General Games News
  • I can totally empathise with their position. It's very unfair that games writers have a really shit reputation. And the backlash the receive is always disproportionate, with people jumping to personal insults rather than genuine criticism.

    But because of that, if you have a public Twitter account, you need to be very careful of what you say, because as has been shown, it doesn't take much for someone to draw the conclusion (correct or not) that you're on the take.
  • Rab Florence is a god.

    Jolly Boy John is FOR REAL!!!
    PSN: LtPidgeon - Live: Lt Pidgeon
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    As I said, I don't think pay is either the problem or the solution.
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    You could argue that the more someone is paid the comfier and more dependent they get and therefore less likely to deviate from any company line or resist Ad department pressure for fear of being turfed out.

    The MPs is a good example, they all earn well above national average and some are millionaires, yet they still weasled a few quid out of every opportunity.
  • The high stakes of big budgets and the impact of review scores (which are grossly over emphasised) is what has led to this tight knit PR-reviewer relationship in many cases.

    If you look at other entertainment industries then I doubt we can ever escape it entirely. You just need it to be big enough for honest, impartial critics to be able to earn a living from it. It will get there one day.

    I personally consider retro gamer as the leader in this regard, partly because paying them to review Alex Kidd favourably in 2012 isn't really necessary.
    "Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness." ― Terry Pratchett
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    I see people bending rules to survive at every pay grade, hello MPs and bankers. So whilst I see your point perfectly as well, I just don't see how changing what they're paid would help matters significantly. Not that it would ever happen anyway, I just wholly reject the "poor journos have to take a bit on the sly just to survive" angle.
  • Yossarian
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    Gonzo wrote:
    I don't know. You want objectivity you pay for it. The less money someone makes, the more they are likely to be swayed, it's a fairly simple proposition.

    I happen to think that the MPs stuff is a joke. These guys should be earning 200 grand, and never worrying about their financial future. Focus on making laws that deliver sober, long term benefits for this country. Don't think about which firm you need to be non-exec or consult for in order to pay your way after you leave the commons.

    I quite like the argument that MPs wages should be matched against the national average wage. Maybe not a 1:1 relationship, but I like the idea that their remuneration reflects that of the rest of the country.

    Although I'd rather we just got rid of MPs.
  • Mod74 wrote:
    You could argue that the more someone is paid the comfier and more dependent they get and therefore less likely to deviate from any company line or resist Ad department pressure for fear of being turfed out.

    This is absolute horse shit. 

    You think the people getting paid a good amount of money are lucky, lazy fucks who just sung to the company hymn sheet and started getting paid six figures?
  • Gonzo wrote:
    Mod74 wrote:
    No mod, you can't argue that.

    Whether you or Google agree or not, I'm fairly sure he can and did.
  • @adored

    This is just plain incorrect and I'd like to find out the basis for 'mods argument and where (in real life) his opinion comes from.
    You could argue that the more someone is paid the comfier and more dependent they get and therefore less likely to deviate from any company line or resist Ad department pressure for fear of being turfed out.
  • I'm sure if he wants to elaborate he will. Just because in your opinion it is incorrect doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
  • adored wrote:
    I'm sure if he wants to elaborate he will. Just because in your opinion it is incorrect doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

    I'm confused. At what point have I said that ubermod is unable to make an argument?

    My issue is that his argument contains no argument and is instead a blanket statement with nothing to back it up.
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    google wrote:
    You could argue that the more someone is paid the comfier and more dependent they get and therefore less likely to deviate from any company line or resist Ad department pressure for fear of being turfed out.
    This is absolute horse shit.  You think the people getting paid a good amount of money are lucky, lazy fucks who just sung to the company hymn sheet and started getting paid six figures?

    I don't know where I said 'lucky', lazy' or 'do what they're told and get a six figure salary'.

    I simply said that you could argue the more someone gets paid the less inclined they are to rock the boat and jeopardise that position. Especially in one as seemingly competitive as being a game journalist paid to fly round the world getting early access to the latest and greatest videogames whilst thousands if not millions of people hanging on your words.

    But OK, let's have a look for some examples of people taking a stand on principle. I count Jeff Gerstmann and Rich Stanton who capitulated in the time it took to sober up. Even Gerstmann sold the company back to CBS, so I'm not sure how well even that holds up.

    Care to offer any others?
  • Must have been your opening "horseshit" gambit that confused me. Oh well.
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    I'm confused as to why Google doesn't think salary is a motivator in changing or not changing jobs. I thought he worked in recruitment.
  • Mod74 wrote:
    I'm confused as to why Google doesn't think salary is a motivator in changing or not changing jobs. I thought he worked in recruitment.

    I've made no secret of my job, 'mod.

    In fact, it would take you all of two seconds to find me on the multitude of different professional networks available on the internet.

    Regardless, for brevity's sake, I'm a solutions consultant at a software company. I work with recruitment and staffing companies, but I'm not employed by one. 

    Hopefully we've cleared that up and we can move on?
    I simply said that you could argue the more someone gets paid the less inclined they are to rock the boat and jeopardise that position. Especially in one as seemingly competitive as being a game journalist paid to fly round the world getting early access to the latest and greatest videogames whilst thousands if not millions of people hanging on your words.
    I confused your earlier point. I assumed you were talking about anyone who earned good money because I honestly couldn't fathom why you'd assume anyone who wrote about videogames earned anything close to a decent salary. 

    Regardless, I apologise for my rash words. I'd incorrectly assumed you were tarnishing the same brush for all industries.

    The fact is you're not paid well in the videogame industry. If you have a permanent job then you're very lucky and you'll be milking it for everything it's worth. Because, as we've seen, those jobs are few and far between and last for a year or two at most. 

    I agree with you actually. I'd say that those working in the industry, who earn very little money and are fearful of their jobs/perks/free games would follow company line before following their own opinion.

    On the other hand, as we've seen, those at the other end of the scale, who are genuinely good at their jobs, command good fees and have a good reputation (Gerstmann, Lee, Smith, Gillen, Sessler, Rab, etc) have absolutely no problem transferring their skills into other, better paying positions in other companies/industries.
  • Bollockoff
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    Best gaming moment apparently, according to golden joystick is the throat of the world in Skyrim. A place that for me had so much build up yet turned out to be an underwhelming boring old people's home on a mountain top.
  • Yeah really wanted a bit more after that massive hike up the mountain and spending about 10 mins running away from a frost troll.
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    Not Wii - 3DS: 0146-8922-2426

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    google wrote:
      Regardless, I apologise for my rash words.

    OK, that's cool. And I apologise for bringing your job up. In my defence you were a bit harsh of the bat and I couldn't fathom why (which isn't an excuse). And I did genuinely think you worked in recruitment as I thought that's where you said you were going when you had two offers on the table.

    Moving on.
  • What the hell is happening to this place?

    Someone call someone a cunt. Er, WorKid, yer a cunt.
  • You know I probably am. It's cool. Let's move on.
  • Fuck off Tempy you Tim Rogers looking cuntbag.

    (buy Forza)
  • Why on earth would I buy Forza, Bateman? Gonna be getting NFS:MW if I get anything.
  • Olimite
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    Olimite Too

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    Need For Speed: Forza?
  • Need for speed modern warfare?
  • wonderbanana
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    Need for speed modern warfare?

    FFS no one mention that to EA.
  • Humvees with neon and sound systems, racing around Afghanistan....
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...

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