Games what "we" wrote
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    What about Unirally?  Would people like a new Unirally?
  • iron man's offroad

    or spyhunter
  • A fresh take on vital light...... My STILL under construction website
    PSN : superflyninja
  • i loved unirally...
    "Like i said, context is missing."
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    Think I might do Qix first, as it's a bit easier.  Been reading up on triangulation.  Apparently it involves ears.
  • Do a Rez clone/tribute.
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • hylian_elf wrote:
    Do a Rez clone/tribute.

    ive thought hard about that and that sort of game is not a trivial task whatsoever, it would take a single person a long time, not really a bite sized christmas fun thing
  • Hmmm. True. I was just thinking how Muzzy's Edge game could be adapted so the box could twist and turn to music and you touch panels to spark off more sounds etc. Would be nice, but yeah, difficult.
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • Making a simple toy that responds to music isnt so bad, but on some careful examination you see rez is a finely tuned beast and you cant do that on your own, creative stagnation being your main enemy, you have to have a billion ideas and be enthusiastic about all of them
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    Jeez, even Qix is a bit complicated once I start thinking about it.  Well, not really, but not completely trivial, working out valid movements and things - I'm going to need some funky data structure for stuff I think, and can't work out what.
  • Can't you just have a polygon that you move along and subtract drawn shapes from that?
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    Yup, it's the "moving along the polygon" and "subtracting drawn shapes from that" bits that I'm struggling with though ;p.  Only been pondering it for five minutes though, so hopefully it's simpler than I'm currently thinking... and indeed plans are beginning to crystallise   I'll have it sussed after a good night's sleep, judging from how these things normally pan out!
  • are you using unity? create a collider for the line each frame and on a completed square create a collider with origin 1/2 height 1/2 width with obvious bounds

    if the colliders dont have rididbodies then they shouldnt interact, or just make them triggers, you can have them overlap and all set to one tag or layer for easy collision testing
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    Yup, doing Unity.  Colliders sounds cunning.  Going oldskool though (for now at least): got moving round the edge of the square sorted, now working on the drawing.  The issue being that you can draw all kinds of squiggles, not just rectangles.  Bed time for me though shortly as up early.  Cheers for the tips though!!
  • all squiggles in qix are rectangles, its just how you break them up, you could actually rearrange them every time a rectangle is completed for best coverage but nothing fancy is needed, if triggers on the same tag, create them on the fly

    no point going old skool really, simply cause the reason they dont do old skool anymore is cause you dont have to! learning how to instantiate and control gameobjects and their components is more useful for unity
  • Moto70
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    Moto 70

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    LazyGunn wrote:
    iron man's offroad or spyhunter
  • if you want to do it old school btw, you could either have an n dimensional array with bounds and origin (for placement) and some sensible indexing system and test within bound every frame,or if you wanna get all OO, a struct, either way its nothing too terrible

    im thinking very hard about doing an awesome version of ironmans for mobiles, i just need motivation for all that freaking modelling, id want to make it pc only and have it look freaking beautiful
  • I was thinking old school would be something like an array of points for the area bounds, with player position (when not drawing) represented by an index (the points you're between) and a vector (the distance towards the next point).
  • iron man's offroad is another good shout for an update, or any of those old school top-down racers.
    "Like i said, context is missing."
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    It may not look like much, but you can draw random wigglies!
  • Nice start!

    Hey, i've decided to basically do what acemuzzy is doing but on a simpler level - i want to remake a very simple classic game (such as missile command, even qix is a bit overcomplex) but make it look fucking absurdly spectacularly pretty, over-the-top pretty, gimme suggestions!

    Maybe a few of us could have a go at this, then release a compilation or something hah
  • i really should just do super offroad
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    I'd be up for pulling together some kind of compilation.  I need some kind of incentive to write stuff (alongside attempting to build a portfolio for jobs n stuff).  

    Missile Command sounds like a good fun - and probably good phone fodder.  Pretty easy to 'glam up' I'd guess to.  Particles FTW!

    Qix is inching forward meanwhile - got the normals working on my generated quads, so not quite so dull any more, got a % coverage figure, and it actually does the right thing of e.g. choosing the top left of the screeny above if that's smaller than the bottom right.  Can't draw more than one line at a time yet though (i.e. you can't yet walk back along the outline you had previously), and no enemies.  The first should be easy to add given I have all the info in hand, but I then need to work out how the two (?) enemy types behave to actually make it "fun" and winnable/losable.
  • Oo you building quads yourself with the GL class? that would be nifty

    I think you're doing it way differently to how i might have gone about it, you seem to be doing it quite traditionally whereas i'd be using a bunch of Unity specific things

    Missile Command does sound like fun to me, will be nice and quick and could look really pretty too, ive had this idea of redoing all the original ironmans tracks in really outlandish settings, sculpting them in zbrush, i'm going to have a think about it because it could get so pretty looking
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    Not the GL class, but populating my own mesh at run-time.  (Is GL pro only?  Can't remember.  I'm non-pro version anyway.)

    Super Off-Road would be awesome.  No way I'd be able to do that - but you have rather more artistic talent than I do!!  Happy to be involved in the coding side if you wanted to share the workload though...
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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  • looking like youre getting there! good stuff

    i could well hit you up for programming help, i think my main problem being driver AI
  • If others like the idea, I'd be well up for doing a collaborative project; maybe some kind of turn-based multiplayer thing. We could probably put together something quite worthwhile, with the talent we've got here.
  • The main issue i have with things like that is a uniformity of focus, like, a turn based multiplayer thing doesnt much appeal to me at all, i have no experience in that sort of game and just being relegated to artist would make me feel very uncomfortable

    I do like the idea of collaboration but in his case basically making a compilation of n very neat fun games with us being able to cross over to others projects to provide support or insight. I do love the idea of a giant bunch of eccentric awesome remakes might be worth greenlighting it f it took off

    Keeping it loose, im gonn have a good go at recreating a fewgames that would go for 0 on google play but would work well in a compilation, im pretty damn interested in makig something like ironmans so pretty, because sculpting a track and applying one giant normal map and diffuse map is not too outlandish a prospect in which case, sculpting the tracks could result in something very interesting

    However, i am up for collaboration given an idea im good with working with (actually collaboration wise something that can top gradius v presentationally gets my work boner up) but yeah, sup tp you folks!
  • Fair points, I was a little high and idealistic when I wrote that. Actually, I still am a bit; I'll come back and write sensible stuff when I'm less so.

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