Diablo IV
  • Strongholds can get to fuck. At this point I persist with the game because I spent so much on it. :-(
    I'm still loving it. Strongholds are really not made for solo runs tbh.

    Yup, still having a blast and gotta say I really enjoy clearing out Strongholds. Playing co-op in WT2 for the campaign and the WT3 for the end game we've only really been challenged by a couple of bosses. Most things are absolutely fine and it makes me wonder how skewed the scaling is.

    Having said that, we did try a level 17 nightmare dungeon the other night and man that was brutal, easily the toughest thing we've done 'til now. We had to drop back down to level 10 and are gradually increasing difficulty as we level up. We were doing 13's comfortably last night.

    Also unlocked my second Paragon board and I'm working my way towards my first legendary node, which should give me another considerable power spike.
  • I'm just at the start of my first board. Can I ask, should much consideration be done when completing a board? Like, should I focus on finishing the first one as quick as possible, or on getting as much out of it as I can? There's a board I can choose for number two that gives a bonus when using Whirlwind, and I, ahem, gotta fuckin get that, dude.
  • Tbh I wasn't considering the second board at all when I started, I just made a beeline for the custom glyph slot and then built the board up to take the most advantage I could from that. It has really helped my build though (especially as I've continued levelling up the custom glyph), and I'd suggest trying that approach if a custom glyph will make a big difference to your build.  

    Once that was done I have straight-lined for the second board's legendary node.
  • Ah, I get ya. Was troubled slightly by later magic nodes giving me willpower or dexterity requirements for the second boost that were very unattainable but I suppose it's my own fault for probably concentrating more on POWERRRR!!! DAMAGE!!!! RARRRRGHHHH!!! than anything.
  • Yeah some of those secondary req's aren't gonna be available at first, but you might retroactively hit them as you build up your boards over time. 

    Here's my work in progress.



    Definitely not the most efficient, and looking at it I can see a couple of nodes I should change, but you get the idea. This was all built around maximising my dex in the red squares to boost my Marksman skill damage from the custom glyph before moving on. I didn't hit the main requirement 'til I got to the rare node at the top left, but when I did my damage sky-rocketed.
  • I would really like loadouts.
  • Ahhh, didn't even think of retroactive stat boosts. I'll plough on!
  • Using d4armory.io for this:

  • Cool, will take a look. My equipment is still in a state of flux, I'm switching new items in and out every night and haven't upgraded anything besides my crossbow.
  • I've became really, really reliant on a couple of legendary imprints so I've been kinda locked on the same items for a good few nights now. I think once I accelerate my campaign progress and start moving the WTL up once it's done, I'll be doing a bit more chopping and changing. Terrible run of shite legendaries just now.

    Oh, and in case it was missed, game director confirmed via twitter that the games' seasons will have seasonal characters (like D3) and only they will progress your battle pass. So, don't start any new characters just now unless you're completely sure.
  • Yeah I'll plough on with my rogue for now and prob'ly start a druid with S1.
  • Bit more progress tonight. Just not enough hours in the day when we're both off work and she wants to do things. Hmph. Boring!

    Anyway, last night via coop I actually experienced the last mission as Chaz was completing it. Small note but the voice acting from guy doing Lorath is absolutely top, top drawer. A great performance in a game where I least expected one. It really is fantastic.
  • He really is brilliant. I knew I recognised his voice and it was irritating me that I couldn't place it so I Googled him. Goddamn Finchy from The Office!
  • THAT'S who it is!!!! Yeah good call, he really is stand out. Brilliant in Witch, watch that.
  • Servers are down. Currently stuck in an never-ending queue
    It wasn't until I hit my thirties that I realised you could unlock rewards by exploring the map
  • Had a look about and don't see any public acknowledgement of it on the relevant socials. Hopefully it pings back into action by the time I'm home at half 2.

    Had noticed a few freezes recently, typically when I'd just complete a side quest, one time just after exiting a dungeon. Spawns me right back where I am when I come back in, so not too bad. Also had some pretty bad input lag a couple of nights back.

    Hopefully they're ironing out kinks.
  • Eurogamer saying its part of a DDoS attack on Blizzard at the moment. Haven't checked yet on my end if its fixed.
  • Eurogamer saying its part of a DDoS attack on Blizzard at the moment. Haven't checked yet on my end if its fixed.

    Yea I couldn't get on WoW this afternoon
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.
  • Ok ok ok

    Ok so

    I respecced my sorcerer into a build that was recommended online. Pretty good, much more punch in a fight, didn't try a boss though. Cool.

    Then I tried a new necro character. Wtf. There's the power I was looking for! Maybe it's early game advantages with the Lilith altars I'd already unlocked, but this felt like a proper spell of Diablo, for me!


    Will see how it goes.
  • I literally cannot wait for the season to start so I can start my skelly army and exploding corpses. Best class.
  • Ok ok ok Ok so I respecced my sorcerer into a build that was recommended online. Pretty good, much more punch in a fight, didn't try a boss though. Cool. Then I tried a new necro character. Wtf. There's the power I was looking for! Maybe it's early game advantages with the Lilith altars I'd already unlocked, but this felt like a proper spell of Diablo, for me! :-) Will see how it goes.

    That's very good to hear! I would recommend Rogue as well for pure power fantasy, I went melee with Flurry early-game then switched to ranged with Barrage mid-game and they've both been crazy good. Everything's vulnerable and almost permanently poisoned.  

    I literally cannot wait for the season to start so I can start my skelly army and exploding corpses. Best class.

    I'm torn between Necro and Druid for my first seasonal character. Might try a cheeky HC run with each to see how I get on.
  • I didn't want to be the negative voice here, so had to try something new!

    That feeling of AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA DIEEEEEE YOOOOU FOOOOLS is why I play Diablo, and it was missing from the sorcerer. It's better co-op, that character feels like a great support class, but not good solo.
  • Go Rogue or go home.
    It wasn't until I hit my thirties that I realised you could unlock rewards by exploring the map
  • regmcfly
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    I feel so left out on this having put 100 hours into D2 and D3 but between this, TOTK, SF6, and FF16 I just don't have the days in my life.

    What a year.
  • Blocks100 wrote:
    Go Rogue or go home.

    Well, your rational, well thought out argument has convinced me to give it a go.
  • regmcfly wrote:
    I feel so left out on this having put 100 hours into D2 and D3 but between this, TOTK, SF6, and FF16 I just don't have the days in my life.

    What a year.
    Ah it's Diablo, you know it'll still be worth playing next year. Seasons keep it fresh! I had D3 on PS4 and picked it up for Xbox to tide me over before D4.
  • I really do love the Rogue playstyles and almost guarantee you won't regret trying them out. Just about all of the core skills are great fun but Penetrating Shot is probably best left for later on when you've got the legendary aspect and loads of crit.

    This is my current Rogue Barrage build. It's all about combo points and stacking vulnerable with poison and/or shadow damage at the expense of crits. Poison trap is mainly for CC, Barrage with poison imbuement is for elites and bosses, shadow imbuement for mobs. Shadow Step is purely for escaping from CC, and there's a surprising amount of sustain in the build for such a squishy character. I've actually got a few more skill points in there from renown rewards, but it gives you a good idea. 

    Obviously item sub-stats and my Paragon points are helping, but at level 61 and World Level 3 nothing is a problem.
  • Campaign completed. That was fun.

    Finally got another legendary with the "your weapon mastery skill (big fuck off 'death blow') has two charges" imprint. Up to WTL 2. Life is good as barb.
  • Hell yeah! And that 8 min cinematic towards the end, holy shit. 

    It's definitely worth doing the Capstone Dungeon and trying out World Tier 3 as soon as you can. You get 100% more XP, Sacred and Unique items drop, plus you unlock Helltides and Nightmare Dungeons which are the core of your end-game loot and XP grind. All good stuff.

    I mean, the enemies also pierce 20% of your resistances but hey, you got this!
  • Yeah I'll pootle about tonight in WTL II for a bit then tackle that dungeon if I'm feeling good. Thinking it may be a good tactic to just earn renown as much as I can everywhere so when the Season comes my necro will be starting on a good footing.

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