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  • Questor wrote:
    I have it on steam - but I also live in aus which means I don't line up with anyone here really in terms of online gaming

    You may be surprised at how much gaming I do and how little sleep I get.
    Aus time isn't really much of a problem.
  • JonB wrote:
    I'm playing Aeterna Noctis, which is Metroidvania again. So far it's good enough. A bit fussy with the controls, but the level design is nicely complex. We'll see.
    Adding this to the given up pile. It's infuriating.
  • Questor
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    Started Deaths door today - seems pretty fun so far. 

    Admittedly only an hour or so in
  • I’m not quite sure what I was thinking I’d get from The Guardians game but I was at least hoping for fun, bombast and polish.  It’s a bit shit really, with a really unfocused and scrappy gameplay loop, irritating team mates shouting shite over the top of each other and a story that is so poorly told and paced that I can’t face listening anymore.  I’ve been in for around 3-4 hours now and I doubt I’ll continue.  I kinda thought it was gonna have some heart and a focus on doing it’s basics well but it’s just so full with the most traditional triple A mis-steps of sprawling story (with flashbacks!), world design that doesn’t feel like an actual world (or galaxy in this case) and a control scheme that feels like it either lacks heft and physicality or any form of grace.  I should have known better from the devs involved but I followed those end of game lists and had a triple A itch that I thought this would scratch.  Looking forward to going back to work rather than playing this tbh.
  • Cos
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    Jacks Joystick

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    I presume Guardians of the Galaxy? That’s a shame, I was tempted to buy it recently but perhaps you’ve saved me 40 quid.
  • I guess I should caveat with I’m no fan of the marvel stuff that’s everywhere but it just feels like a really disjointed game.  I’m not sure how well the teammate stuff works and it does feel like it perhaps changed to a single player game after the game had begun development?
    Think I pad £33 in the sale?  I had pretty high hopes but I’ve been burnt with it.
  • Agree on the gameplay and controls, it does feel as its missing something, but I enjoy the dialogue and writing. It's good fun.
  • Questor wrote:
    I have it on steam - but I also live in aus which means I don't line up with anyone here really in terms of online gaming

    Oh Hai! I have it on Steam also. When do you usually play stuff?
  • Nobody else put any time into Loop Hero? I know DS played it for a little bit
  • I played it for a few hours. I thought it was distinctly dull.
  • Hmmmm, yeah to be honest I thought there would be a bit more there from the off to explain all the praise. I feel like there is some depth here but either I haven't gotten to it yet or it's there and the game hasn't helped me realise where it might be. Like in the potential pros and cons for enemy/landscape tile placement. Or why I might not place tiles at all and what the repercussions of that is.

    I feel like they're going for a self discovery type thing where you are meant to mess about and discover stuff (making a mountain is probably the first one) but it also seems that messing about is counter to trying to use the tiles as they're seemingly meant to be used.

    I remember reading something - maybe in edge - about a specific grouping you can do with meadows and mountains that makes another special group tile. But, like edge said, making that grouping goes against the way it seems like you're meant to use those tiles and so messing about with it means you're kind of throwing away a run.

    I was expecting it to have a similar engaging idle gameplay loop like Game Dev Story or something like this where it slowly but confidently presents you with more and more reasons to keep on playing and making choices.
  • Started It Takes Two with my cousin this evening. Wow, what a game that is.
  • it's fantastic for sure. Amazing amount of work put into making each area feel unique and have different gameplay but still being tight and fun.
  • Yep it's brilliant. Was very impressed with how well it played.
  • The problem with Loop Hero is once you’ve sold each class you just have to keep doing that until you win, which isn’t particularly interesting. Music fuckin’ slaps hard though.
  • Bollockoff
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    Mass Effect Andromeda. I've just founded the first outpost on Eos and I'm enjoying it. Helps now it's relatively bug-free nearly five years after launch. Even so there is some honking character writing like from Addison who seems to have a split personality. The freedom from having a Big Jump is immense.

    Titanfall 2. The campaign is living up to people lauding it though I'm annoyed the MP servers are still being DDOS'd by arseholes so no one can play Frontier Defence. Incredible EA / Respawn just let a handful of people shut down a AAA games MP like that for so long.

    Outer Wilds: Echoes of the Eye. Struggling to even check YT for puzzle solutions and solider on to the end. Such an awful about turn of an experience I actually bothered to post a negative Steam review.

    FF14 Endwalker. Some third act plot happenings mean I've been put off the ongoing story a fair bit. I also feel there's far too much busy work between combat in this expansion which I guess comes from them wanting to get cameos in and plot threads tied off for a grand story conclusion. Inelegant though since you're forced to do it all to see the end.
  • Bollockoff
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    Also Halo 3 and it's quite lol that as only 1 & 2 have gotten the remaster treatment H3 and ODST look significantly worse than H1 & 2 in the MCC. Halo 4 strangely looks alright but I guess that's because it was close to the end of the 360 lifecycle?
  • Tempy wrote:
    The problem with Loop Hero is once you’ve sold each class you just have to keep doing that until you win, which isn’t particularly interesting. Music fuckin’ slaps hard though.


    Agree about the music, keeps getting stuck in my head

  • Autocorrect, should be solved.
  • Bollockoff wrote:
    Also Halo 3 and it's quite lol that as only 1 & 2 have gotten the remaster treatment H3 and ODST look significantly worse than H1 & 2 in the MCC. Halo 4 strangely looks alright but I guess that's because it was close to the end of the 360 lifecycle?

    The remade graphics of Halo 1 look bloody awful, Halo 2 fares much much better though I'm not as into it as I was when I first tried it, too much of a departure from the original art direction.. Halo 3 genuinely still looks great IMO, doesn't really need a remaster especially if there's no intention to stay true to the original.
  • regmcfly
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    At the point with Halo Infinite where it all starts to feel a bit samey. I know the combat puzzle is the core of the game etc but there's only so many loops of enemies I can do. I think the high value targets are where I feel it worst.
  • For me once I was 3 or 4 hours in I had basically seen all that the game had to offer in terms of weapons, enemy types and varations, and mission objectives. The main thing that kept me playing was messing around trying to get the marines everywhere in the razorback. Older Halos had far more variety in scenery and events, and stuff was paced more evenly throughout.

    Infinite is still a good game though, worth playing on Gamepass anyway.
  • regmcfly
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    Yeah, the gamepass value has continued, still the best deal going. Just with Halo getting a bit dull and Forza being great but more forza, really needing those other studios to come to life to make me fire this up over other consoles *

    *I do need to finish Psychonauts 2
  • Cos
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    Jacks Joystick

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    I started The Gunk and immediate impression was that it wouldn’t be for me but an hour later I was totally engrossed. It’s a lovely looking world and whilst there isn’t a great deal of actual ‘game’ so far, there’s something soothing about it. Just opened up a new area so interested to see how it develops.
  • regmcfly
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    DrewMerson wrote:
    regmcfly wrote:
    At the point with Halo Infinite where it all starts to feel a bit samey.

    They’ve got the start of Halo 2 in there?

    Oh Savage.
    Cos wrote:
    I started The Gunk and immediate impression was that it wouldn’t be for me but an hour later I was totally engrossed. It’s a lovely looking world and whilst there isn’t a great deal of actual ‘game’ so far, there’s something soothing about it. Just opened up a new area so interested to see how it develops.


  • Road 96 and it’s delight and such a relief after GotG.  Actual writing and dialogue that makes sense!
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    DrewMerson wrote:
    acemuzzy wrote:
    DrewMerson wrote:
    It’s a good job that super-fast loading is a thing on PS5, because losing to the boss I’m currently facing in Kena: Bridge of Spirits (which is happening over and over) puts me back to standing a few metres from the spot where I have to trigger the cut-scene before said fight. Thankfully, because of the fast loading, the time from the killing blow (including a moment to realise you parped it and subsequent fade to black) to charging at him again is a shade under 10 seconds.
    DrewMerson wrote:
    And, an hour later, that’s him finally beaten. There were points I thought that was going to be beyond my ability. I’d get him down to ½-⅓ health, and he’d obliterate me. Once I got him down to about a tenth of his bar, and then never got that close again until I beat him.
    Glad I'm not the only one finding bits of it hard. Though now curious if this is a boss I've done it one that still awaits... Edit: checks trophies... was the same one, phew...

    In case anyone is interested, this is said boss fight:

    I'm at the next corrupt dude. Slowly learning the way forward, but not seen much of the second half yet - you had any further joy??
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    Snap. Only had a couple of goes so fast, hopefully will crack it tomorrow...

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