Vaping and ecigs.
  • Well fuck me, so that's what it's for? (watch)

    Yeah it was the second cheapest model in the shop (big spender me) so I'm sure there are better, but it does me fine for now.
  • There's cheaper models? That I didn't know. Curious what they're like now.

    Yeah, the little pocket's from when people had pocket watches, innit.
  • Subbax
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    Yeah, it's a pocket job and generally stays uptight but I've had it in there sitting down a lot.

    I'll try to find pictures but it's a bottom coil job with a curved/fluted(?) mouthpiece. Refills by unscrewing the battery, holding the tank upside down I unscrew a bottom metal ring that has the atty in and refill.

    Atty has a longish tube and a rubber seal, I can see two small pieces of wick poking out the side. Costs £3 for a new one.
    It's a goddamn snoozefest out there.
  • Subbax
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    I think it is a Kanger Protank actually but not the model I saw. Maybe it's a knockoff.

    Aha! I'm 95% sure it's a Protank Mini 2. This thing is a solid vape and I drop the fucking thing all the time.
    It's a goddamn snoozefest out there.
  • Yeah there was one cheaper model in the pharmacy I went to (edgware rd near marble arch) but only by a couple of quid, couldn't tell you the difference.

    Have been at the family home in the countryside for the last week and a half and not had any cigs in that time, been using the vapouriser quite a bit and may see if I can continue. Need to get off this melon shit though.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Subbax wrote:
    I think it is a Kanger Protank actually but not the model I saw. Maybe it's a knockoff. Aha! I'm 95% sure it's a Protank Mini 2. This thing is a solid vape and I drop the fucking thing all the time.

    The Aerotank is closely based on the ProTank, in fact all of the parts are interchangeable. If you buy an Aerotank base, you can covert your Pro into an Aero,
  • I've had an aerotank for about 2 weeks now, and on my 3rd vamo (sold one and lost the other at beatherder). not had any issues with leaking from the aerotank, my protank 3 was prone to leaking on the threads where the air holes were, but as the aerotank has sealed threads I think they have managed to mitigate this long running problem.

    as with all tanks, you may think your tank is leaking, but what is actually happening is condensation is building up inside the main tube. you'll notice this if you pull your drip tip out, and see a little pool of liquid in the reservoir. I don't think there is any way getting round this but give is a wipe with a tissue once a day.

    Yoss, the aerotank is dual coil, so you are basically using twice the juice. you should find that you'll start using it less though because you're getting more vape per puff.
    PSN: Its_DanDan_Ey
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Yes, I've dropped my nicotine massively in the Aerotank, but I am getting through the juice at quite a rate. And my Aerotank was definitely leaking. The two inch wide juice stain on my shirt pocket that appeared in the space of fifteen minutes, plus all the liquid that wound up in the base was proof of that. It's fine as long as it's upright.

    Having said all this, I'm still genuinely very pleased with the setup. Even so witching from a dead battery to a fresh one doesn't affect the vape at all, and, aside from the leak, the Aerotank is absolutely brilliant. Now, if I can just work out how to keep the damn thing upright all day, I'll be as happy as Larry.
  • Could be the case with the evod, but the others were definitely coming out around the joins.

    Guess I should try and figure out why my Aero is so shit.
  • any idea where it was leaking from yoss?
    PSN: Its_DanDan_Ey
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    The liquid had ended up in the base and then came out through the air hole. I presume it got there through the atomiser, past the wick material you can see. Maybe it's just a dodgy head in there, but they do say you should keep it upright so I guess a few heads do that. 

    They have a new head design on the Aerotank V2 which may be related to this. Not sure if they're compatible.
  • I don't think more vapour per puff would reduce my use, unfortunately I'm the kinda guy who'll just enjoy more vapour.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    You can overdo the nicotine in these things. I find myself getting headaches occasionally.
  • Yeah I'm still on the 18mg stuff, I think. I'll look to reduce over time.
  • the thing I don't understand is the lack of consistency with all of these products. AJ, you sound like you've had a really bad run of luck with them. I've had good tanks and bad, good coils and bad. sometimes it is like a lottery, and there is nothing worse than juice in the mouth (fnarr). my aero is great so far, but we'll see...
    PSN: Its_DanDan_Ey
  • Maybe you're just more careful with them than me.
  • he, I work outdoors in the countryside and my vamo is constantly getting dropped on rocks or ending up face down in bogs. it's always getting wet too, thanks to the weather.
    PSN: Its_DanDan_Ey
  • Subbax
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    I dropped from 18 to 12 after getting some proper throat burn and it's great. I'm going to stick with the Protank for the foreseeable.
    It's a goddamn snoozefest out there.
  • What the best fag, top dollar, minimalist style. Go.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Probably the ProVari Mini. This thing's great. Now I've changed the head in my Aerotank Mega, the leaking issue has gone away and this setup is absolutely great.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    It definitely is top dollar, though. My entire setup cost me around £250.
  • That's insane. If I put my most expensive bits together, it's under £50 worth.

    One that I'm running is an Apire sometgingorother with a cap and a 400mAh battery. Looks fucking mint. Makes a shit load of vapor, too.
  • beano
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    all the way home.

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    Been on 0mg for a while now. Still get headaches with the mixes though, less so if I have a higher ratio VG, dunno if it's the same if I use more of the other. Aspire BDC is decent:

    Been cleaning attis in a mug with boiling water poured over. Doesn't completely clean them but improves ones which are caked in crap, after a minutes dry burn.

    Well that's all, stay awesome.
    "Better than a tech demo. But mostly a tech demo for now. Exactly what we expected, crashes less and less. No multiplayer."
    - BnB NMS review, PS4, PC
  • Hey, it's you.

    Tried a pure VG? I don't smoke anything but, these days, PG makes me feel shit.
  • beano
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    all the way home.

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    There was study, funded by the tobacco and guns lobby in the states- the PG and VG produces formaldehyde, a fraction of the amount that's in an actual cigarette. I went into the comments of one site...

    I've fucked off the variable voltage, not long before (a coincidence), so usually vaping at 3.8v.

    Comments, me, in them. Heck.
    AJ wrote:
    Hey, it's you. Tried a pure VG? I don't smoke anything but, these days, PG makes me feel shit.

    Yep, it is. (o:

    I haven't actually. I notice though that it burns down quicker. I'm deffo gonna speak to my local indie dude about getting the ingredients.

    Did I say I'm loving spearmint 0mg nicotine? I am.
    "Better than a tech demo. But mostly a tech demo for now. Exactly what we expected, crashes less and less. No multiplayer."
    - BnB NMS review, PS4, PC
  • I might be biased, since I use it up pretty slowly anyway, but I find the extra speed VG gets used up is more than offset by the extra vapour it produces (and it's smoothness).

    I'm smoking Virgin Vapour stuff at the moment, it's interesting having the feel of actual ingredients rather than artificial flavourings.

    I've also picked up a bottle of straight-up (unflavoured, nicotine free) VG, which I plan on doing something with. I'm going to try a bit of cinnamon flavouring in some, maybe some weed in some, too.
  • Halo yourself, but my name's not Triton.
  • Lord_Griff wrote:
    Halo Triton?

    Not worth it Griff. Just a repackaged Ego Battery and cartomiser.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    If you're dipping your toe in for the first time, an ego battery isn't a bad place to start. Make sure you find a variable voltage one, though. A CE4 or Vivi Nova is a decent starting clearomiser too. Although, for a bit more you can have a Kanger ProTank or Aerotank which are both definite steps up on the CE4s or Vivi Novas, will work pretty much the same on top of an eGo battery as a more expensive one, and you can stick with for a while.

    The eGo battery probably won't last that long, but by the time it dies you'll know whether or not you want to stick with the vaping and upgrade to something better.

    If you just want to start with something better, I hear good things about the Vamo, Innokin iClear and Kanger K-Simar.

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