BAMF! SNIKT! GLORF! The Comics Thread.
  • Arsene Schrauwen is like bizarro Wes Andersonish Tintin and it is immense fun.
  • Blue Swirl
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    Fuck Mugtome
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    Well horror is the go to. Weird/odd stuff.

    Have a look at the Alan Moore run of Swamp Thing. Heck, anything by Alan Moore really, particularly From Hell. The New 52 Swamp Thing may also tickle your horror bone.

    Oo-er, etc.
    For those with an open mind, wonders always await! - Kilton (monster enthusiast)
  • Finished Pretty Deadly vol 1 last night. It doesn't need another volume, the story arc worked as a one-off and none of the characters are worth revisiting. That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the batshit insanity of the story, though the artwork could be a bit messy and made it confusing to tell what was going on in some panels.

    Still, it was something new and interesting.
  • Can anyone recommend some decent Captain America reads please, for a complete newbie? Preferably something on Comixology (for ease of access) and not 100 issues long.
  • Read Chaykin's American Flagg instead.
  • Castaway in Dimension Z is a decentish Buck Rogers-type Captain America story from a year or two back. Other than that I'd only recommend some Ed Brubaker stuff like the Death of Captain America but that whole arc probably spans a lot of issues.
  • The first 25 issues or so of Captain America volume 3 are quite good. Written by Mark Waid and pencilled by Andy Kubert.

    Winter Soldier and the following Bucky Cap stories were good.
  • Thanks guys. Ended up reading through Civil War's first arc, which was pretty damn good if you discount the weak ending. Not sure which arc follows it up, mind.
  • Blue Swirl
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    DC are doing a series of covers inspired by movie posters.

    Detective Comics #40

    Catwoman #40

    Aquaman #40

    I just can't wait for the stereotypical comic book guy to get genuinely outraged at Justice League #40, before heading home to his vast collection of Power Girl stuff.
    For those with an open mind, wonders always await! - Kilton (monster enthusiast)
  • Some of them are really well done.
  • Blue Swirl
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    Looks like the webcrawler is going to appear in some of the upcoming Marvel movies.

    Basic gist is that Sony are letting Marvel use Spider-Man in the upcoming Marvel Universe movies, but they still retain the cinematic rights for the character. Which does mean that Marvel are essentially renting their own character, which is all kinds of weird.

    Things that are Yay!
    - Spider-Man being involved in the Marvel Universe films! He'll appear in a team movie first (possibly in Captain America 3 and the Civil War story arc), then get his own solo film.

    Things that are Nay!
    - This Spider-Man will not be played by Andrew Garfield, so we'll have the third reboot of Spidey in 13 years. ARE YOU READY TO WATCH THE ORIGIN STORY AGAIN?
    - I can't figure out what this means for the nacent third Andrew Garfield film, so we may end up with two versions of Spider-Man on our screens at roughly the same time.
    - The Spider-Man spin-off films are still going ahead, and they're not going to be part of the Marvel Universe story line, so even if we don't have two Spider-Mens in cinemas, we'll definitely have two Spidey Universes running concurrently. Is John Q. Public ready for multiple universe shenanigans?
    For those with an open mind, wonders always await! - Kilton (monster enthusiast)
  • Would never classify myself as a comic book know-all but I must back up the recommendation for Tarnsformers:More than Meets the Eye (less so for Robots in Disguise). Its a fantastic take on Transformers, mixing the best of Star Trek, Red Dwarf and the source material into something really worth a read. Very good art too from Alex Milne. 

    Anyone looking to dip their toes into the IDW TF universe should probably skip the early stuff by Simon Furman, and definitely skip the stuff from Shane McCarthy and Mike Costa. Go straight to the Chaos Theory 2 parter (the first of James Roberts Stuff) and then move onto Last Stand of the Wreckers - a wonderful 5 parter that can be read on its on or as a stepping stone into the MTMTE world.

    Also big up for most of the Preacher series. I thought it treaded water a bit toward the end but it ends well. Walking Dead also has some great moments but the most recent years are a bit meh.
    SFV - reddave360
  • I think they'll skip the origin story.

    I also think Garfield is done, that film is canned and something totally different will replace it.

    My guess? We actually get an adult Spider-Man.
  • Blue Swirl
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    I think they'll skip the origin story. I also think Garfield is done, that film is canned and something totally different will replace it. My guess? We actually get an adult Spider-Man.

    All those things would indeed be the best case scenario. Fingers crossed. It's a bit of a shame for the third Garfield movie (the actor, not the cat ;) ), I was quite enjoying the darker take on the character - smart, but not a genius, principled, but not a Boy Scout.
    For those with an open mind, wonders always await! - Kilton (monster enthusiast)
  • They'll go for a teenage Spidey, that's where the marketing and merch bucks are. Kids identify with a younger hero more.

    Please god no more origin stories for characters that are in mainstream public consciousness.
    Gamertag: gremill
  • Blue Swirl wrote:
    Is John Q. Public ready for multiple universe shenanigans?

    Well, probably nor but its happening already anyway! Quicksilver in X-men and Avengers! World Implosion! Defoe more of a connundrem with Spidey as he if far more identifiable to the mainstream (totally identifiable actually) but I think Marvel realised he should be in Civil War at least, not sure what was going on if this came from the studios or if it was fan fuelled. Either way I like it. The Sony films can fuck right off. Iron Spidey pleeezzzzee!
  • Bollockoff
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    Silk. Lucy Liu.

    Saga V4 was good. Something about it is getting samey though.
  • Brooks wrote:
    Arsene Schrauwen is like bizarro Wes Andersonish Tintin and it is immense fun.

    I've just googled that, and it looks great - I shall track a copy down, thanks.

    Meanwhile, talking of things sort of reminiscent of TinTin, I finally got round to reading the last in Charles Burns' X'ed Out trilogy - Sugar Skull.  I'd heard complaints in some quarters that the final reveal was too mundane - but without saying too much I think that's one of its strengths.  That all the bizarre imagery should ultimately relate back to something very real made it ultimately more satisfying.


    Meanwhile, in news that's probably interesting only to me, my youngest daughter had expressed an interest in reading comics.  So rather than just handing her a copy of Filth, I thought I'd try and get her into a couple of things early on, that seemed suitable.  (She ideally wanted something featuring a girl, and based in the Marvel universe, because of the movies.  I ideally wanted said girl to be more than a contorted T&A delivery system.)  So, we settled on two ongoing series, both of which seem great so far.

    First up is the new Ms Marvel - there seems to be muttering in some quarters that the new, asian muslim teen Ms Marvel is a gimmick - but if so she's a remarkably well written gimmick, and from the perspective of my nearly teen asian daughter with muslim grand-parents she's very welcome indeed.  In all other respects she's back to basics Marvel - normal teen who finds themselves with super powers and has to balance those alongside her everyday life.  


    The other one we've opted for is perennial Marvel running joke Squirrel Girl's new starring comic - Unbeatable Squirrel Girl.  It's definitely geared towards a youngish audience (which is, after all, what we were looking for) but it's enjoyably silly none the less.  For me it's been nice to go back to reading comics from a child's perspective, and we're enjoying being able to read them together.

  • Try: Captain Marvel, Young Avengers, the first trade of Wicked & Divine and if she enjoys them, Batgirl and Gotham Acadeny will soon have trades and I can attest to their loveliness
  • Bollockoff
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    When she gets mid teens you can start her on the Guy Delisle collection.
  • tin_robot wrote:
    Meanwhile, in news that's probably interesting only to me, my youngest daughter had expressed an interest in reading comics.  So rather than just handing her a copy of Filth, I thought I'd try and get her into a couple of things early on, that seemed suitable.  (She ideally wanted something featuring a girl, and based in the Marvel universe, because of the movies.  I ideally wanted said girl to be more than a contorted T&A delivery system.) 

    I know it's not Marvel, but have you considered Archie, or the Betty and Veronica comics? Also, Frey is pretty cool (Buffy of the Future essentially).

    In Marvel, it sounds rubbish, but the Mary Jane comics are well done, especially Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane. They're all about high school MJ, with Spidy making appearances.
  • Which reminds me, Spider-Gwen is a thing that is happening if she's interested in picking up singles
  • I gave the new She-Hulk a go and it's quite fun.
  • Chyna of wwe fame did a she-hulk porn vid. Its worse than it sounds.
  • Just read Batman: A Death in the Family. Pretty dark stuff (as you'd expect from the title) but an interest read, and I have A Lonely Place of Dying to read next.

    I also picked up the new Harley Quinn Valentine's Day special. Can't wait to read it, she's easily my favourite comic character.
  • Thanks for all the suggestions folks - I'll see if I can get a few sample copies of them all and see what she likes the look of.  (Bollockoff - Her sister's already started on the DeLisle stuff!)
  • Dark Soldier
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    I'm currently uploading Death of the New Gods #1 - 8, Countdown to Final Crisis #51 - 1 and Final Crisis #1 to 7 to Dropbox for someone, if anyone wants the details to grab them, PM me.
  • Blue Swirl
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    Fuck Mugtome
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    Chief wrote:
    I also picked up the new Harley Quinn Valentine's Day special. Can't wait to read it, she's easily my favourite comic character.

    This may interest you, then (apologies if it's been posted before): The Hidden Story of Harley Quinn. I had no idea she started as a one-off character in the animated series as late as 1992. I thought she was a late seventies creation, early 80s at the latest.

    And I fully agree with the article that her Suicide Squad (New 52) Vol. 1 costume was freakin' awful.
    For those with an open mind, wonders always await! - Kilton (monster enthusiast)
  • Anyone interested in Harley would do well to pick up Paul Dini's 'Mad Love' - it's great.
    Gamertag: gremill
  • Yeah, that was the first one I read. Totally agree with the Suicide Squad costume thing mentioned by Blue Swirl, I'm reading Volume 1 at the moment and it's a good read but Quinn's costume is just weird. The character is still brilliant, mind.

    Bought Harley Quinn: Night and Day and Injustice Year Two: Vol. 1 today.

    Basically, if it has Harley Quinn in it, I'll read it at some point.

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