Cyberpunk 2077 - new CDProjekt Red
  • Oh and Keanu was breathtaking, I got that too.
  • regmcfly
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    You get to keanu and you're out bud
  • b0r1s
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    Not watched that vid.

    My impressions

    Underwhelmed on PS5 world felt a bit last gen, graphics were ok, frame rate was solid and a few glitches here and there, but wasn’t feeling it. Got a refund.

    Bought on PC, felt like a different game. Playing at a lower res on a smaller screen, but the ray tracing really does make the game, graphically at least feel next gen. the crowd density in places is huge making the city feel alive. It has very old school
    RPG trappings of picking up loads of stuff to sell or craft, which seems at odds with the world. Surely you wouldn’t be arsed to craft stuff, you’d use some street tech or weapons genius, but I guess it adds systems to the game.

    Despite my desire to go all hacker and stealth on PS5 I’ve now become a slice and dice lady cos it’s fun. I’m still not that far in, but what I’ve played so far on PC is solid enough. Again a few glitches around objects and characters clipping, but nothing to worry about.

    Best bit? Acquiring a bike and riding through the city. Much more satisfying than that tank of a car you get at the start.

    I’ll watch all the critique vids after I’ve finished. Why would I look to find issues to spoil my enjoyment if I haven’t spotted them?
  • regmcfly wrote:
    And also go in expecting nothing. Just imagine you found this for £20 in gamestation two months after release type game.

    That's an impossibility for us on this forum. We are on a videogame forum, and we are human. I would find it hard to expect that anyone reading this has had an inability to not even be tangentially aware of cyberpunk. Even those who shut off from spoilers did so on the basis that the game was important enough to do so.

    I think there might be a class of people now who might fall into the bracket. The day one-ers it’s less likely to go in blind for sure (I stopped paying attention to details after Cyberpunk game plus Witcher 3 people - so I was okay but I suspect I’m a thin bit of Venn diagram).

    The ideal for this game is now to pick up that second wave death stranding type audience (as that game has here). I’d love for this game to get that chance.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    I read a theory, and its only that, but to me it makes sense.

    Basically they had the branching paths, with Keanu Silverhand as a smaller kinda character. But then they got Keanu on as the big bastard star and holy shit its Keanu and Silverhand now needs to be a big bollocks lead and holy shit ITS KEANU!.

    This then led to them reworking the entire plot and flow, and subsequently fucking up all 3 branches in such a ridiculously small timescale that they couldnt restructure, write and build it all again to any extent in time for release.

    It explains the lazy as fuck '6 months later' montage thing plus the relatively short campaign length, alongside lack of clear distinguishable differences in choice. Those moments felt to me as if they should have been plot beats.

    I saw a video where a guy was looking back over the 2018 gameplay video and commentating on the differences. During the character creation you could pick different background info, stuff like an old flame living in Night City etc and it pointed to what you're saying. At first they were looking to let each individual player mould their version of V with the three background choices and traits so each playthrough would be different. Like an RPG.

    Then like you say, Keanu gets signed up and the entire focus of the game pivots to a linear story with a few bits of background dialogue choice fluff depending on which life path you chose. Or maybe the Silverhand quest line was just meant to be the final act which tied everyone's journey together for the ending, the meat of the game was supposed to take place during that 6 month montage but they ran out of time/scope was too large
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    The "going in dark" patter seems to be shifting the blame onto the player. Like, if you're disappointed in the state of the game then it's because you've set your expectations too high or something. Even if this thing was stealth launched without any hype there'd still be glaring issues like the rotten AI etc. These are just sub par when compared to other open world games, no hype train required to see that. Any game with shitty AI enemies is disappointing, but in an open world game, with teleporting cops who refuse to give chase, it's a travesty for their world building and your immersion
  • I think it just really comes through how it's not what was planned and how compromised it is. Like if they'd been aiming for something like this from the start it would have been more coherent. Now it looks like a load of ideas half-implemented or abandoned. Because it is.

    Some of it is still very good. But it's scenes, chunks. It doesn't feel like anyone's thought through how all this stuff really links together. I'll remember some of the characters and sequences for the right reasons, but as a whole it's so unsatisfying.
  • regmcfly
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    As a game of moments it is possible to patch together some lovely memories of it. As a game of playing and cohesion, it falls apart at a glimpse.
  • It’s hard not to disagree with the idea it’s the moments that are literally scripted which are the best. I did enjoy them a fucking lot though.

    This must be what people see in Fallout 3+.

  • My SeX has just started downloading a 16.5gig patch for this.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • FranticPea
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    Don't worry it'll be done by March.

  • :(
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • No mate. I’m about 70 hours in, and just bimbling away largely doing sidequests. Probably hit the main story again soon.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • I didn't really trigger much cop involvement but this wasn't the focus of the game, like in GTA, which has traditionally been about committing crime and escaping cops. Of course GTA is going to be better in that regard. In terms of involvement, and a mature story in a believable and conceivable reality, Cyberpunk is way better than GTA.
  • Or they're both really bad at mature story telling.
  • n0face wrote:
    Or they're both really bad at mature story telling.

    Emergent story telling, yes.
    Storytelling, outside of the main quest in this, absolutely not.
    Live= sgt pantyfire    PSN= pantyfire
  • b0r1s
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    So got a patch on PC today for this. 1.1gb, but need 55gb for the update wtf.

    I'm sure I read somewhere that having SSD's would do away with this need for massive swap files as part of the patch process.
  • regmcfly
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    Part of me feels the Cyberpunk story is over. It isn't a long game to beat. I'd reckon those who have done it, have done so. Aside from the final quest, there's little variation. It seems like damage control now
  • Was The Witcher 3 similar in that once you've completed it there was little impetus to return?
  • I barely made two hours. It's a pretty terrible videogame. I knew this within half hour when Jackie decided he was gonna drive. Fucking hilarious.

  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    Was The Witcher 3 similar in that once you've completed it there was little impetus to return?

    I've not completed either so should probably keep my gob shut, but I've a three good goes at E3 and saw more there than I have here. Some of the main quests have some flexibility, ways to complete them which affect the outcome and the rest of the game, as well as the ending. I think that there's more reply value in W3 than in this, where nothing seems to matter until the end, even your life path choice doesn't really matter because after 20mins they all converge.

    Happy to be corrected by folk that have completed both like
  • I'm waiting to go in when the next gen version comes in. Really enjoyed the few hours I spent with it and am happy to now wait for a few more shinies before playing it through proper.
  • I've done a load of side content but am now focusing on the main story stuff, which is really interesting. Going to finish it off then move on to something else.
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • Escape
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    nick_md wrote:
    'don't clamber on the hype train'

    Uncharted 2 was great, wannit!

    JonB wrote:
    I think it just really comes through how it's not what was planned

    It's always felt to me like they knew what its pieces should be, but never had a handle on sizing them for a satisfying jigsaw.

    They could've gone light on story for old-school GTA emergent gameplay, say. Or any other strong focus, instead of spreading their cheeseboard down to the scrapings of a Scrooge.
  • Well I can't finish this. The 1.1 patch has a game breaking bug - as soon as I load my save Takemura calls me but doesn't say anything, and that means I can't do anything else. At all.

    Google tells me this is a common thing and there is nothing I can do to fix it.... So that's me done for a while till its sorted.

    Heads up folks - don't load your save yet as this can fuck em all.
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • b0r1s
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    Wow great work CDPR
  • MattyJ wrote:
    Well I can't finish this. The 1.1 patch has a game breaking bug - as soon as I load my save Takemura calls me but doesn't say anything, and that means I can't do anything else. At all. Google tells me this is a common thing and there is nothing I can do to fix it.... So that's me done for a while till its sorted. Heads up folks - don't load your save yet as this can fuck em all.
    Try the fixes in this Matty...
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • Cheers G will give them a go later
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...

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