Overwatch 2 is in Beta and apparently they’ve changed all sorts!
  • As much as I love this game, it's so full of cunts.

    Just playing a game now and a trio of guys on our team are having a go at the Mei player (who has gold elims and damage). We stomp the other team in the first round. Second round comes and we're struggling to push through, partly because they're being tools and just charging in. Also, the Ana is only healing the Rein. Obviously.

    They tell me to switch from Brig. I say, uh, no... I'm on 65% Ult and I'll use that then switch if we haven't got through. They then proceed to lambast me constantly, telling me to switch when I'm on 95% Ult. I say again - I'm on 95%... I'll ult for this push then switch. They're saying I should have changed. I hit the Ult and we push through with the nanoed Reinheart and get the team kill. Oh no, they start saying, it's all him. I just hit Y. No skill. No skill.

    Absolute morons.

    Need to play consistently again and get back to a more better rank. Too many cocks around low Plat.
  • I feel like I've been bullied.
  • That sucks, Tiger.  Wish I could say it was a one off and it'll all be better next time, but as you well know, you've only got more of that to come.

    Toxicity is always gonna be an issue in competitive video games, when people are heavily invested in their rank, and that rank is on the line with every match, they can act like complete and utter cretins.  I've had experience at low-gold to low-diamond group levels in OW, and honestly, there wasn't that much difference in the number of people with bad attitudes that I came across.  The quality of the games might have been better higher up the ladder, but toxic behaviour was everywhere.  The most obnoxious, antagonistic person I've ever met in OW was a mid-master ranked player, a friend of a friend.  The guy couldn't get through a single game without raging at someone.  

    I just wanna have fun without pressure to be in permanent try-hard mode, so it's mostly QP for me these days.  Go in with a group of friends and each game is entirely what you make of it.  Memes or sweat.  Whatever butters your muffin.
  • Ashe feels pretty good to play.  I've never been able to get a decent aiming setup with OW on console (for some reason it always feels a little janky), and I'll never be able to play her to a high level but damn, she's a good 'un.  Her coach gun is one of my favourite utility abilities out there, but below Junk's concussion mines obvs. 

    With Ashe it does seem like the team have learned a lesson and are finally getting back to creating high quality heroes with layers to their play and counter-play after the misery of the cheap as fuck Doomfist / Brigitte stun era.  Those two getting nerfs on the current PTR that should make playing against them at least a little less frustrating only gives me more hope. 

    Now, just drop a surprise new core game mode complete with a full roster of maps and I can stop complaining about the OW team doing less work in a week than Cliffy B.
  • Sigma is out since yesterday, and 2-2-2 comp is in effect.

    This was a reaction to the prevalence of Goats in competitive play.

    In my opinion however, it may have made it worse, as bunker comp is now the go to strategy.

    Orisa and Sigma provide the shields, and Baptiste can make everyone invincible for a short period, and increase overall healing once that wears off.

    The invincibility generator can be protected by the shields, and with only having two high damage dealers (three if you choose Roadhog as one of your two tanks), breaking the shields is quite hard.

    Mercy can sit behind them damage boosting too.
  • I'm not a role-lock fan either, but the Overwatch team have been spectacularly unable to balance their clusterfuck of increasingly ridiculous abilities and heroes, and I've feared this was how things would end up.

    I still love this game for what it was and what it did, and I'm happy people are still playing and enjoying it, but it's increasingly feeling like it's not my game any more.

  • They really don't know how to balance it, but I do appreciate the business model of everything new that is essential to the gameplay is free, but cosmetic stuff can be paid for.

    Especially with the prevalence of easy to obtain in-game loot boxes that can also give that cosmetic stuff.
  • IMO peak Overwatch was when they added Ana, they should have stopped there. Going back to it now it's just a bit off-putting with the number of whacky heroes.
  • I couldn't agree more.  Maybe if their hero design had followed Ana's lead it'd be different, but from there they went full bullshit.  I really do miss those early days though, I'd never clicked with a PvP game like that before.

    Well, besides Quake III and Unreal Tournament that is, but I played those solo. Overwatch converted me to team based multiplayer games, and they've been my bread and butter ever since.

    I may be fooling myself, but I've still got hope they'll turn it all around with a couple of balance patches.
  • Most of the heroes added since Ana are fine.

    It's more the change to damage, shields, and barriers that are causing the issues.

    Orisa is fine, Sombra is fine, Doomfist is fine, Wrecking Ball is fine, Brigitte is now fine.

    Baptiste needs a bit of a rework, and Sigma is too new to say, but he definitely immediately improves bunker comps.
  • I just think there's too many now, feels too fiddly. And so many of the basic abilities of various heroes have been radically changed and mucked about with. It's a bit of damned if you do, damned if you don't case I guess, as they probably needed to keep changing things up to keep the regular players interested, but that that has the side effect of alienating the more fleeting playerbase. Coming back to it after a while there's just so much extra stuff and big changes that it's really not that appealing any more. Also balancing this many different capabilities well really must start to become impossible.
  • Wrecking ball isn't fine, imo. Hate how he impacts on the game.

    Best time for OW was Wheel of Death (Ana & Reaper) and Hammertime (Ana & Rein) comps were prolific. When PharMercy was a stalwart. An awful long time ago, but the game was a lot more entertaining back then.

    I'm awful at this nowadays. Still have fun when I jump in but it's not the same. No idea how Blizzard can mix it up though
  • Wrecking Ball is almost required on some maps now to interrupt bunker comps by scattering the players.
  • I could srsly rant for hours about everything Blizz did wrong with this game after launch (not that it was perfect at launch) including many of the post Ana heroes, some appalling reworks, poor map design, and the rise of terminally boring team compositions, but I don't wanna do that.

    The game's a mess right now, but I can't help myself and still play it every bloody week.
  • Wrecking Ball is almost required on some maps now to interrupt bunker comps by scattering the players.

  • I can't see any world where Wrecking Ball is required. There will be plenty of other ways around bunker comps.
  • But that's the thing, bunker comp doesn't need to exist. Its as bad as GOATS, and entirely fueled by poor balancing.

    Perfect clip is perfect.
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    2-2-2 has really been needed for years, goats didnt really have much to do with it imo.

    With how the SR system worked, players are ranked on performance of the heros they play, say DPS. Once said DPS player had to fill onto a Main tank, they would perform way below the required level needed at that rank, leading to uneven games and an even more toxic enviroment.

    With the new system brings new problems ofc and a lot of the heros will need to be rebalanced but that will now be in theory easier in a 2-2-2 world.

    Bunker is strong for sure and in certain situations still viable in future hopefully but the new Tank, Sigma really wrecks shields so that is a step towards ending its dominance.

    Overwatch has really struggled to both have a rewarding comp scene and a Pro league maybe they are onto something now and can build towards OW2
  • If only we still had 6 Winstons comps!
  • Or 5 and a Lucio...
  • The good old days?
  • I fully intended to try out Sigma on the PTR but never got round to it, his potential is pretty crazy though. I hope it's not just bad crazy again. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for any rebalancing, despite massive reservations based on past experiences. Balancing in any hero game is tough, but the OW team seem singularly inept at times.  

    Been thinking about the sequel, I'd assume they'd go the fighters route and keep a core of popular characters alongside a few new ones. It'd also allow them to take a fresh look at things and rework some of the current game's baked-in mechanics that are not the best options for what OW has become, though again I'm not holding my breath. There's still so much about the idea of a competitive hero game that the OW team just doesn't seem to be able to grasp. And who knows, maybe they'll even add a new game mode at the expense of 2cp?
  • Had a dabble. There's something to say for role queue, certainly. I'm awful now but it's good fun regardless. Might get back into it a little.
  • Those early leaks about Overwatch coming to Switch in the near future seem legit, and should be confirmed during tonight's Nintendo Direct.
  • Oh, I'm just speculating a prime bit of switch tax. 30 would be reasonable imo
  • Aye, that'd be okay.  I mean shit, I bought an entire console and upgraded my internet just to play it at launch.

    I regret nothing.
  • regmcfly
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    It'll be £50

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