Work - The pros and the cons...
  • Fuck me, secondary school local to me. Happy to have a Year 10 on work experience but maybe tell us if she has the cognitive ability of a reception child.
  • What's a reception child?
    SFV - reddave360
  • GooberTheHat
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    What's your thoughts on delaying enrolment for summer kids Tiger?

    My boy was born in mid August, and we really don't think he'll be ready for reception next year, but also don't want him to miss out and just skip it. We are thinking about requesting permission to enroll him in reception when he is 5. Do you have any experience of that type of situation?
  • Could you arrange a meet with the head?
    My daughter was born in July and before starting we brought her to the school and had little chat, mostly to her to see if she'd be ready.
    [quote=Skerret]Unless someone very obviously insults your loved ones with intent, take nothing here seriously.[/quote]
  • What's your thoughts on delaying enrolment for summer kids Tiger?

    My boy was born in mid August, and we really don't think he'll be ready for reception next year, but also don't want him to miss out and just skip it. We are thinking about requesting permission to enroll him in reception when he is 5. Do you have any experience of that type of situation?

    Mrs Syph is a primary teacher and has been for nearly 20 years now (god, we’re getting old). I asked her advice for you and this is what she said:

    Its doable but long term it doesn’t benefit the child. It basically means they skip reception and start school in year 1. I’ve not heard of having 5 turning 6 year olds in Rec unless there is significant additional needs. And even then that unusual.

    It would mean they miss all the social interaction, learning how to learn and physical development that is so key to later on.

    What are the reasons for not wanting him to start? If it is emotional and social stuff, the best thing would be to have a conversation with the school and see if he can attend part time for longer. But they need to be aware that his cohort will make friendships without him, so he may find it hard to integrate later on.

    Reception teachers are very experienced with the challenges that summer born children may face. But it’s not a given that he’ll find it hard. He might thrive - they need to give it a chance. Make the school aware of their concerns and have a discussion about what they can offer in terms of staggered or slower entry and support in class.

    Depending on where they are, spaces may be at a premium so if they defer there may not be a space for him at their preferred school by year 1.

    Hope that helps, Goober. Happy to pass on any other questions or concerns you may have to her, if you have anything more specific to ask.
  • My boys were born end of August, youngest in their year.
    We considered it but ultimately put them in reception as soon as they were old enough. Yes it meant them being the youngest in the class but they have thrived and are all the better for it. They made awesome friends and are doing so well.

    Trust in your kids and the teachers ability to work with them. They learn so much and so fast.
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    I still wish my August one could be the year below tbh. She's always found, and still finds, school hard. Perfectly good socially and has friends, but the academic side is a real struggle to the extent that she'll be in tears etc at points despite now being year three. So I understand the question, and fuck knows what the best answer is really, but I feel you basically. Hopefully they do thrive whatever ends up happening!
  • I've looked in the the future Muzz and it's fine. She gets straight A's, becomes Prime Minister and bans stand up wipers.
  • acemuzzy wrote:
    I still wish my August one could be the year below tbh. She's always found, and still finds, school hard. Perfectly good socially and has friends, but the academic side is a real struggle to the extent that she'll be in tears etc at points despite now being year three. So I understand the question, and fuck knows what the best answer is really, but I feel you basically. Hopefully they do thrive whatever ends up happening!

    It's the opposite of this for us. Tilly's the youngest in her year and work-wise it's fine, but socially you can really see the difference. She's 9 in two months, and a couple of her classmates will be 10 a month later. Being an only child doesn't help either as she takes things to heart quite easily. Quite a few friends but no close bonds, which is a shame as she's always on the hunt for a BFF.
  • What's your thoughts on delaying enrolment for summer kids Tiger?

    My boy was born in mid August, and we really don't think he'll be ready for reception next year, but also don't want him to miss out and just skip it. We are thinking about requesting permission to enroll him in reception when he is 5. Do you have any experience of that type of situation?
    I'll type something up when I'm at my PC tomorrow.
  • GooberTheHat
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    Cheers, and for everyone else's input.
  • Turns out I don't understand what 'tomorrow' means.

    There's no doubt, statistically, that summer born children generally find Primary school harder. The phonics test data (for example) is very much skewed, where summer born children don't pass it as often as older children. The graphs might as well be in age order when you look at it on a wide scale. The academic side of your child being one of the little ones mustn't be stressed over. I'm sure that's not the big concern, but it's certainly something I'd tell everyone not to get too worried over. I think most here would be very conscientious and on board with doing what they can at home to support, so they'll mostly be fine by the time it actually makes any difference. The biggest thing you can do is just read with them lots and, if you do that, your almost certainly on to a winner. And not just the books the school give you.

    In terms of whether they're ready or not, it can kinda depend on the school. Some are quite formal in EYFS, with children expected to all sit at tables and write at the same time (for example). This wouldn't be super-duper formal but it would be a lot closer to a 'typical' classroom for those short periods of time where they're tasked with this. Others don't kit out the classroom with enough chairs and tables for this, and will likely be a lot more free flow. I dare say the second is better for summer-born children as it's closer to nursery settings. Might be worth asking at the school what their approach to EYFS is? I'd always advocate for the second option, personally. 

    I wouldn't sweat over them starting later so long as you work on some basic stuff at home (numbers 1-20 being the big thing, but some basic phonics stuff - what sounds various letters make - would really set them up to start well). Kids make new friends within days at that age so I certainly wouldn't be worried about the social side of things either. So long as they aren't super quiet, they'll make friends quick sharp. However, I will say they very few children do the delayed start nowadays. Very few.

    My general recommendation would be to just let them start. They'll be exhausted, but they'll also be exposed to a lot of learning and social situations that you couldn't possible cater for at home. I can totally understand considering having them start later though and I wouldn't worry about it being something that would negatively impact on them if you decided they just weren't quite ready... so long as you were doing little bits and pieces at home, and not just watching fucking Blippi. After all, 5 days a week at school, with all the unfamiliar situations of new friends/places/teachers/dinner etc is going to be fucking knackering.

    Syph's point about school places is super valid too.

    Anyway, this article may be useful. I haven't read it because I've used my 'free' reading but there might be bits in there.

  • Question.
    Is it normal to be bricking it a bit when facing your first proper service-management role? Not so much the difficulty of the tasks, but the weight of responsibility.
    PSN : time_on_my_hands
  • Yes
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • davyK
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    But that's a good thing.  Keeps you honest and in the game.

    All will be well.
    Holding the wrong end of the stick since 2009.
  • Thanks, guys. Means a lot.

    It's basically stepping up into my current manager's role, but it's coming at a bad time - budget cuts, angry people wanting to ban some of our books... Bit of a trial by fire but at least it's a place that I know back to front.
    PSN : time_on_my_hands
  • I'm back at Canary Wharf now, which is nice as its closer and almost always near enough empty. On Friday the guy that sorts the post for the offices (on the loading bay where we pick up my team's work) was asking if we had a [insert name] working for us. We'd never heard of him, which doesn't mean much as we hardly know anyone these days. He was holding a partially open parcel that stank of skunk and it looked like an open and shut case of 'lol some idiot's actually been getting drugs sent to work'. When we got back upstairs it turned out from checking emails that yes, we do work with this guy whose ACTUAL REAL NAME was on the label. He's been asking our post room guy about it since apparently, but what he doesn't know is that it's been destroyed, emails have been going back and forth between the top bods and he'll (presumably) be getting the elbow today.

    Numpty of the week for sure. Works for HR too.
  • Dark Soldier
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    You pocketed it didn't ya Moot
  • If it's been put in a cupboard for disposal at a later date then Dave on nights has had an absolute result.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Been assigned to do some call listening at work with the new starters. It's that quiet the guy I'm supposed to be listening to hasn't had a call in over an hour so being paid to sit on the sofa watching Twitch.

    Work is great innit.
  • Are you breathing heavily when you do listen in?
  • Dark Soldier
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    Haha if they could hear me I'd be rinsing some Jungle
  • regmcfly
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    In work news I don't need to work for 6.5 weeks
  • regmcfly wrote:
    In work news I don't need to work for 6.5 weeks
    How are you feeling mate? I know that's not something you look forward to every year. Have you got some nice things planned to do for yourself?
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.
  • regmcfly
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    Thanks for checking in. The void often does seem very real, but this year with c being a wee person and work to be done on the house, I am ready!
  • Thanks, guys. Means a lot.

    It's basically stepping up into my current manager's role, but it's coming at a bad time - budget cuts, angry people wanting to ban some of our books... Bit of a trial by fire but at least it's a place that I know back to front.

    Book bans? Por que?
  • regmcfly wrote:
    Thanks for checking in. The void often does seem very real, but this year with c being a wee person and work to be done on the house, I am ready!

    Mate, keep yourself busy and treat yourself to whatever makes you smile.
    You'll be alright
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.

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