Diablo IV
  • Level 32, just finished act 1. Steady as she goes with side quests. Not quite completionist, but also not ignoring. Can already see how it'll work seasonal.
    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • Speedhaak
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    Not far ahead of you, been going at a snails pace. Level 34? and just finished Act II - not been doing any side quests. The Season launch breathing down my kneck is irritating me no end.
  • Currently on 3/5 map areas "cleared" as in all liliths done and all rewards collected. Takes a little while but the paragon board is so useful in WT3, can really feel the buffs now. Lvl63 I think now, slowly building up to the Capstone Dungeon.
  • I was unlocking the special yellow Rare Nodes on the board that granted me a damage buff. But as a Rogue, I was having to equip more gear that added intelligence to access the upper tier benefits of that Node. So I now have a Rogue whose Intelligence stat far exceeds their Dexterity stat. That can't be right can it?
    It wasn't until I hit my thirties that I realised you could unlock rewards by exploring the map
  • Dunno. I wouldn't worry too much about the first few stat sensitive nodes, but the ones where you attach glyphs, well, you pick up better ones. I've had to respec my opening board completely once before. Nearing completing the second now I've got my head around routing/keyword search assisting me.
  • 4/5 areas cleared. Kejihstan last one getting done this afternoon. Already done 2 of the three Strongholds so it'll be a lot of fetch side quests, I think. A few dungeons then all the liliths and that's me finally all set for season.
  • I like the way they've kind of hid Strongholds on the map a bit. I mean, if you're just following the MQ you've got a lesser chance of stumbling across them. Gives you an incentive to explore the rest of the map I guess.  The one I ran across in Scosglen was kind of spectacular, big old statues everywhere.
    It wasn't until I hit my thirties that I realised you could unlock rewards by exploring the map
  • I have no idea how they fit in to things. I presume they're hardcore. Can see 2 currently. Most of the way through chapter 2. Level 38. Thinking I might try one soon. Wouldn't mind some upgraded gear first though. Some of the good stuff I got at the end of chapter one is still my best due to bonuses.
    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • Strongholds are a piece of absolute piss compared to Nightmare Dungeons (your main source of good shit post-Campaign). Daunting at first but you should be good at that level, Face.

    Mind and always be elixir'ed up! Every little helps!
  • Missed an invite from wookie last night. I have no idea if I even have notifications on.
    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • Got to the desert/act 3. Level 41. Finally ditched some legendary gear that I got at level 20. The perks were too good for a while.

    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • Yeah that feeling when you find a much used aspect on another weapon, meaning it can get extracted for future use. Lovely stuff.

    Just 20 liliths in Kejihstan and that's the full map renown done. Then onto Nightmares. I'll be about this afternoon UK time if anyone wants to join. No need to ask, just jump in!
  • All world renown rewards collected, finally. Can now get my feet up for season starting. If anyone wants a partner to clear things off before the 20th I'd be more than happy to help. I'll be on this afternoon.
  • Half way to level 48. Had a run of side quests right near each other and a couple stumbled upon.

    Got some solid enough synergies and damage going.

    A few missions into act 3.
    I'm still great and you still love it.
  • Tried out Immortal with a pad hooked up to my phone, it's actually kinda decent. Lotta typical mobile game busywork but it's a nice distraction from whatever Netflix dating reality show she's watching.
  • Speedhaak
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    I think you may have a problem Gav :P
  • I absolutely do. Actually tried to get a game in the work van today but 4G wasn't strong enough to keep connection :(

    Vampire Survivors was fine, mind you. Appy days.
  • Patch notes for the season update


    Live now. Get logged in from now too to make sure account loot is saved and backed up.
  • RIP my Rogue. I was at +145% vulnerability damage with my crossbow.

    Gonna run a Druid for S1 though so s'all good.
  • Seems to be a lotta crying about nerfs to things but I've never really been a fullly optimised loadout kinda guy. I just equip things then I kill things, that's about it *shrug*

    Couple of nice buffs to two specific barb skills I use heavily, so, that's nice.
  • Build crafting is one of my favourite things about games like this, but honestly, I was kinda done with the rogue anyway so it's all good.

    New season new character.
  • Speedhaak
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    Years ago things like that would have bothered me but lifes too short. Besides I'm still only on Act 3, I actually can't quite believe how much I've lost interest in gaming on a general level. Would have LAPPED this shit up back in the day, like the rest of my lvl 100 college buddies.
  • Speedhaak
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    I mean for context I put over 400 days /played in WoW from 2005-2008, some 200+ days on SFIV and 100+ on Destiny. Things have changed :P
  • Aye, the nerfs are real, looks like they're going for a slower pace all round. I really wasn't feeling the blend of ARPG seasonal model with D4 going full live-service, but stuff like this is less frustrating when there's no point carrying on with you OG character anyway. Which is it's own kind of frustrating I s'pose, but fuck it. Like you say, life's too short. 

    I'll give seasons a go but I think I'll be taking things far more casually from now on. Besides, Baldur's Gate 3 is not too far away and I'll be all over that.
  • Mixed bag last night. First time on the new patch so was initially pleased to see previously bugged out side quests now doable, so rattled a few off. I then noticed the game pushing me towards the Capstone Dungeon, where it never had before. Maybe I'm the right level now? 67? Have the lowered the level requirement? I can't remember. Hmm.. With nowt to lose and the game feeling like Xmas eve I decided let's try it. I venture towards it and there's a random hanging around. Instantly sends me a party invite. Hey cool! We can use the power of friendship and teamwork!

    Nah. Absolutely melted. Couple in the chat blamed the patch but I think we were just a bit too squishy.

    Oh well.

    Season live at 6PM UK time tonight! Let's go necro!
  • Maybe a bit of both. World Tier 4 is recommended for level 70+ iirc, and the capstone is basically a gear/damage check to see if you're ready, plus if everyone was running pre-patch builds there's a good chance you were doing less damage than before. Take longer to kill something and you're gonna take more damage in turn. 

    I'm pretty confident hope the patch will make more sense in context of the new season with its new systems. Gonna get my druid on, lets go!
  • Welp, the game is currently on its arse. Can't progress the seasonal campaign due to invisible walls preventing me entering the area, and everything else kinda breaks in the loading screens. Managed to get to lvl13 just pootling about but need to go to bed. Hopefully it's back on the straight and narrow tomorrow afternoon.
  • There's a campfire chat with the devs and what parts of the patch they will be rolling back due to demand.


  • Kow
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    So I made a new character for the seasons thing. I was expecting some kind of difference in the story but it's exactly the same. I take it then the changes are just gear and stuff like that. Or some new enemies. I won't even notice that.
  • Yeah the main campaign remains unchanged. Apparently the seasonal story content is it's own thing with the intent to expand the world rather than continue the main storyline, that's gonna be left for the big expansions.

    I should be jumping in tonight to check it out.

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