The B&B Book Review
  • davyK
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    Send message's a long tale.

    I had a hankering to play Tempest 3000.

    Saw a Nuon controller in Ca$h Converters for £20 - so picked it up.
    Then - a year or so later - saw an actual Nuon player - picked that up. About £30.
    Then - discovered the fucking PAL version has no controller ports!!!! (the terminals are on the boards but the wankers at Samsung didn't connect them up to ports. It's a non-standard connector (of course) which is probably why the controllers are valuable (was ignorant of their value).
    So fucked about for years, using the Nuon as a DVD player in gaming den.
    Then Tempest 3000 cost went through the roof (hadn't pulled the trigger on it several times when it was reasonable)
    Then the Nuon caved in.
    Then I ebayed the controller - prices £200-300!
    Sold it to a guy in Israel (I had a reserve of £200 - he bought it at the last minute).
    Bought Dune and LotR with the money. :)
    Holding the wrong end of the stick since 2009.
  • ....AHHHH!!!!  I mistakenly thought you were referring to the Ltd Ed of LotR!
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • davyK
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    Oh shit no.....!!!!!
    Holding the wrong end of the stick since 2009.
  • Strange & Norrell has now had the Folio treatment. I noped out of the signed version yesterday cos fuck paying £375 when it’s not actually a Limited Edition. It sold out in like 5 minutes though.

    Will order it unsigned normal for £150 though.
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    I read a book!!

    This Is How You Lose The Time War. I think a few people here rate it pretty highly, I only thought it was "ok". Intriguing premise and opening async interactions, but the longer narrative arc didn't really do anything for me, and the vignettes lost their novelty pretty fast. Not particularly long though, at least.
  • Bollockoff
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    Yeah as experimental as the narrative is, the relationship between them feels kinda pedestrian? Which makes it a lot easier to read to be fair and it's less of a criticism and more of a "this could have been more interesting if either character in the relationship felt a bit more genuinely alien."
  • OOooooh only just found out that Folio Society are doing a Neuromancer Limited Edtion in August!!!  Hopefully not while I am out of the country on holiday :(
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • The Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson

    Snow crash is one of my favourite books, but for some reason I’d never read this - the book Stephenson followed it up with. It gets a lot of hype as an ‘underappreciated classic’, but … somehow I don’t see it. I found it a bit of a let down.

    We’re far in the future. So far that you get that discombobulating thing at the start of the book, where the language feels a bit alien and you want to chuck it in the bin for trying too hard with all the made-up words and tech. But stick with it and things start to flow better. In this future humanity has invented matter compilers and the ‘feed’ to fuel them. So we’re in a post-scarcity world. Anybody can make anything, in an instant, if they have the blueprint (and the funds). And it’s all built at the atomic level, rearranging building blocks from the atmosphere.

    To deal with this life of plenty, people have abandoned nation-states and reorganised society into ‘phyles’ - or tribes, if you like. The biggest being essentially based on ye olde Victorian Empire and ye even older Chinese Empire. Which is probably the most annoying side of the book, with its reliance on stereotypes and social mores.

    So that’s the world. What’s the plot?

    The leader of the Victorian steampunk wannabes has a young daughter. And he has a theory that the life of privilege doesn’t set anyone up for success. Being mollycoddled results in a lack of original thinking and entrepreneurial spirit. So he devises a plan to give his daughter a better education. 

    He gets the finest engineer in the land to design an interactive teaching book. ‘The Young Lady’s Illustrated Primer’. Which will imprint itself on the girl who first opens it - his daughter - and basically act as a nanny, a teacher, and a spiritual guide, all in one. Think of it as a personalised Hitch-Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

    Obviously, this goes wrong. The engineer pirates a copy for his own daughter. Then gets mugged. The mugger gifts the book to his little sister. So we have a street kid from the roughest side of the tracks receiving the ultimate education.

    Adventure ensues.

    All this makes The Diamond Age sound good. But really, reading it is a slog. The tribes/phyles and the mannerisms they demand really make it drag. Add to that half of the book is written in the style of the Primer - a young girl’s adventures in an imaginary fantasy land, much like Alice in Wonderland but without the inventiveness and weirdness.

    I liked the ideas here, but not the execution. 

    In Stephenson’s defence though, it really picked up in the third act. Once the girl was grown-up, and the disparate parts of the world (and the plot) came together, it rocked along at a fair old pace. Bloody revolution, practical application, and a heroine who grew into a superhero of sorts. But there were also some very casual, offhand treatments of horrendous sexual violence that felt a bit queasy. So, y’know. Swings and roundabouts there.

    I’m giving this the old Edge [7]. I didn’t really love reading it, but I’m glad I did. The story in there was a good one.
  • davyK
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    Another Folio pop up sale in London. 29th June.

    Holding the wrong end of the stick since 2009.
  • I’ll try and make it. But doubt I will. Too lazy.
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • regmcfly
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    Got a nice book token from a former pupil so ordered Going Infinite by Michael Lewis.

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