Total War: Warhammer - Total Hammer: War - Hammer War: Total
  • Campaign also has a nasty habit of seemingly spawning units out of nowhere, and the tutorial stuff all seems to be pre-patch. Just lost on turn 3 of the Undead campaign because the move it told me to do wasn't possible and so I got squashed by an uber army in the turn after.
  • I kinda like that losing is a distinct possibility now though, usually with these games it's all too easy to completely outmaneuver the AI and counter their feeble counter-attacks.

    I haven't played very much yet, just on a Dwarf campaign so far, but I expect that once you suss the optimal tactics and exploits it'll get a lot easier.

    I couldn't see you on my friends list Temps, maybe try adding me now?
  • I'm listed as DynamicCalories on steam :p
  • Ah yes I see you there now.
  • Four Campaigns Started, two lost, two abandoned. Starting to get to grips with it now, but it seems riddled with bugs. Kept getting a thing with my Greenskins last night where the ranged units wouldn't fire, and also I couldn't recruit mounted units despite having all requirements - the icon just didn't appear.
  • I've only been playing the one campaign as Dwarfs so far, good fun though it's taking me a while to upgrade my buildings enough to be able to recruit some of the fancier units for more versatility, I've mainly just been rocking armies full of Warriors, Quarrellers, Grudge Bearers and a couple of Miners. I recently absorbed Barak Varr into my confederation which gave me access to Slayers and Longbeards, and some other artillery I think. I'll be getting the other Dwarf nation to the south into my confederation soon, it seems to hit your economy pretty hard when you do it though, I think due to the additional army upkeep.

    I initially couldn't decide what race to play as, Empire seemed too much like a real army and I wanted to play as a race with a little more fantasy flavour. Dwarfs didn't have any cool monsters to play with, but the accent and generous use of wazzock and pillock sealed the deal for me :D

    Im finding fighting the Orcs to be pretty easy at the moment, got my tactics sorted so that I usually just hold a defensive semicircle on a hill with my warriors up front and my quarrellers and artillery behind in the centre, focussing on the enemy ranged units as I have no cavalry as Dwarfs to deal with archers or other skirmish units. Dwarf units are so tanky that they can easily weather a frontal assault while the ranged units continuously wear them down.
  • Word of Warning on Confederations! They are a pain in the ass and open up your lands to the Greenskin horde, so make sure you're ready to move down there. When I made a confederation I lost lots of it quickly to the Greenskin's legendary commander and his WAAAGH, and it took me ages to put the fucker down. It also ties into my only DLC complaint: they have purple legendary units of renown and so on, but I don't as I do not have the King and the Warlord pack.

    Still, My Dorf empire now consists of 5 regions fully occupied by me, with a stalwart Ally to the southeast just waiting to be made an offer he can't refuse. I rake in about 7k a turn and have a bank of 50k, and I feel like I need it as the Archaon is slowly making his way South and my army isn't quite up to scratch. It is turn 120ish, and I have read about people finishing the whole map by this time. Madness if you ask me. 

    General thoughts on the game are improving. Every faction seems to have a twist to them that makes it a bit more complicated than previous TW titles, both on the campaign map and the battlefield. Orks need huge momentum and have to be always fighting to not cannibalise themselves, but they're pitted against Dwarfs early on, who absolutely annihilate them in combat. Conversely, Dwarven grudges can make the mid-game for dwarves a fucking nightmare, when they ask you to do things that are almost impossible, but it fits with the lore so what the heck!

    I regret paying £2 for the Gore DLC, but after the co-op battles me and Gurt had last night, I am ok with it. Watching Karl Franz and his Griffon tear through 100+ soldiers whilst caked head to toe in blood was hilarious.
  • Oh man this is just brilliant when it gets going. The Greenskins are no more, so attention is turned to THE NORTH. As Chaos approaches, its time to squish the effete Vampire Counts and go after the biggest grudge of all time.

    But what's this, an ARMY lies in wait at Schwarzhafen, the first capital city within my reach...



    Thorgrim Gurdgebearer surveys the lands...


    They'll fight them on the walls...


    In the gatehouse...


    Until they scatter through the streets


    Don't come between a Dwarf and his grudge, Undead scum.


  • I never liked Thorgrim Grudgebearer compared to Ungrim Ironfist but it makes me happy that he is this game.
  • Out of curiosity what spec pc are you using? The last few posts have done a very good job of selling this to me.
    SFV - reddave360
  • A very strong one. i7 6700k, GTX1070, 16GB of RAM. I believe it is quite a taxing game, but I runs on lower than that.
    I never liked Thorgrim Grudgebearer compared to Ungrim Ironfist but it makes me happy that he is this game.

    Ungrim is in it too!

    The tides have turned though lads. After I pissed off the Vampire Counts, their dad came with tons of horrific beasts. They are swatting me around left and right whilst I desperately try and sort out the Chaos Bovva Bruvvas from oop Norf.
  • Maybe a bit beyond my pc. Shame, looks very interesting stuff.
    SFV - reddave360
  • Here's me and Temps in one of a few custom battles against the AI we were playing last night, this being very close as opposed to crushing obliteration. :P

    Apologies for the probably shoddy camera work, it was a really hectic battle, hard enough to command at the time, and tricky to follow in this replay. There's also a couple of graphical glitches at points, think it may be down to DirectX12 or summat. Skip to 3:10 if you're not bothered about seeing the lineup. It was me as the Dwarfs and Temps as the Empire, our foes were the Vampire Counts and Orcs.

    I'm using an i5 6600k and an R9 390, so a step down from Tempy's rig, but still handles everything pretty well at ultra. What do you have RedDave?

    Really enjoyed the battles we played, even when we got crushed it was truly a spectacle to behold. Really want to see the tech improve so we get some seriously next level animations and AI though. The battle AI seems much improved over previous Total War games however. It's very tough trying to keep pace in these battles and manage everything quickly enough to react to threats, but I'm keen on practicing this as I think it makes the game better. I don't really like having to pause or slow the game down constantly, and I think by playing in realtime we'll get better at correct positioning and formations, so that micro-managing becomes less of an issue.
  • At the moment i have a 7870 radeon, 16gb ram, not sure on the cpu but it gets around the 4ghz range (if i have that right). Was thinking of adding a new gpu in there, probably woukdnt bother with tge cpu at the moment. Biggest barrier at tge moment is time more than money to be honest.
    SFV - reddave360
  • Does anyone want the Grombrindral Dwarf Lord code that I got with White Dwarf ?

    I've also got a 20% off code for Steam , if anyone wants it.

    Would love to play but don't have a laptop capable unfortunately. 

    Codes only valid till 3rd of Jan 2017
    Wii U Themagickman - PSN - Themagickman   Xboxlive - Themagickman
  • You will be able to play with that I think, not high settings but medium/low should be doable with tweaks. If that 4Ghz CPU is an Intel chip then you should be alright (Warhammer loves more cores though), if it's AMD then that's definitely something to upgrade (Ryzen shouldn't be far away). This kind of game is much more dependent on CPU than most, with other games you can get a away with a weaker CPU and rely on the GPU for the majority of the performance.

    I think I'm at a similar place in the campaign to Tempy now, duking it out with the Vampires and Chaos. Here's my assault on Castle Drakenhof -


    Here's my map, got pretty much all the Southeast under my control now -


    It really is a stonking game, so so cool. I was going to regale some of the epic happenings that are going on, but I think it's maybe better not to spoil them. Got taken by surprise and had to react fast which was really cool, the game is managing to keep me on my toes.
  • Kernowgaz wrote:
    Does anyone want the Grombrindral Dwarf Lord code that I got with White Dwarf ? I've also got a 20% off code for Steam , if anyone wants it. Would love to play but don't have a laptop capable unfortunately.  Codes only valid till 3rd of Jan 2017

    I would certainly, though maybe I should pop by the Games Workshop store here in Bristol and get a code, hadn't seen this before. Maybe give it to Tempy or sommeone else here :)
  • I already have that code pack! It's how I got it so cheap. It's a real shame this released in such a sorry state as with the release of Wood Elves, even without buying the DLC the game has updated to make it a far better experience than the reviews* suggest.

    *I mean steam reviews here, the press reviews were pretty much on point.
  • That's always the case with Total War games, typically I've waited around a year and a half after release before buying the new TW, by that time it's (mostly) fixed and they've added pretty much all the content. Similar thing with the Civ games, Civ 5 in particular is a far superior game now than back at launch. I assume Civ 6 will be much the same.
  • Yeah after some initial caveats with stuff I now think it's the only essential Games Workshop video game out there. I was never that into Fantasy Battles, but it pretty much does the table top game justice, which is no small feat. 

    At first I found the fact that each campaign had such a different tone was an issue. You can't just drop in like you could with the old Total War games, you have to try and fail to get a feel for each race, how they play, and what the strategies are. The forums suggests that "the game doesn't start til turn 50" and they're pretty much right. I have wrought much more enjoyment out of it after reading a lot of guides and stuff, because often the game is a bit bad at telling you lots of things even though they match what the lore suggests. Dwarves like to keep to their own kind! This means confederating them is an easy way of winning, but Grudges will force them to move out into the wider world where they are at risk... who knew? They don't need lots of military, just one or two deployment bases because they'll use the rest of the space for economy so they can globally reinforce, of course! The Greenskins should always be raiding, which is death for other races, but for the Greens it means they can EARN GOLD, DENY ATTRITION and RECRUIT UNITS DIRECT TO THE FRONT LINE - it's perfect!


    The game never outright tells you this. It's both good that it doesn't, but a bit troublesome from a newcomer's perspective. There is a lot of poring over text and menus to make sure everything is just so, but it's worth it for the dominance it lets you exert, and in the four totally unique ways it lets you exert it. Fights are different over and over, even if as Dwarves your tactics rarely change. Undead are like fighting 3 different races in successive battles as sometimes they'll field just heroes and monsters. Greenskins can be an ocean of hurt or two sharp pincers. Empire are off to the West arguing with themselves so who cares.

    The only REAL complaint I have right now is Auto-Resolve is bullshit. Not in an inherently bad or good way, just plain BS. I had Chaos attack an army of Dwarves in the underway instead of the larger force who were relgated to reinforcements. What this meant was my small force in the underway was attacked from behind whilst my reinforcements slowly dribbled in as another force swept in to crush my small Dwarven army. I quicksaved and tried the battle 3 times with no success. Finally I auto resolved it, and my Dwarven forces wiped out 1700 of 1701 Chaos units. It is clearly not even related to the conditions of battle, which makes it a bit cheap/weak in equal measure. 

    Still, last night I got my first Heroic Victory, which was really cool.
  • Edit: I'm sure your game looks way better than mine btw Gurt, I might need to have a fiddle with my settings. Also Kudos for getting the Southern Wilds, I still need to confederate them as I have stubborn allies.

    Also nice footage of Franz and Grudgebearer taking down those stupid Grobi scum. I have got a mod that tones down the blood though because it's so OTT.
  • I think it might be down to DirectX 12, I noticed the ambient occlusion looked different, more full on Dx12 vs 11, may be something else or it could be the same I'm not sure.. It can be a little buggy though I think, I've seen some weird shifting shadows when looking at the tops of fort walls for example. May the same thing that was causing that crazy graphical glitch. Also check if for that annoying thing in PC games where all the settings have differing max quality levels, there's a few in Warhammer that can go up to "Extreme" I think.

    I'm not really sure how the confederacy thing is weighted, for a while they weren't in favour, then they were for some reason. I think it was going back and forth, some of the mechanics are a bit veiled I think.

    Also regarding the game being very different to play now compared to release -

    @4:49 he talks about how much richer the game is now with all the new factions.
  • They have a lot of passion yes, and the evolution of the game as the DLC comes out is great. I am interested to see if The game has Expansions or if it is closer to Starcraft 2 with its three projected games.

    Also if you get bored with the OG campaign, the Total War community breeds insane people like Radious who have reworked everything.
  • When your Vampire Lord is slain and you dissolve -

  • Attrition is a real cunt
  • Bollockoff
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    That looks pukka.

    After about 230 turns i managed to finish the Long Campaign. It's quite interesting as Sylvannia is in between Karak-A-Karaz and the other two Dwarven Strongholds to the North and East, so I had to purify the dead earth after i'd fertilised it with the stinking blood of score of undead. Chaos came, and were big, and scary, until I broke them with my hammers and torpedoes. Speaking of those, Ironbreakers are a riot - I flamethrowered Giant in one game and it made me cackle. 

    My advance to the East was slowed only slightly by a the might branch of the Wood Elves. They are surprisingly tough as Dwarves don't have a lot of flexibility, and with the wrong units they pose a real threat to the line. Slayers have a lot of choppa, but not a lot of armour, and treekin are quite fearsome.

    In the end, I got very angry and burned their Forest to the ground whilst I was chasing my last two Grudges in the North: assassinating barbarian commanders for siding with the Chaos. I had some fun battles where single Kislev units dragged me into massive scraps that I had to prepare for, and almost turned off the game in anger when a stupid move command sent my Dwarves into a weird spiral that the Wood Elf AI decided was the perfect time to attack - that's my only real complaint with the battles (bar them being a little short) as the move commands are often really awkward and bad - but I turned them into ash in the end.

    I had an insane amount of money, enough to buy the last few Confederacies and Alliances that I needed to secure my homelands again. Thorin Grudgebearer now rules again, just in time for the Skaven to fuck everything up by blowing up Morrslieb. 

    I'll post some choice pictures and stats later.
  • Bollockoff
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    I'm mostly ignorant of End Times lore so looked it up. Morrslieb is a really nice word to say out loud.

    Anyway the last paragraph tickled me.
    In The End Times, with the aid of a scroll given to them in secret by Skreech Verminking, the Grey Seers finally drag Morrslieb closer to the world as part of a plan to regain their prominence. The Slann of Lustria put up a huge fight, resulting in many deaths from magical strain on both sides, but fail to stop the Grey Seers entirely. In a typical display of Skaven arrogance/envy/idiocy, Clan Skyre then tries to one-up the Grey Seers by blowing Morrslieb up. Of course, since Morrslieb is so much closer to the world now, this means they nearly end up destroying the fucking world in the process. It takes the heroic sacrifices of Mazdamundi and Lord Kroak to keep the world from dying, and even then, Lustria and the Southlands are both utterly annihilated by a cosmic firestorm.
    The surface looks like a skull. A skull.
  • The best part of the End Times is that the Horned Rat finally gest the Skaven to unite for a few scant hours to gain the upperhand, only for Clan Skyre to go straight back to being Skaven the minute the Horned Rat isn't looking. In the lore now, Skaven are burrowing through time and space to join the realms together so you can play whoever against whatever.
  • Bollockoff
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    Ratmen. Always good for a laff.

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