that weighed an absolute tonne. It was almost impossible to stand shoot it.

    If you want something that you don't care about then there are countless cheap, plastic bodied air rifles on the market.

    For accuracy you want to go .177 calibre, for vermin .22. the .22 will still be very accurate especially at the ranges you are shooting.

    For a target I'd recommend getting a knockdown trap. Basically 4 or 5 metal flipping targets that drop down when hit. Shooting the last target flips them all back up again. There's usually a pellet trap built into these and they aren't expensive. I think I got one for like £30 a few years back.
    Live= sgt pantyfire    PSN= pantyfire
  • Nice, thanks for the advice all, I'll look into a .22 break rifle I think, not after spending loads but also not after the cheapest. My garden actually drops two levels so if I'm at the back shooting towards the house it'll be into earth,so fairly safe I think. A flipping target sounds grand.
  • Set up a hillbilly moonshine rig.
  • Pair of dungarees and my banjo.
  • I'm about to submit a piece of writing for something but I'm confused with how it's asking me to name my files. It's asking for this naming convention...

    Line Name_Title_Author First and Last Name_Ms

    I have no idea what 'Line Name' means. Has anyone seen that before? I've already emailed them but haven't had a response.
  • Only a gut reaction, but … feels like maybe a ‘category’ field. 

    Line name as in ‘product line’. Mayber.

    (If it’s a screenwriting thing, I could text a friend who’s a commissioning girl? She might know.)
  • That was my thought, is it for a magazine with different strands in etc
  • Yeah, or ‘line name’ could be ‘the thing you’re submitting it for’.

    Like, the magazine name if it’s a mag.
  • Basically, it could be anything. They need to tell you. Rude of them not to.
  • Thanks guys. They just responded and you were both quite right. It's the category/strand. Seems obvious now but didn't at the time.
  • Want to get my mum a laptop for my mum for her birthday. Anyone know what I should go for? Budget of 450. Needs to have word etc

    I’m pretty clueless and don’t want to get something junk or poor value. Suggestions really appreciated

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