Game of Thrones TV show with massive spoilers everywhere.
  • I'm sure the lead boat is marked somehow but yeah that was a bit iffy being able to pick it from a vast armada and crash into it.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    I_R wrote:
    I thought it was better this week, it's moving somewhere at least and they seem to be killing off the dud characters. Incoherent action is better than the Ironborn usually get as well.

    Quickly tying up loose ends innit?

    I'm no doubt going to cop some flak from Gonzo about being a thicko, but I didn't put two and two together about the significance of winter coming and exactly how it helps the white walkers.
  • Nice to see the Ironborn actually being the terrifying pirates they’ve always been described as. 

    That sequence was confusing as all hell, but I figure that sort of sudden vicious slaughter is meant to be confusing and disorientating. So I’m letting it off.

    Dany (yawn), Tyrion (yay), Varys (nice speech). Looks like Tyrion’s strategy is fucked from day one if they can’t take Casterly Rock … might be able to save things if Dany just sends her dragons over there to raze it to the ground instead.

    So Arya’s going to arrive at Winterfell just after Jon leaves. Again. Hopefully she’ll see Littlefinger trying something with Sansa and then kill the little shit. She could always wear his face and fool his army into sticking around.
  • This shows getting pretty bad now. In earlier seasons, a characters death would be unexpected and against the flow of where you think the story is going. Now they're very predictable. That guy hasn't got much to do anymore, oh and there he goes.

    I don't know if the exposition was absent before, or more neatly worked in, but it sticks out like a sore thumb now, despite the plot becoming narrower.

    It's still good bad though, not bad bad. I'd have happily watched another episode straight after if one was available.

    That boat scene was alright. Was that one whole fleet attacking another? Or just a few boats attacking a few more? Has Danny not got any ships or still got loads? If there wasn't an establishing shot before cutting into the ships interior, there should have been. I might have just missed it. Also, jumping in the sea isn't usually a good defence against attack from a pirate but it seemed to work a treat here.
  • Also why does anyone fancy the ugly lesbian?
    The Forum Herald™
  • Power + beef curtains.
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  • Kow
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    Enjoyed the episode despite the fact that they seem to have jettisoned any intrigue or interesting dialogue in favour of hurtling towards the end. I guess Snow will have arrived at the beginning of the next episode. Would have taken two series earlier on.
  • It's taken a real turn when you think of some of the holding pattern stuff they did in earlier seasons. The TV people obviously believed that a new book was imminent. Suckers.
  • I think Martin had to give permission for them to go off piste. So more likely him admitting to himself he isn't going to get the books done in time.
    I would be surprised if he ever gets the books written TBH.
  • Yeah I wonder if they'd have taken a different path if they'd have known they'd be on their own for this bit. Just things like introducing Euron Greyjoy a season earlier would have covered the plot hole of his magically appearing fleet. They could have killed off people in less convenient ways, more unexpectedly, across more episodes. As it is, all of Dany's Mereen enemies, all the Freys, the Boltons, the Faith, Margaery Tyrell, the sand snakes and the good guy half of the iron islanders have all bit the dust within three episodes.
  • Also, was it just me or was the music a lot more second rate this episode? Just generic action music, nothing interesting at all
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • Obviously blew the music budget on Ed Sheeran.
  • Speedhaak
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    Poor episode I thought. Dany is starting to get really, really annoying with her self obsessed arrogance. Hopefully Jorah slaps some sense into her.
  • I was thinking the other day about what the overall ending may be.
    I think everyone is expecting Dany or Jon on the throne come the final credit roll.

    I was thinking it might be interesting to end it with Cerci on the throne but with nothing left to show for it. 7 scorched earth kingdoms, her children, father and possibly brothers dead.

    Cerci started this imbalance and brought war to the kingdoms, it started with her, would be interesting for it to end with her.
  • Is Gendry still rowing, out there somewhere on the high seas, going in circles?

  • The actor was at the red (blue) carpet event for the season premiere.
    Could be he will reappear.
  • Speedhaak wrote:
    Poor episode I thought. Dany is starting to get really, really annoying with her self obsessed arrogance. Hopefully Jorah slaps some sense into her.

    I can't stand her, which is a shame as if she dies it'll be the penultimate episode at the earliest.
  • I keep thinking back to the visions Dany had when her head was being screwed with. Standing in the throne room at Kings Landing with snow falling through it’s dragon-burned roof. Also back to Bran’s visions of a dragon flying over Kings Landing. 

    I reckon the ending is pretty much locked in – Bran wargs into the mind of a dragon and saves the world by burning the army of the dead. Quite what that has to do with burning Kings Landing as well, I have no idea.
  • Speedhaak
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    I was thinking the other day about what the overall ending may be. I think everyone is expecting Dany or Jon on the throne come the final credit roll. I was thinking it might be interesting to end it with Cerci on the throne but with nothing left to show for it. 7 scorched earth kingdoms, her children, father and possibly brothers dead. Cerci started this imbalance and brought war to the kingdoms, it started with her, would be interesting for it to end with her.

    I guess it all depends on how deep down the rabbit hole we want to go, or how much of the lore we think the show runners will incorporate into the conclusion. 

    I mean technically it started with Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark which ultimately insighted 'Roberts Rebellion' - But that's just the surface of 'what started it'. We could go all the way back to The First Men's pact with The Children of The Forest and what happened when The White Walkers first appeared.

    When all is said and done I don't think the show has the time or resources and scope to indulge in all of this lore.
  • Yeah I think any of the First Men kind of stuff will be chucked out of the show now.
    I don't think there is enough time for it and a lot of the audience aren't that bothered about it.

    Yeah you can definitely go back to what kicked it all off but the events that have taken place within the timeline of the show all started with Cerci killing Robert and the Lannister plot for the throne.
  • I think it’s safe to say the older lore is going to end up being used for spin-off shows/movies.
  • Speedhaak
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    Yeah, and that's probably what they will stick with. Bit of a shame. I hope it doesn't boil down to a good versus evil 'The Men and Women of Westeros versus The White Walkers' finale without any back story (not that there is any time now really) developed for The White Walkers. Even GRRM has said he dislikes black and white stories and is much more excited by greys. 

    I would really like to see more motive for The White Walkers other than just wandering down from the mountains because it's Winter.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    I was thinking the other day about what the overall ending may be.
    I think everyone is expecting Dany or Jon on the throne come the final credit roll.

    I was thinking it might be interesting to end it with Cerci on the throne but with nothing left to show for it. 7 scorched earth kingdoms, her children, father and possibly brothers dead.

    Cerci started this imbalance and brought war to the kingdoms, it started with her, would be interesting for it to end with her.

    I like that. Cersei cutting her own throat by killing the dragons seems to be on the cards. Her sitting on the throne as the Ice Night King storms the red keep and dooms mankind would be a good ending.

    Doubt it'll happen like that though.
  • Speedhaak
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    Over the years I've watched some really good theories on YouTube. I won't recite them here but suffice is to say there are some exceptional possibilities for the conclusion. I mean I bet everyone has forgotten Quaithe.

  • Speedhaak
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    Jorah obviously has a role to play too. 

    Gah it's always the same for me. In games and film. I get too invested in the lore and am only ever disappointed with the concluding stories.
  • Is Jorah's role to make you wonder why any other characters afflicted with greyscale haven't tried picking it off and rubbing ointment in?
  • I was thinking the other day about what the overall ending may be.
    I think everyone is expecting Dany or Jon on the throne come the final credit roll.

    I was thinking it might be interesting to end it with Cerci on the throne but with nothing left to show for it. 7 scorched earth kingdoms, her children, father and possibly brothers dead.

    Cerci started this imbalance and brought war to the kingdoms, it started with her, would be interesting for it to end with her.

    I like that. Cersei cutting her own throat by killing the dragons seems to be on the cards. Her sitting on the throne as the Ice Night King storms the red keep and dooms mankind would be a good ending.

    Doubt it'll happen like that though.

    I think the Ice King making a late bid for the throne would be no more ludicrous than anything else in this.
    Gamertag: gremill
  • Moot_Geeza wrote:
    Is Jorah's role to make you wonder why any other characters afflicted with greyscale haven't tried picking it off and rubbing ointment in?

    Exactly what went through my mind. He shouldn't have cut the infected arm off, just picked the scans every now and then.

    SFV - reddave360
  • Speedhaak
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    One of the most interesting fan theories I've read is that Bran is The Night King.

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