The Star Wars thread - "Chewie, we're home."
  • Yossarian wrote: wrote:
    I'm guessing they cast very young in the hope of keeping her in the part as she ages.
    A year young, apparently:
    Indeed. That'll be part of why they picked her. 9 years old but looks about 5 or 6. We can keep her in the part for yeeeeeeeeeeaars.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • “She is an actress and producer…”

    Producer also. The force is strong with this one.
    That was awkward and unsettling, never post anything like it again.

    Episode 2 of Larry. Mmmh.... you love to see it.
    SFV - reddave360
  • Huzzah!
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • Ep2 done, and Larry is unsurprisingly turning out to be glorious. :)
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • The bit when he tells Duke that he is glad he never had kids and does the shifty eyes... chefs kiss.
    SFV - reddave360
  • Aye, there’s some pure gold in there.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • Just caught up with the last 10+ pages of this having stopped watching after ep3 and waiting until today to watch the last few eps with my kid.

    Occasionally enthralling, often comical and sometimes moronic, the thread is a great companion piece to the show ;)
    "Like i said, context is missing."
  • Anyway, while there is lots to nitpick, something that really stood out in the last ep that i thought was just too jarring was reva managing to recover, get a ship and get to tattooine in the same time vader was chasing the refugees.
    i know time and distance are always abused for narrative reasons, but i have two issues. firstly, it's a general issue i think with the disney stuff (and i think maybe the prequels started it) that makes the universe seem smaller cos people just pop up wherever they need to be in a moments notice - there was a sense in the originals that even hyperspace was long hike and you'd be hours if not days travelling to different systems. Tattooine is supposed to be a remote planet in the outer rim that no one had any reason to bother with and now people just pop there like they're nipping to the corner shop!
    secondly, i just thought in terms of narrative it didn't add any extra tension or drama having the reva/luke stuff happen at the same time as kenobi/vader. i think it could have just initially let you forget about reva, leave her for dead, focus on kenobi/vader and getting leia home. that plays out almost the same, kenobi meets Leia at home and they're all 'phew, job done'....let you think the show is over. Then Reva arrives on tattoine, and kenobi gets his spider sense tingling about luke, and he's like "oh shit" but he's got a long ride home stuck in hyperspace. will he get back in time?
    "Like i said, context is missing."
  • You can take your pick of random jarring moments across the whole series. Off the top of my head:

    - Obi’s magic elevator
    - Adults chasing Leia
    - Big gun shooting door until Reva lightsabers it open
    - Stormtroopers running up to rebels to shoot them in the chest at point blank range after said door is opened
    - Darth letting Obi escape after first duel
    - Reva’s magic taxi to Tattoine
    - Obi carefully disabling a laser gate that he could more easily and simply walk around (compounded by the editing to show the gate in a long shot afterwards to further highlight its redundancy)

    It was almost as if a different director was creating each scene - kind of like a really expensive version of that game you play as kids where each person writes a sentence at a time then folds the paper down and you only read all the sentences together when you unfold the paper at the end.

    That was awkward and unsettling, never post anything like it again.
  • Come with g if you want to live...
  • I'm three episodes in to Obi Wan. So you're telling me that he has dedicated his life to watching over Luke, but hasn't been practicing with the force and his saber every day?! He's let his powers go to waste?!
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • b0r1s
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    Worst babysitter.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    When you're a famous Jedi trying to hide, lightsaber practice is a bit of a tell
  • When you're a famous Jedi trying to hide, lightsaber practice is a bit of a tell

    I'm sure no one would see in his cave in the middle of the desert.
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    Ah well. As long as you're sure
  • Not practising with a lightsaber and therefore having rusty sabre skills is definitely something that would be understood considering he is in hiding. But not using the force at all? When you believe you’re protecting the son of the chosen one? Madness, madness I tell you. In the series they kind of hint it is because Obi has lost faith in the force, which just seems unbelievable for the character. It’s all just bad story writing IMHO.
    That was awkward and unsettling, never post anything like it again.
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    Couldn't like sith detect the force being used?
  • They could've feel Obi Wan when he's 10 feet away *shrug*. Force powers seem extremely plot dependent.
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • davyK
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    Given Obi Wan was pretty much an invincible Jedi at the end of SW:ep.3 they needed to create some kind of tension by downgrading him. The concept of the series was flawed because of that.
    Holding the wrong end of the stick since 2009.
  • I just took it that he blamed himself for the fall of everything and had decided any form of practicing is a risk.
    They could have showed that more to be fair, in fact I had hoped the show might be a bit darker in that respect. They had an interesting conflicted character plus an actor with the chops to handle it but they stuck with Saturday matinee stuff.
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    I suspect they also know (the majority of) their audience tbf... plenty of younger kids ain't gonna be giving two hoots
  • Yeah it will be exactly that.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    MattyJ wrote:
    They could've feel Obi Wan when he's 10 feet away *shrug*. Force powers seem extremely plot dependent.

    Maybe they couldn't sense him because he's severed his connection to the force? Like that's kind of the point in the not training thing?

    I don't think it's that he's lost faith in the force either, he just felt that they'd lost the war. No point throwing your life away by that stage, so all the training etc goes out the window as it's safer that way. He said as much to the Jedi who asked for his help
  • The whole force powers thing has been inconsistent for a long time, pretty much since the prequels started. Just got to roll with it really, thems the Star Wars.
  • EvilRedEye
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    I think they were trying to bridge bad-ass Kenobi from the prequels with very much not a bad-ass Kenobi from the OT. I might be imagining this but I think they might have mentioned it in an interview. Isn't he trying to avoid being sensed by Darth Vader as well?
    "ERE's like Mr. Muscle, he loves the things he hates"
  • I can see that side, just it goes against him supposed to be looking after Luke. What exactly is he planning to do if the empire show up?
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • They should have got Dick Van Dyke to play Kenobi.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • Episode 4 picked up though. Nice to see Obi
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • I want to see them do the old bamboo with lightsabers.
    Come with g if you want to live...

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