The Battlefield Thread
  • FranticPea
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    Aye, panty's posts make me hopeful that this could be one for Team Awesome.

  • Yes health and ammo creates are available, not many have unlocked them yet. 

    FYI pouches and crates work differently. Medics and Support both start with pouches, these are just thrown at individual team members directly, crates are the usual throw on the ground thing BUT you have to interact with the crate by pressing X, you can't just hover over it like in past games. 

    I'm not not going to lie guys, its backdoor heaven, you will get killed a lot from behind, you will get killed quickly and from nowhere, the killcam will often not help the WTF feeling of dying.
    And it can get a bit annoying capturing flags, seeing that little dash of red on the capture bar and not knowing where the fuck the guy is hiding.
    So far everyone is playing it as it should be played, and there aren't many shadow/wall glitch campers but surely is just a matter of time before the is?
    Live= sgt pantyfire    PSN= pantyfire
  • Sparky might get on with it, he would often hero into an objective and mow several people down, I can see G getting a bit GRRRRRRR.  
    Iain liked bf1 so I don't see him having an issue with this.

    You are going to die a lot, but playing the objective will get you at the top of the table and there's encouragement to do so now. 
    As a squad leader you place flag cap orders as per BF4 but you get squad points for doing so that can be spent on squad stuff. A ammo drop, an uber tank and a buzzbomb strike, the strike can be devastating and take out a entire flag area, the end of the game can see a lot of buzzbomb strikes but they take so long to rack up the points that you will only get one per squad.
    Live= sgt pantyfire    PSN= pantyfire
  • FranticPea
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    I'm willing to bet Sparkles swear count will be in the hundreds tonight.
  • It's probably just as well I'm off on holiday while this is running :D
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    pantyfire wrote:
    Sparky might get on with it, he would often hero into an objective and mow several people down

    That doesn't sound like me...

    FranticPea wrote:
    I'm willing to bet Sparkles swear count will be in the hundreds tonight.

    There I am!

  • Are there any bushes Panty?
    Wii U Themagickman - PSN - Themagickman   Xboxlive - Themagickman
  • Hahaha
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • I can confirm there are bushes.
    Live= sgt pantyfire    PSN= pantyfire
  • Feels very similar to BF1 to me. Why can't I spot people again? Everything looks so muddy and indistinct, I'm sure it's better on a decent PC but on xbox it's very poor. I can't hear or see people coming, I die a lot

    It's a no from me.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    I died a lot too, but I also killed a decent amount of baddies and capped some objectives. Unfortunately I got kicked for inactivity because my old man rang me. Last time I checked the leaderboard I was top six, there must be a shameful amount of noobs on these servers.

    I picked the support guy, gun seems shit but you get points for dropping ammo packs for the lads so that's ok.

    No spotting is a nightmare and allows shitty snipers to stand in the open taking pot shots all game. I sit and watch him from across the map, he fires again, I can't allow it any more so lob some awfully inaccurate shots his way for a grand total of 17 damage to his lower calf and he turns and one shots me. I get that if I'm in a squad I could say "There's a sniper there on that ridge standing by absolutely nothing that resembles a landmark, kill him!" but really, what are the chances of that happening in the heat of battle? And what do you do if you're playing with randoms? Talk to them?! Just put spotting in FFS, you'd have to be a turbo cunt not to realise how shite that particular exchange of bullets is.

    Didn't get to experiment with the fortification stuff.

    There seems to plenty to get your head around on this, looking forward to more tonight.
  • Got absolutely rag-dolled in my first full game, killed on spawn, killed from behind, lost loads of encounters where I thought I should have won and also got sniped from who knows where. Seemed to get a more aggressive team next time and was running around like a boss. Top of the winning team, very proud.

    There's the usual dodgy menu screens, matchmaking didn't work, server browser did, but you have to look for it and it isn't called server browser! There's a general air of jank and bad ideas about a lot of it. The end of both games saw loads of people give up and try to snipe instead, which was annoying. doesn't look great either on the original bone.

    The upgrade system is the biggest sin, guns get better as you play more basically. Very weird. I can only think that they're going to sell the currency for that stuff as well as cosmetics.

    I'll play more later, but it feels like a sale purchase in the new year at the moment. Why pay full price in November when they'll be patching this for months.
  • Gunplay is massively different from bf1 in my opinion. Bullets actual go where the gun is pointed, even if the gun is jumping around. 

    I just can't get my head around no spotting. Spot for your squad only might've worked, but nothing!?
    I just don't get it. 

    The right bumper 'Over there' thing did work when people used it, I noticed attention drawn to those areas when I tagged a shop etc... with enemy in.

    I can't get on with the iron sights at all, I ditch those as soon as I can but it seems like you level the gun up by getting damage/kills then open some kind of pack that could have the sights you want in it, a bit like BF3/4 IIRC.
    The one gun I real want to use with the medium scope I can't seem to get.
    Live= sgt pantyfire    PSN= pantyfire
  • Top tip for super long range shots. 
    The assault STG44 is insanely accurate at distance with the medium scope and switched to single shot (hold Y to change). It can out snipe a sniper easily.
    Live= sgt pantyfire    PSN= pantyfire
  • Good game/bad game again. No more convinced tbh, just doesn't feel good. I'm sure only about half the players are actually doing anything as well.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Just been going through the unlocks with Iain, facepalming myself bloody. What a stupid idea. It looks like it has loot box DNA, as I can't understand why you'd need to quit the game and go to the main menu to unlock stuff, then go to another menu to see what random cosmetic shite has unlocked. I don't understand why scopes and sights are in the cosmetic bit either, as they do after the way it plays. Silly season.

    Having said all that and agreeing with all the other stuff people have griped about, I'll probably end up buying this when it's cheap. No chance at launch, I'll be pretending to be a cowboy instead.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    We did stomp on folk in the last game though. Felt like old times.
  • Gaz going for the "bushmaster " achievement again I see :D
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • FranticPea
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    I think it plays like shit. Net code is seriously dubious. One minute you're mowing fools, the next unloading a full clip for nowt. Zero flow to Conquest, no spotting, Snipers everywhere.

    Will defo not be buying.
  • Server names have 30hz in them so it's running at low tick rates?
    Live= sgt pantyfire    PSN= pantyfire
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    My first game today:

  • GooberTheHat
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    FranticPea wrote:
    I think it plays like shit. Net code is seriously dubious. One minute you're mowing fools, the next unloading a full clip for nowt. Zero flow to Conquest, no spotting, Snipers everywhere.

    Will defo not be buying.

    Yeah, zero flow, enemy popping out from all over the shop. The gritty look (which I assume they think is a clever way of masking low res textures) doesn't do anything for me, and the vehicles handle like crap (plus no helicopters again).
  • That's the same as BF1's conquest tick rate on console. Rush, TDM were 60hz tho.

    I'm with 'Pea completely on this. 

    I don't get how this looks and feels really janky. Also they need to allow the player to insta-quit out of that downed animation to the deploy screen. So annoying, lying there bleeding to death, holding a button for ages and being ignored by ALL of the the randoms 90% of the time.
  • FranticPea
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    Not noticing the bad looks as its really lovely on X. Just wished the gameplay matched the shines.
  • I had a Saving Private Ryan moment today in Rotterdam.
    I heading from C to A via the canal and as I came out of the alley there's some teammates crouch running between cover down the length of the canal, using those tarp covered boxes as cover. 
    It just looked really cinematic. 
    I've noticed people are much more aware of cover and are generally less gung ho, so far anyway.
    Live= sgt pantyfire    PSN= pantyfire
  • BF4 had a variable tick rate didn't it by the end?
    30hz generally but when players whent within a coned area of each other the tick rate went up. 

    Did they not carry that over to bf1?
    Live= sgt pantyfire    PSN= pantyfire
  • pantyfire wrote:
    BF4 had a variable tick rate didn't it by the end? 30hz generally but when players whent within a coned area of each other the tick rate went up.  Did they not carry that over to bf1?

    Not from what I've read. Dice did experiment with 60hz servers for the larger BF1 game modes for a bit but it didn't turn out well and they abandoned it.
  • FranticPea wrote:
    I think it plays like shit. Net code is seriously dubious. One minute you're mowing fools, the next unloading a full clip for nowt. Zero flow to Conquest, no spotting, Snipers everywhere. Will defo not be buying.
    Yeah, zero flow, enemy popping out from all over the shop. The gritty look (which I assume they think is a clever way of masking low res textures) doesn't do anything for me, and the vehicles handle like crap (plus no helicopters again).
    Part of the ugliness is the film grain and the chromatic whateveryoucallit, turning them off does help. Textures still look terrible up close though.

    I've got so used to the shoddy vehicle handling in BF1 that I didn't notice it here, but you're right.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    Never touched a vehicle outside of my mine traps.

    The maps and player numbers feel too big to get a good flow going too. What were the numbers in Bad Company 2? 12 a side? You could get a feel for the map, the flow of the fight and your enemy. Names would stand out to you, the sniper who likes to sit on top of that hill, the sneaky fucker who keeps flanking round the back. You'd see patterns emerge and work out where someone is and where they're likely to be heading/looking so you can stalk and gut them from behind.

    This is just a random clusterfuck. Nothing and no one stands out, I can't recall many kills or deaths from last night, even though there were more of each than you'd see in Bad Company 2. You feel detached from the battle, it might as well be bots you're killing. You also feel that no matter how good or bad you play you don't really effect the result. It just doesn't feel good to me.

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