The hiding from an alien in a locker thread
  • Skerret
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    Nope, sentient AI.  It knows about the forum.
    Skerret's posting is ok to trip balls to and read just to experience the ambience but don't expect any content.
    "I'm jealous of sucking major dick!"~ Kernowgaz
  • Getting a bit bored now. Hard to plan tactically when it's all a bit random. Too many sections where I just die too many times and end up quitting out of frustration. Doubt I'll see the end of this. I demand a pulse rifle and unlimited ammo mode just for stress relief!
  • If this was only 10 hours long rather than 20, I probably would've picked it up.
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • it is about 10 hours long, people are just hiding in cupboards and taking in the scenery for waaaay too long!

    my first run was about 16 hours, second closer to 8.
  • pantyfire wrote:
    So how did you guys do it and are there effective tactics when using these power switch thingies?

    i found them to be quite useful, turning on a PA or alarm in another room would send the Alien/hostile running in that direction, and turning off the environmental controls makes it hard for androids and people to spot you in all the mist, you can pretty much just walk by them all. there were also a few areas that you could lock the door behind people etc.

    never really found a use for the sprinklers though....
  • I used them to wash away the puddles every time I pissed myself with fear.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • haha that might be where i went wrong then.
  • GooberTheHat
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    I've got this now. Looking forward to it scaring the shit out of me.
  • I still can't play it.
  • FranticPea
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    I'm at the locker stage. Wad a nervous wreck after playing on Monday.
  • I really want to get back into this and finish it but it's just a fucking nightmare. Absolutely terrifying to play. Exhausted after an hour.
  • I can't wait for the red dwarf expansion pack.

    as long as they re-skin the alien as Legion.

    ona related note has anyone played the latest DLC? it actually sounds like there a fair bit to it on paper, almost another SP storyline from what i understand.
  • I finally got round to playing this the other day.  I must admit I spent the first couple of hours wondering what the fuss was all about, and being generally irritated by the Working Joes.  However once I'd had some time playing with the Alien for a while it clicked, and I'm now loving it.  (Though I've still not got very far - just found patient zero.)

    Favourite moment so far was sneaking around the medical bay when my wife came into the room, and exclaimed in a loud sing song voice "is this the scary game?  It doesn't really look all that scary". Cue rapidly approaching thudding footsteps through the speakers, a door opening at the end of the corridor and an Alien swiftly eviscerating me.  Bloody microphone.  (The hours spent in the locker are weirdly enhanced by the head tracking too, as I'm bizarrely entertained by it peering as I do.)
  • Dark Soldier
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    Couldn't turn down this at £20 digital so fuck it, I can finally play it proper.

    I looks forward to putting in two hours then being shit scared of going back.
  • I looks forward to putting in two hours then being shit scared of going back.

    This is my experience of this game. Though it is awesome.
  • Skerret
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    I've fucked off DS2 finally, so back into this.
    Skerret's posting is ok to trip balls to and read just to experience the ambience but don't expect any content.
    "I'm jealous of sucking major dick!"~ Kernowgaz
  • anyone played some of the DLC? the latest one sounds like it could be about the size of a campaign. i have the season pass, but i haven't loaded them up yet.
  • Bollockoff
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    On a second playing I think you could take out the barely interactive flashback segment entirely and the game would benefit.
  • it added nothing except a chance to 'play' the first part of the movie. t'was only about 10-15 mins though right?
  • Freddy, I need you to come round and convince me to get in to this. I keep starting then stalling.
  • Bollockoff
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    Smang wrote:
    it added nothing except a chance to 'play' the first part of the movie. t'was only about 10-15 mins though right?

    Still, hurts the pacing I think. 

    Playing on hard and the Xeno seems to take more bursts of flamethrower to make it fuck off and also more likely to bull rush and take out half your health bar. Guns also really fucking hurt.
  • yeah quite a few things i noticed on hard over normal... mostly that those hackable terminals to make noise etc. became a whole lot more useful.

    the flamethrower is interesting as well, i discovered that if you just ready the gun, the small flame will cause the alien to hesitate. i ended up walking backward to my goal with the thrower readied and he was just following me for a bit, saving a ton of flame juice.

    got a vid of it here (no spoilers).

    also it seemed a lot like the more you use it on him, the less scared he gets of it. 1 molotov is always enough to send him running though.
  • Freddy, I need you to come round and convince me to get in to this. I keep starting then stalling.

    yes! silent sanwas need to be installed as to not alert the alien to your position.

    also that vid reminds me of how awesome the lighting is in this game. that bit where you see its silhouette at the end of the corridor... so good.
  • sweeeeeet

    stealth night I reckon, help me clear MGS4 too, I just did the awesome mech fight
  • The Alien does react to the flamethrower in the ways you stated, which is probably my favourite experience in the game. It comes to treat it with wariness, but that ebbs and flows over time for reasons that I won't go into.
  • what do you mean? only one reason i can think of that it's fear of fire might change...
  • Have you finished the reactor sequence yet?

    If not, that should provide answers.
  • done 3 play-throughs, but i wouldn't really describe that as an ebb and flow... more of a switch up then back to normal. as far as i can recall the alien was always wary of the flame thrower.

    i can tell you though that he doesn't give a shit about the cattle prod.

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