Prey - System Shock meets Metroid by Arkane
  • Ah man totally beat this this morning.

    I thought i was near the end ( I was not)

    Having said that the game was really good in a lot of ways (the creation of a whole space is really well done) and I do enjoy a lot of the system shock 2 rehash

    I sort of regret

    Overall I thought it was a good game but like the other Arkane game (dishy2) I feel like they are games of a lot of ideas and thoughts but something always prevents from hanging together as well as it could.
  • I also thought the gag where the primary means of convincing you what's going on is THE TRUTH
  • Did the first couple of hours of this this morning. More like Half-Life meets Deus Ex, shirley?

    The opening was great and I like the way it seems to be giving some freedom for inventive solutions, even slightly beyond the Deus Ex template.

    Only issues so far are some slightly fiddly controls and that the monsters are a bit shit. Better implementation could've made them 10 times as scary.
  • where do you get half life from? It's literally system shock 2: 2
  • Well it's quite a lot like the early stages of Half-Life so far. You know, everything going tits up in a research facility.
  • Ah yeah. The opening is fantastic.
  • Think I'm getting somewhere near the end of this now. Hopefully anyway.

    As much as I like what it tries to do, the enemy design really lets it down. And now its capped by that ridiculous
  • The major misstep in an otherwise glorious game.
    equinox_code "I need girls cornered and on their own"
  • It's an imperfect version of a necessary thing.
  • I'm playing it right now and it's just turned up. Hence posting here while I hide under a desk for a couple of minutes. Surely this wasn't what they intended from it.
  • Nope.

    There was a bit where I went to a definitely inaccessible area and it just gave up

    I think it's an easy thing to let slide cos the game is clearly on the budgeter end of the investment scale but it's also a theme and type of game I dig so I'm trying to be less harsh on it.
  • I just killed it.
    I'm actually really enjoying this part of the game though, now that everything's open and I'm more powered up. Was getting a bit sick of quick save-quick death-reload in the middle part of the game.
  • Itself isn't the problem.
    equinox_code "I need girls cornered and on their own"
  • Yeah, it's come back again since. Although I shouldn't have to worry about it anymore.
  • Spent a good few hours recently doing optional stuff thinking I was near the end, but seems there's still a bit more to go. Would be happy for it to finish now tbh
  • Yeah that bit is pure trashbag.
  • Did your actions and choices reflect well in the ending?
  • Mine was similar.
  • Recommend it, Jon? I know we have some similar tastes. Might go read your post in Just Completed.
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Elf its class mate, a few weak moments but one of the best in the modern Deus Ex style.
  • hylian_elf wrote:
    Recommend it, Jon? I know we have some similar tastes. Might go read your post in Just Completed.
    Elf its class mate, a few weak moments but one of the best in the modern Deus Ex style.

  • It's a frustrating one because it's full of great ideas but it can be quite irritating to actually play. I'd recommend it anyway (it's better than Dishonored 2 at least), but it's a flawed gem.
  • Thanks I'll give it a bash after other priorities then but that will be a while!
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • Got this for a tenner in Tesco and after a pretty great start, it's dropped off a cliff. I'm nine hours in and I'm bored to tears with wandering about this labyrinthine place, fighting these dreary baddies. I'm amazed they've built a lovely space station and filled it with the most boring enemy designs I've seen in a long time.

    I initially enjoyed the Deus Ex/Half Life style of multiple ways to access places and deal with encounters, but I'm a ways into it now and that seems to have been replaced by backtracking and dealing with frustrating combat with tougher foes on the way. Upgrades seem largely dull, and it's nigh on impossible to min/max anything. The game also has an infuriating habit of one shotting you out of nowhere at times.

    I'm also not a fan of the Art Deco style of the space station. It's been done to death in Bioshock ans there's no need for it here. The general design feels really old and last gen, despite being quite good looking here and there.


  • Silke
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    Silke Neryn
    Silke Neryn

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    What I constantly felt while playing through this was that it needs to be experienced with mouse and keyboard. The PS4 demo that I tried controlled horribly, everything was too slow. On PC - especially after a couple of neuromod upgrades -  the action often reminded me more of Quake than anything else. Intense, jumpy, and just so slightly chaotic. 

    I could never pull off alot of the stuff I did with a controller.

    Besides that, I'm of the mind that the Immersive sim is the best western game genre there is, so I take what I can get. And while this was far from perfect it did have those small particular moments of bliss I so love about these games. When I feel like I'm really there, in this place that I can believe in, with the freedom to choose how to advance.

    I'll give it an 8.
    It's a world of truck drivers.
  • Bollockoff
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    I liked those moments. One was realising recyclers are basically a skeleton key for blocked doors.

    And gooing up a phantom then placing one on its nose was a simple way to one shot.
  • Dark Soldier
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    If only it had Dark Souls combat
  • Bollockoff
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    Was a mondo fan of how many names I recognised from emails and transcript recordings. Felt a pang for some when I found their corpses. Especially

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