General VR and AR chinwag
  • isanbard
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    3DS 0361-6861-4525

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    If Samsung/Carmack could get their positional tracking sorted out then I could be tempted to throw altogether too much money at a mobile phone. It is the mass market/big money future it seems.
    GT: isanbard PSN: DAQster DS-FC: 0361-6861-4525 AC: Bumdirt
  • I don't see how positional tracking could work without a second base station, which is the main barrier for mobile.
  • isanbard
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    3DS 0361-6861-4525

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    I thought they were pushing harder on the inside out extra cameras on your mobile/GearVR stuff? More like the Santa Cruz all in one demo thing they punted about recently.

    The issue of any usable hand controls and their tracking becomes the problem then I guess?
    GT: isanbard PSN: DAQster DS-FC: 0361-6861-4525 AC: Bumdirt
  • I suppose it's possible with a couple of high resolution cameras on the headset, which is presumably what driverless cars do? Millimetre accuracy might be a long way off though.
  • Played Werewolves Within last night and it's great - lost 2 hrs , paid £25 for it and is on sale at the moment on PSVR for £15.99 , which is playable cross platform between Vive , Occulus and PSVR .

    It's a hidden role game with 11 different roles and each of them ( apart from Villager ) has a special ability . You all sit around a campfire and talk amongst yourselves trying to work out who the werewolves are .

    Wii U Themagickman - PSN - Themagickman   Xboxlive - Themagickman
  • bad_hair_day
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    Bad Hair Day

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    Received a phone VR headset for Christmas but it was placed on the wee haul pile - all in good time.
    Few days later an ungrateful me was encouraged to try the thing out and TBH it's been on my face everyday since.

    Porn aside (more of a solo banquet and quite unnerving) there's some magical jiggery pokery going on with these VR 360 experiences.

    Coupled with blutooth headphones what's immediately impressive is the scale of the view and it's ability to immerse you into its world.  Not being tethered has seen me shuffling and turning around in the relative safety of the padded lounge, gob wide open. 

    Anyway, found these dedicated free IOS Apps are good a place to start...

    Jaunt VR

    Discovery VR

    Google Street View

    It seems YouTube has the lions share of VR content and while there's a lot of crud, gems such as this short Star Trek experience made me grin like a gibbon.  

    Oh, a nice touch being able to watch any YouTube video in a virtual cinema buy pressing the 3 dots, top right of the screen, bit of a novel way to watch trailers in peace.

    If you're remotely tempted, get a comfy one as you'll probably have it on for longer than you'd think.

    Right then, time to strap on.
    retroking1981: Fuck this place I'm off to the pub.
  • Rec room is brilliant and free for Rift and Vive.
  • Some of the Vive/SteamVR Ecosystem stuff coming out of CES is seriously impressive.  I think its become obvious that lighthouses are a much better solution to tracking than cameras.  This article was super interesting -
  • Yeah, and combined with wireless it's quite a package.

    The tracker is intersting.

    Here's more on the wireless.

    1-2 ms latency is impressive.

    VR is getting good very quickly. It should be an interesting few years.
  • Rec room is brilliant and free for Rift and Vive.
    I just tried rec room myself for the first time yesterday, really impressed with it. Had heard a lot of people mentioning it for a good while but hadn't looked into it or realised it was free.

    Also, been playing some Onward and it's a lot of fun. Would like to get more multiplayer VR going so if any of you are up for it just post in this thread. There are a lot of decent multiplayer games out now.

    Interested in playing: Onward, Rec room, Sports Bar VR, Battle Dome, Elite:Dangerous, War Thunder, Mod Box, Tabletop Simulator, Bigscreen (for LAN type stuff). Anything i'm missing out on?
  • Werewolves Within
    Wii U Themagickman - PSN - Themagickman   Xboxlive - Themagickman
  • I have the actual card game, which is great so I had it on my wishlist on Steam - but you have to install Uplay on PC and I kinda avoid games that have that requirement. I'll probably wait and get it when it's on sale some time.
  • I'm up for a VR multiplayer night. Smash box is good fun.
  • I'm up for some multiplayer too. I've got Onward, Rec Room and Tabletop Simulator but don't mind picking up other games.
  • Werewolves within
    Wii U Themagickman - PSN - Themagickman   Xboxlive - Themagickman
  • Last time but it is cross platform between the 3 VR's
    Wii U Themagickman - PSN - Themagickman   Xboxlive - Themagickman
  • I'll give it a go, anybody about tonight around 9 for a couple of hours?
  • I'll be up for something although tonight be not be possible. I'll try.
  • Elite Dangerous is just great since SteamVR intoduced reprojection. Now it's fairly easy to go high on supersampling and for it still to run smoothly. Certainly a good time to overclock that card because ED is just stunning with the improved visuals.
  • I can probably get on tonight, what do you want to play?
  • I can probably do tonight. Could give Rec Room Or Sports Bar a go to start off with?

    I'm always up for some Onward too.
  • Had fun in Onward last night, think I only got one kill the whole time but it was against Nexx so it was worth it. He killed me (more than once, I think) too of course, along with a couple of his own team mates. :D

    Would love to get a group of four of us in Onward some time. I have lots of problems running that game atm, I think I should be more competitive when my new GPU arrives. The 7950 has served me much better in VR than I thought it would/could.
  • I didn't make this last night because I fucked the BIOS by changing a setting to 110% power, whatever that is, and PC would only turn on for a second before turning itself off again, the wimp. Couldn't even get back into the BIOS settings. Had to find the CMOS battery to remove it, and in doing so snapped the CPU cooler off. A quick trip to PC World and a new improved liquid cooler and I'm back, and more over clocked than ever. I'm going to post a guide for noface to get his 970 supersampled for ED because with sharper visuals it's stunning. It's gone from my biggest disappointment to best thing ever.
  • Even better, so we're about level then (980 Ti). Have you tried SS?
  • @SpaceGazelle What motherboard do you have?  It will have jumper pins to clear the cmos that are usually easier to access than the battery. Just need to put a screwdriver between them (when it's off, obviously). Alternatively you can get something like this. My MB has a reset cmos button on the back built in, which is handy.
  • Played about a bit with elite but got confused between the games super sampling and editing the steam file. I keep meaning to get elite going but with setting up the stick and the graphics it seems like too much work.
  • These user made add-ons are essential until Valve can implement something similar:
    OpenVR advanced settings
    Chaperone tweak

    The first one gives you lots of settings which you can tweak from within VR, including stuff like supersampling (though SteamVR restart is required for that). The second one lets you modify your chaperone on the fly.
  • Had fun in Onward last night, think I only got one kill the whole time but it was against Nexx so it was worth it. He killed me (more than once, I think) too of course, along with a couple of his own team mates. :D 

    Yeah ggs.  I was so proud of a super long range kill I got right before that firefight I had with you only to find out it was a team mate that I had shot ><

    Onward is still a bit of a pain to play with a Rift.  I can't get it to consistently sprint and end up walking super slowly at random times which can be a little bit irritating.
  • I tried the tutorial and couldn't figure out how to reload the gun. I don't dare take it online for fear of being an embarrassment to myself.

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