PC gaming.
  • You're not far off from a pretty decent PC. You buy a motherboard and I'll give you my i5 when I upgrade later this year. I'll be getting new RAM soon so you can have that 8gb too.

    You're way too kind. We'll have to see what the summer holds with regards to jobs. If I can get something I'm gonna punt it all on a new PC.
  • Kernowgaz wrote:
    Anyone interested in a Quantum Break key for £10 ?

    Quoted for the turn
  • Tempy wrote:
    Kernowgaz wrote:
    Anyone interested in a Quantum Break key for £10 ?

    Quoted for the turn


    Wii U Themagickman - PSN - Themagickman   Xboxlive - Themagickman
  • Sounds like another big step from Nvidia this year:


    I wonder what my 970 would sell for on eBay. Not that I need to upgrade my card just to play Spelunky.
    XBL: MistaTeaTime
  • Jesus. That's a bigger leap than I was expecting.
  • Gigantic leap in performance! 

    I've got a 970 and it performs acceptably with games like GTA V on my G-Sync 1440p monitor. I think I'll get a 1070 in June/July - I'd expect to get 60fps on Ultra in everything. And VR ought to be silky smooth.
  • I'm i reading right that it's still more than the price of a console for their budget card, though?
  • Not sure I'd call a 1070 "budget" - it'll be the second fastest card money can buy.

    Though you do have a point. The thing is, I don't mind splashing money on my main hobby. Compared to lots of other hobbies people my age seem to have (e.g. golf), PC gaming isn't so expensive, even if you buy premium components.
  • in the 3-4 years you have a top card it can pay for itself in what you save on PC games vs console games.
    Batman AK (which worked on my 980), Mad Max, Street Fighter V and Dark Souls 3 were all day one purchases for myself over the past year and cost about £80-90 total.
  • That really depends how many games you buy and whether you have to have them as soon as they're released, though. For me, I'm not sure it would.

    Not complaining; having expensive parts means the second hand cards get used which is good. I'm just surprised they don't find it worthwhile catering to the lower end.
  • They'll probably do a cheaper 1060 at some point. They usually release the flagship high end cards first, then put out cheaper models later. I think they did this with GTX 960/950.
  • isanbard
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    3DS 0361-6861-4525

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    And a Ti model 6odd months later too. Might start saving the pennies and wait for that and bundle it with a new CPU/RAM.
    GT: isanbard PSN: DAQster DS-FC: 0361-6861-4525 AC: Bumdirt
  • 4k goggles and I'm in.
  • AJ wrote:
    I'm just surprised they don't find it worthwhile catering to the lower end.

    Bear in mind we're really talking about people who insist on (and can afford to) having their games run with high/max resolution & graphics settings.

    You can play a surprising number of PC games perfectly fine with low resolution & settings on a piece of shit cheap PC and a 5 year old graphics card. 

    Hell, the latest Intel graphics that come on the Skylake CPUs can run some 3D games in low res (albeit kinda badly).

    TL;DR version: PC gaming doesn't *have* to be expensive.
  • I didn't say that it does. Though, other than a few exclusives, there's really no point to do it over console gaming (and several not to) unless you it is.
  • At this point, the discussion breaks down into typical PC Master Race vs Console Peasants ad hominem attacks.

    I'll start: your mother.
  • OK, you've goaded me into it. Here's just ONE reason why I prefer my PC over consoles: emulation.

    I play quite a lot of old GameCube, Wii & PS2 games. They usually look pretty wonderful upscaled to hi-res with AA etc. Sure I *could* own the original consoles (and at one point probably did), but I like having just one machine which plays all these formats and not having to arse about finding space for them to live, switching cables to the TV, amplifier etc.
  • You can't do word processing on a console, either. I'm only talking about current games when I say a low end PC is pointless.
  • 1498062153528770964.jpg
    Undertale begs to differ. (Yes, I am being an argumentative pedant.)
  • AJ wrote:
    You can't do word processing on a console, either. I'm only talking about current games when I say a low end PC is pointless.

    A mouse and a keyboard will do stuff a gamepad can only dream about and vice versa. With PC you get the choice.
  • We were talking about graphics cards, I'd assumed the fact that what I was saying was in the context of big games and the like was obvious. Guess I'd assumed wrong. Let me rephrase my original statement so that the point I'm making is clear.

    Although you can use one you already have for other reasons to do so, there is no point in buying a low end PC for standard/mainstream gaming over a console as, at best, you'll be paying the same for a lesser experience.
  • But where's the fun if I don't deliberately misinterpret you in order to continue the argument?

    BTW I still might get a PS4 for Bloodborne and Ico/SOTC HD (PS3 but I assume works on PS4).
  • For the record, I do most of my gaming on a mid-range (not gaming specific) laptop from a couple of years ago, probably about the level of a low-end gaming rig which would cost around as much as a console. I don't even attempt to run the majority of recent games on it, though. I also have a couple of games (Her Story, Please Don't Touch Anything, etc.) installed on my work laptop that's got integrated graphics.

    I don't think Ico/SOTC works on PS4. Some reckon the PS3 version of Journey is better, too. Might be worth picking one of them up second hand.
  • My super fancy PC is justified by my work.
    I require both a powerful CPU and GPU, work from home, work for myself and don't pay VAT on this kind of thing.
    It is a no brainer to also use it for games.
    I appreciate what a significant outlay it is for those that can't justify in such a way.
  • Same for me, though I can't really justify an expensive GPU for anything other than games.
  • I crumbled and bought a new PC. Was going to do it piece by piece but said fuck it a plonked for all. Good timing it seems as those new cards got announced so I imagine prices will drop some.... Ah well tis how it is.
    It's quite an upgrade for me from my 6-7 year old PC. Everything loads so fast!! Games run nice too.

    Now I have no excuse to not do dev stuff.
  • I can post the parts if people are so inclined.
  • GooberTheHat
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    You can get a gtx 970 for £250, and that's going to get you better performance than any current gen console. Granted you have to buy the rest of the kit to go with it, but if you require the PC for other purposes then its not such an extravagance to add in a good card.  Laptops are generally going to struggle as they rarely have a comparable card in as a similarly priced PC would.
  • Kow
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    Stellaris tomorrow. Kind of excited.
  • Just thought I'd get my willy out.

    That % unplayed seems too low - I use Idle Master to farm Steam cards and that probably makes some games look played when I've not touched them.

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