General VR and AR chinwag
  • Looks like all of the Touch reviews are overwhelmingly positive.  Mine it out for delivery, hoping it turns up today!

    Oculus Touch Review: The World’s Best VR Controller
  • isanbard
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    3DS 0361-6861-4525

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    Exactly the same here Nexx. Been signed out of Darftford since 4am this morning slightly worryingly enough.. I'm sure it'll be here in just a minute..

    Edit: IT HAS JUST ARRIVED!!!! 
    GT: isanbard PSN: DAQster DS-FC: 0361-6861-4525 AC: Bumdirt
  • Apparently mine arrived at 1pm. Just got to the gym to kill some time too... Time to run home!
  • TheBoyRoberts
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    The Boy Roberts

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    Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the controllers lads.

    I've got a tracking number....finally!

    Following the reviews I'm wishing i had of ordered another sensor - either of you plumped for the extra sensor?
  • Super tired this morning ヾ( ̄0 ̄ )ノ

    My very brief initial thoughts:

    Touch Controllers: These are fucking awesome, complete game changers for VR.  Not just being able to move your hands about but the finger tracking on them works surprisingly well and gives you a serious sense of hand presence.

    Dead and Buried: This is the game that I spent the most time played last night, it’s great fun.  I was ducking, diving, taking pop shots from behind cover.  It’s been really social too so far as everyone has a mic and being able to do gestures and stuff makes for a fun experience.

    Superhot VR: Everything works so natural in this game.  Only played a couple of levels but what I played was great.

    I Expect You to Die:  This game oozes charm.

    Job Simulator:  Probably the only game I played that I was a little underwhelmed with.  Only played for 10mins though so maybe it gets better.

    I was a bit disappointed with my Rift before this but the Touch has changed everything.  I can’t think of a product launch where the quality and variety of “launch” games has been this good.  Still looking forward to trying Medium, Arizona Sunshine, Space Pirate Trainer, The Unspoken, Quill…
  • isanbard
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    3DS 0361-6861-4525

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    Much the same Nexx.
    I only saw your (expired) DnB invite after coming up for air after spending a couple of hours(!) modelling stuff in Medium... I started off making a coffee mug before moving onto a ropey looking machine gun thing. Just playing around with the scaling, moving, extrusion and sculpting. Wow. I'd thought that folks were getting a bit worked up over it in the reviews and whatnot but it was an amazingly compelling little toolset and I'm about the least artistic person I know.

    I also very much enjoyed the freedom and just plain fun of I Expect You To Die. Simple enough little puzzle game all in but the poking about and presentation were great.

    I also had a bit of a punt at Space Pirate Trainer. and.. it really is a nice, sharp little intro to the gallery shooter thing that the hand control folks have been working on for the last few months. Very cool.

    Looking forward to trying out all the rest this evening!
    GT: isanbard PSN: DAQster DS-FC: 0361-6861-4525 AC: Bumdirt
  • TheBoyRoberts
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    The Boy Roberts

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    Sounds awesome gents!
  • I've not tried onward yet but now that we have enough people for a team does anybody fancy a game next week?
  • I'm definitely up for trying it
  • Anyone heard of or interested in a game called Werewolf Within ? It's a hidden identity game , which is cross platform between the 3 VR's . Sounds great .
    Wii U Themagickman - PSN - Themagickman   Xboxlive - Themagickman
  • RoadtoVR seem easily impressed, every review I've seen from them has been 4 stars or higher.  Werewolves within looks ok but its way too expensive for what it is.  I'd be tempted if it had proper motion controller support but it just seems a bit too basic as it is.

    I played Onward properly for the first time today and that shit is intense.  Really steep learning curve but I'm starting to pick it up.  Interestingly its the first game that has managed to make me a bit unsteady on my feet when moving and turning quickly.
  • I'm crazy into Dead and Buried, such a great little game.  This is one of the rounds I just played:

    Turns out I'm generally quite good at shooting people, who would've thought it...
  • For anyone looking to get into Onward I found this guide really helpful:

  • Cheers for that, I'm going to try and play Monday/Tuesday.
  • Is there anyway that Onward could be playable on PSVR or does it rely on movement and more sensitive controllers ?
    Wii U Themagickman - PSN - Themagickman   Xboxlive - Themagickman
  • I think it could work in theory but the lack of movement controls on the move controllers and the lower resolution screen would cause some problems.  Its already quite difficult to pick things out from a distance.
  • For PSVR owners , I Expect You To Die is out next . Looks very good
    Wii U Themagickman - PSN - Themagickman   Xboxlive - Themagickman
  • Had a chance to try the Vive a couple of days ago - there's a new shop nearby that offers a variety of VR games in 20 minute sessions, all set up differently. There's booths (for room size), a ski thing, dual joystick setup (with spinning chair, for flight and space sims) etc.

    Came away impressed. Will probably go back and try more. Price is good too - about £4-£5 for a 20 minute go.
  • Also, I picked up Battlefront in the PS4 weekend sale for a tenner, just to try the VR mission.  It was worth it.  The mission's pretty short, but it's impressive.  (It got more of a fanboy squeal out of me than Batman did.  That childhood desire to pilot an X-wing finally rewarded).  It also ties in really well with Rogue One.

    So if you're in the slightly rare "has PSVR and Battlefront" demographic, and haven't tried it, do it now.

    (Edit to add - there's a nice article about it here, including why it doesn't make me throw up, despite lurching all over the place in combat.)
  • I bought Battlezone and Eve Valkyrie for £30 from Argos . But can't play them till Xmas day . Amazon have a few games cheap as well.

    Did try my PSVR out ( make sure it worked ) and only had a quick go and was really impressed with X Wing mission but got a bit queasy after spinning around shooting at asteroids .

    I also had a quick go of Driveclub and felt pukey so switched it off. I thought I'd feel a bit dodgy, is it true that you get your VR legs and become more accustomed to it ? .
    Wii U Themagickman - PSN - Themagickman   Xboxlive - Themagickman
  • Kernowgaz wrote:
    I thought I'd feel a bit dodgy, is it true that you get your VR legs and become more accustomed to it ? .

    Certainly it bothers me less than it did - though Driveclub remains utterly vomit inducing for me.  But, yes, you can train yourself to get used to it.  (I suspect the X-wing mission might have caused me a little bit of nausea had I tried it early on).  The best trick seems to be to use it little and often - to that end the X-Wing thing struck me as being about the perfect length.  If you keep going despite feeling nauseous, that's when you seem to get into real trouble.  (My step-brother insisted on keeping going with Driveclub, and felt dreadful for about 24 hours afterwards...)
  • Room scale is totally non-puke. Project Cars is about 40 FPS, even with a 908Ti, so that's pretty bad.
  • Come with g if you want to live...
  • Room scale is totally non-puke. Project Cars is about 40 FPS, even with a 908Ti, so that's pretty bad.

    You mean, you don't feel sick ? My mate has a Vive and can't play Project Cars for long
    Wii U Themagickman - PSN - Themagickman   Xboxlive - Themagickman
  • No I do. You need 90hz or you start to feel pretty shitty.
  • Alien Covenant is getting a VR game. If its anything like Alien Isolation but in 3D....Daaammmmnnnnn.
  • GooberTheHat
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    Got a gear vr with my phone. Anybody have any idea if there is any good software for it, or any good 3d 360 videos to watch? I'm not too interested in games as I don't have a controller for it.

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