Skerrite's Thread of Blue Sky Ambition and Silly Piepdrems
  • I've never quite understood why maths graduates didn't get the argument that everything is made out of maths. They always think it's made out of "matter", possibly because they assume words made up by physicists are in some way real. You'd think they'd understand the most but they never do.
  • Well, the structure's made of maths. As far as I know, energy isn't.
  • There's a GCSE in astronomy?
  • There certainly was when I was at school.
  • Long post, i'm pretty wordy lately

    My first ridiculous ambition is to get the competition entry done, i dont think i will make the deadline, more importantly, if i dont, i will continue on the project. It's got a very large area to navigate, its a point and click adventure game that functions as a harvest moon/animal crossing game, that is also a trading game, a homestead producer and gadget and mechanism confusinator that make cool stuff to pimp your homestead, free you family, realise you can build a vehicle to get to a town in a distance, you cant run there as you area frog, you'll dry out quickly and mr frog feel kinda sucky then dead. Day and night! Combat, ideally absolutely hilarious if you go into the open desert - want flying kicks and really dumb attacks like that, animation by two great systems, one to place the blow accurately on the target, the force of the blow using another script to create any motion the kick created to the leg as a physical object, and kick impact point use an animation system that will have the bad dude flinch, bounce off surfaces if hes pushed into them and if the overall velocity or coherence of the ragdoll fail, collapse.

     Trade routes, armed travelling traders, between 3 discoverable settlements, and a city currently being raped and pillaged by a bunch of arseholes from another system to where you are (geology buffs will notice the terrain is clearly from monument gallery in the US), and the technology involves customising your vehicle to get increasingly far before dehydrating and poppimg up the settlement you left. If you just wanna play it as a homestead making harvest moon kinda game, do able, you could be able to visibly see the results of crossbreeding plants, overfeeding what ever weird  animals are roaming your homestead and they'll get fat and thin

    Can actually adjust the shape of all the characters over time based on their diet

    Discovering settlements is a nice progression system, and you can continue to pimp your homestead and make weird gadgets that may or may not do anything useful as anal retentively as you wish, get involved in trade with the outposts, notice all this time theres a city on fire far far in the distance and you see often in the distance people running from it twards a settlement, then a an arsehole ship flies promptly up to then, guns them down then scoots. Thats the protest bit. If you follow te storyline and make the rigt bits, game turns into a cathartic blowing things up section as you free the city from the arseholes. Bam, inaction and positive action conceptualised via gameplay, pacing and ambiguous but hopefully intriguing signposting

    I've got this pretty mega guy being very helpful and keen to help, he wrote the pbr framework that is like turning the awesome looking button on so long as you can work efficiently with an uncreasingly adopted worflow based on rendering materials with a very high level of realism, simulating surface roughness, reflectance and so on it seems he's very interested in supporting, i think this is gonna be fucking ace, but a lot of work! I doubt i'll hit deadline with it, too much to do on my own, but ill finish it, it will look the bomb, and in its development i can make some reallly pretty excellent new tools that i can release back to the unity community

    Interesting but maybe irrelevant point - I'll be using the actual shading method including anything needed to support that using Cook-Torrance shading - this is a very fine implementation of a similar system used in The Order:1866 and we'll be using disney/pixar developed calculations for fresnel and so on

    By far the most ambitious time pressured endeavour of my life, i feel a good deal of contentedness as i know how to do things and it should be amazing fun to work on and having a guy willing to approach sugesstions i make being pretty great, we both benefit, i get his support and something i hope folk will be find pretty fucking impressive,and maybe even be enthused enough to raise some moolah, he gets a great big pimping experience that will promote his work in a game environment. I don't want to be too cocky about this and im almost certain i will miss the deadline, however im going to finish this, i'm hoping it will be quite an achievement i can be proud of and finally provide an entire basis for a fully functioning multi-system bunch of very nice stuff going on and this be my teaching to progress to a brighter natured project that uses many of these lil ambitions features as subsets of the following project, which i'm keeping quiet about for now but intends to be the friendliest, and hopefully most strongly written game i can imagine having been made. It will be like being hugged by a game and restore your faith in human nature

    The next game i will implement wibbling the irl universe around with a mouse with smear, smudge, magic wand and mosaic filter features available.

    Of all those i think they're all doable, im going to get very annoying probably with my jibber jabber, and i fully intend to make these buggers and i need guys who like games to tell me whats shit and what isnt

    My universe thing is going to basically break reality so, ideally id warn you now so when you have it try far away bits or youll fuck everything up for all of us, which is a dick move

    You can start with frogdude here, he has no context so just enjoy his pbr massaged shading and the classic DICE implementation of translucency given all sexy extras thanks to pbr/ibl trial1.jpg
  • Bollockoff, like others have said, 26 is still young. I pissed around until I was 27 before going back to do a 2 year college course. It turned my life around/pointed me in the right direction. Now I have a job that I love.

    Look at places to enroll to now and by September you'll be as happy as Larry.
    equinox_code "I need girls cornered and on their own"
  • I might add i have totally different priorities to most of you folks to im sorry if i seem ignorant to what i know is big choices involving lifestyle changes and wot not but if youfeasibly can get get more educated, do it! I'm frustrated at my options for getting educated  when im stuck in the house and have to take out a career development loan to pay for the course when i have to pay back the loan i may still not be capable of doing the whole work thing. If you guys find it a bit annoying i just do whever the feck i want to do, it does have some profound drawbacks that you would choose your current situation over so im not being a twat i guess my big ideas fit literal blocks of time where i sit at my computer and just get things done... very different perspective to uni making decisions!

    what three1ne said i cannot agree with more, and dont procrastinate when you could at least be thinking about what you want to, then get enrolled, educations a loife changing things, its knda out of my remit now, i dont actually think there are any courses i could take that wouldnt just sap too much time from my productive hours and  not treat the exact areas that i need to address

    I think i generally rely on google and video training, i dont get a certificate but hope the results of my output offer the other way to impress people into giving me a very big sum of money and sit at my desk, grab all the pals i am aware of who know their shit in this regard, and make a kinda casual wide area studio, loose collaboration, contribute when you want and if you can and have that linked in nicely with the main project

    Removed from academia i suppose a pipedream is to create a reliable kind of wide area studio as described above but with some very tight version control from the very beginning, those who contribute have explained in depth what they wish to contribute but there is never any committment needed, unless people were drawn to the project that strongly that they mark themselves down as committed and stay that way unless their input fades to too much of a degree. Online based teams making videogames are a nightmare to organise without proper communication, so it would be a 'talk or you're out' said nicely but some strange deep sense of menace, and dialogue between participants be regular and everyone can educate each other

    I want that, as it's the only real way i can work practically with other people when travels a ballache and those i'd wish to collaborate with, or even those who just wanted tocontribute what they could over time could still take part without feeling committed. Keep a comprehensive to-do list.

    I think i'd like to look into this quite a lot after comp project, and trying to establish the whole structure and hopefully very agreeable terms for each person who was interested in putting a decent bit of time in in, but also anyone who could only manage some kind of contribution once a week, or month! Not exactly an open project as it would contain a lot of licensed products  but a collective of people who get along nicely and contribute how they can and just keep the project informed of what you can put in. This is basically my equivalent of you folks finding a uni/college course that grabs you and doing it, taking it and truly benefitiing from it

    Got to the point where ive got everything together to start significant projects

    Theres a bunch of other stuff involved too of course but making the wide area dev studio into a genuinely functional, motivated and happy collective of talented folk who essentially using their free time generously, i of course would be full time, would be exactly where i want to be in my life, at least until something crazy happens and i make money to hire a structure to house a studio in which case my ideas get way, way better, if i get there with a reliable stream of income, id like to think my location based coworkers have a really fecking amazing time creating games within it. I suppose thats where i stop trying to climb any further, im where ive always wanted to be, and years of waiting, planning, analysing, prediction, socialising, helping people out, them helping me out in mutually beneficial ways and so on actually reach a very pleasing end to my ambitions. Pipe dream possibly, but such a beautiful one
  • It's definitely not too late Bollockoff. Get to uni if you can. If I could relive my time there.... I had the opposite issue I was too young in uni. I finished when I was 21 and i was far too immature I think. I if i went back now... Fucking havoc, would be caused! My STILL under construction website
    PSN : superflyninja
  • I was too young for uni and I started my BA when I was 20. Didn't get what it was all about and made a complete balls up of it.

    Went back at 30 to do an MA and then PhD after that and it suits me perfectly. I'm far more focused and understand things far better.
  • AJ wrote:
    Well, the structure's made of maths. As far as I know, energy isn't.

    Yes it is. Energy is nothing but a mathematical constant. You could argue that's the only thing it is. You can balance the minuses and positives to discover new particles, and indeed people have.
  • EvilRedEye
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    Re: university, the student loan repayment threshold has been increased to a more reasonable level so if you go but still end up not earning much then you'll never have to pay for it.
    "ERE's like Mr. Muscle, he loves the things he hates"
  • What is energy? What is the point of life? What is the colour of jealousy? Why is a mountain? Gotta love idiotic nonsense questions. Nothing wrong with the grammar but plenty wrong with the understanding.
  • Bollockoff
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    Cheers for the advice guys. I've actually been looking at courses nearby to me for a good chunk of the evening.
  • Energy is nothing but a mathematical constant. You could argue that's the only thing it is.

    Source? (preferably an abridged version)

    Genuinely interested.
  • Frogdude looking all Jim Morrison in his skinny kecks there, I endorse.
  • I am going to do some YouTube stuff in the next couple of months. Have a few ideas, trying to decide what's most workable. Total lack of art skills restricts options somewhat.
  • beano
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    all the way home.

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    Do one of them speaking sexy web series.

    "Pestern bush terminarl"
    "Better than a tech demo. But mostly a tech demo for now. Exactly what we expected, crashes less and less. No multiplayer."
    - BnB NMS review, PS4, PC
  • Skerret
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    Do it alone, do it together, but just do it. One on One, out now.
    Skerret's posting is ok to trip balls to and read just to experience the ambience but don't expect any content.
    "I'm jealous of sucking major dick!"~ Kernowgaz
  • beano
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    all the way home.

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    "Better than a tech demo. But mostly a tech demo for now. Exactly what we expected, crashes less and less. No multiplayer."
    - BnB NMS review, PS4, PC
  • I sometimes wonder why I bother trying to actually achieve anything really(some success in making my own game or starting a photography business).  I look at the amount of people trying to break into these industries and its almost like to try is just like buying a lottery ticket.  Part of me is thinking to forget these things and try and concentrate on the job I do have. My STILL under construction website
    PSN : superflyninja
  • Skerret
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    Maybe; the difference is you are you and they are them.  You might succeed where they fail.  As outlined in the misogyny thread, whether you want to win a girl or launch a career, the key is persistence.
    Skerret's posting is ok to trip balls to and read just to experience the ambience but don't expect any content.
    "I'm jealous of sucking major dick!"~ Kernowgaz
  • True I guess. You must have a lottery ticket to be in with a chance of winning. My STILL under construction website
    PSN : superflyninja
  • Skerret
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    get tae

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    Skerret's posting is ok to trip balls to and read just to experience the ambience but don't expect any content.
    "I'm jealous of sucking major dick!"~ Kernowgaz
  • So, in summary, you can win girls on the lottery now?
  • Skerret
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    get tae

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    I think so, yes.
    Skerret's posting is ok to trip balls to and read just to experience the ambience but don't expect any content.
    "I'm jealous of sucking major dick!"~ Kernowgaz
  • We need to start calling out the people who are crap at picking numbers. A lottery-shaming website, if you will.
  • Skerret
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    I think lottery shaming is just as bad as sports betting shaming; one is just slightly more adept than other.
    Skerret's posting is ok to trip balls to and read just to experience the ambience but don't expect any content.
    "I'm jealous of sucking major dick!"~ Kernowgaz
  • dynamiteReady
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    I wanna make robots.

    I'm quite interested by this...

    What do you mean?
    "I didn't get it. BUUUUUUUUUUUT, you fucking do your thing." - Roujin
    Ninty Code: SW-7904-0771-0996

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