• beano
    Show networks
    all the way home.

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    I got one boss present for my Santee. I failed a bit, not hard but still. Derp.
    "Better than a tech demo. But mostly a tech demo for now. Exactly what we expected, crashes less and less. No multiplayer."
    - BnB NMS review, PS4, PC
  • Thank you
    they were awesome presents!
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • Thank you

    As I said some nice research mustabeen done so I appreciate the thoughts :)

    Those stickers are gonna adorn my next laptop!

    Well done to everyone involved this year looks like universal cheer all round!

    I kinda want some of those pokemon stickers now.
  • Big thanks to the true Xmas Elf. Especially for getting Santa to make a trip all the way over here just for me.
  • I didn't really know what to get you, dude, so I tried to get things related to the 3 threads that I saw you posted the most in - films, NSFW, and GTAV. Except GTAV related gift isn't there. Sorry.

    I took a risk on the calendar thing. Don't really know you that well so I dunno if you are living by yourself, with girlfriend etc. I liked it, but the wife wouldn't really let me put one up...
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • JonB wrote:
    There was one other item supposed to be coming, Ram. I had to re-order it and it should arrive in Jan. It's a Ferrari.* *Or is it?

    hopes have been raised! :)
    "Like i said, context is missing."
  • Ok. I think that's it all done.
    Been a blast this year. Would be happy to do it again. Though I think I might just let Jon take over. Thanks again folks.
    Sometimes here. Sometimes Lurk. Occasionally writes a bad opinion then deletes it before posting..
  • Thanks to 
    Boss mug. Number 1 mug for dunking biscuits into. And drinking tea from.
    Attempting to lift up a biscuit with the chop sticks. A little more difficult than the instructions suggest.





    equinox_code "I need girls cornered and on their own"
  • Well done Rev. You steered this craft rhrough mildy rough waters and avoided a Titanic fuck up.
  • Are you saying you don't think Rev deserves on OBE!?!
    Shit man I thought you were cool.
  • Bollockoff
    Show networks

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    @Three1ne buffting cheers mate!
  • beano
    Show networks
    all the way home.

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    So gonna have to start dunking with chopsticks.
    "Better than a tech demo. But mostly a tech demo for now. Exactly what we expected, crashes less and less. No multiplayer."
    - BnB NMS review, PS4, PC
  • JESUS sorry for taking so long to get back to civilisation and posting here. Firstly and mainly, THANK YOU to my secret santa (haven't checked reveal list yet!), the stalking on show is considerable in terms of breadth and accuracy!

    Seriously, the presents pretty much sum up my posting here:


    Halo - CHECK
    Cricket - CHECK
    Chelsea - CHECK
    Zelda - CHECK
    Politics - CHECK
    Too late for condoms because I'm already having a baby haha - CHECK (although wife asking awkward questions also added to amusement factor)

    Well played, well played indeed. This has been great fun. My one regret is not including more wrapping / gifting / messages to Kaz; I had no idea of the standards that would be set by this event. Kaz, hope you get that poster up proper, I had a good fondle and it is quality.
  • ADKM - stalker extraordinaire, I doff my (penis) hat (that you bought me)!

    Chelsea annual already devoured by wife with promises that it's nothing to do with the photos of players
  • Hahaha awesome all round there.
    Today is the shadow of tomorrow.
  • Funkstain wrote:
    Well played, well played indeed. This has been great fun. My one regret is not including more wrapping / gifting / messages to Kaz; I had no idea of the standards that would be set by this event. Kaz, hope you get that poster up proper, I had a good fondle and it is quality.

    You're an absolute gent and a legend Funk, the poster will be taking framed pride of place when I sort myself a flat in the next couple of months. Thanks for such a quality gift!
  • i've taken flicks but work have blocked imageshack, any ideas how i can get them up?
    He could've just said they came from another planet but seems keen to convince people with his bullshit pseudoscience that he knows stuff. I wouldn't trust him with my lunch. - SG
  • JonB wrote:
    It isn't.
    Goomba keyring received!  As I'm more of a Porsche man I'm happy with this switch from a Ferrari! ;)
    "Like i said, context is missing."
  • mk64 wrote:
    i've taken flicks but work have blocked imageshack, any ideas how i can get them up?

    Get an imgur or photobucket account.
    Could also try putting them on Facebook and linking the pics as I sometimes do.
    Either that or use your phone's browser to get the image links and use the mobile browser to post.
    Town name: Downton - Name: Nick - Native Fruit: Apples
  • its blocking all hosting sites. Grrrr.
    He could've just said they came from another planet but seems keen to convince people with his bullshit pseudoscience that he knows stuff. I wouldn't trust him with my lunch. - SG
  • JonB wrote:
    It isn't.
    Goomba keyring received!  As I'm more of a Porsche man I'm happy with this switch from a Ferrari! ;)
    That was quick. It was estimated to take a couple of weeks.
  • nmb8.jpgvkbf.jpg
    He could've just said they came from another planet but seems keen to convince people with his bullshit pseudoscience that he knows stuff. I wouldn't trust him with my lunch. - SG
  • so as you can all see. Nexx is godlike.
    He could've just said they came from another planet but seems keen to convince people with his bullshit pseudoscience that he knows stuff. I wouldn't trust him with my lunch. - SG
  • Sweet!
    Today is the shadow of tomorrow.
  • billy, i now pwn you.
    He could've just said they came from another planet but seems keen to convince people with his bullshit pseudoscience that he knows stuff. I wouldn't trust him with my lunch. - SG
  • omfg

    We should all get those t-shirts. Assuming the printer doesn't fuck up and put Team Nexx in the larger font rather than Team Get Tiger Recon again, obviously. 'Cos that's what happened, right? Must be.

    Those are great gifts, fair play.
  • Glad you like it mk.  Don't let the tshirt go to your head, you report into Shyam...

    And thanks again for the great presents Cosby.

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