Remember remember the 25th of December
  • I will really miss Christmas outside of london. Ill miss watching who framed roger rabbit and Indy on tv. Miss my family although we planto Skype. Miss my mum and brother in laws cooking (he's a chef!) and miss a real tree.

    Russians don't do Christmas quite like we do. Their emphasis is more on new year. They do have Christmas but I can't be arsed to explain all that. My wife's family are going all out though to recreate Christmas for me which is incredibly kind as its seemingly just for me. The Munich Christmas markets are exceptional and people here really go all out. It's my daughters first birthday on the 22nd so I think that will partly over shadow but this will be the first Christmas with my family as last year my wife was still in hospital.

    Can't wait to do all the stuff digi was saying. Top parents right there.
    He could've just said they came from another planet but seems keen to convince people with his bullshit pseudoscience that he knows stuff. I wouldn't trust him with my lunch. - SG
  • davyK wrote:
    Forgot about the leaving the carrot and mince pie out. The kids wanted a glass Coke bottle left too (power of ads - eh?) and after they were dispatched to bed I would recap the bottle after consuming - so adding to the mystery the following morning. Bits of carrot were thrown around outside as crumbs from the reindeer's mouth.

    If there's snow or thick frost on the ground, we do reindeer hoof-prints outside the front door. If it's dry, we do reindeer hoof-prints using glitter (aka. Magic sleigh dust).

    Reindeer hoof-prints.
    Reindear Hoff prints
    Reineer Hoffenprinz.
    Gamertag: gremill
  • Christmas songs are great. Mel Torme wrote one.

    The Velvet Fog

    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • Subbax
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    So I seem to have been snagged by customs with a parcel I ordered from America on eBay. Is this usual?
    It's a goddamn snoozefest out there.
  • It's not uncommon.

    Come with g if you want to live...
  • Depends what it is and how much it cost. Here's a thing.
  • Skerret
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    I hope the Krampus visits this year.
    Skerret's posting is ok to trip balls to and read just to experience the ambience but don't expect any content.
    "I'm jealous of sucking major dick!"~ Kernowgaz
  • davyK
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    Gremill wrote:
    davyK wrote:
    Forgot about the leaving the carrot and mince pie out. The kids wanted a glass Coke bottle left too (power of ads - eh?) and after they were dispatched to bed I would recap the bottle after consuming - so adding to the mystery the following morning. Bits of carrot were thrown around outside as crumbs from the reindeer's mouth.

    If there's snow or thick frost on the ground, we do reindeer hoof-prints outside the front door. If it's dry, we do reindeer hoof-prints using glitter (aka. Magic sleigh dust).

    several hundred bonus points awarded.

    Holding the wrong end of the stick since 2009.
  • So this Christmas is going to be shite then. Here's a bit of a vent. 

    We live in Bristol, all my family live in Bristol. My gfs family lives in Torquay, but she only really sees her mum and dad and occasionally nieces as she has had a falling out with her two sisters. My gf's mum has cancer, she had bowel cancer which she had surgery for and also liver cancer which she is having chemo for and then will have surgery for next year if needed. When we've been to see them a few times since this has all started and although her mum is obviously not her usually self she hasn't seemed too bad. However, my gf has looked it up online and thinks she has stage 4 cancer, and there is not a stage 5. She thinks it therefore might be her last Christmas with her mum so wants to go there, and wants to take our son Harrison with her.

    Now, my family celebrates Christmas pretty well; lots of nice food, drink, games, having a laugh and so on. I have a nephew who is 2 and a bit, two brother who both play videogames and boardgames, my mum will play Kinect/Wii and boardgames, it's all a good laugh. Christmas is Torquay will basically be in the front room of my gfs parent's house, watching telly and not really doing anything at all, and basically the opposite of what I want to do. It will be boring, and dull, and just shit. I won't want to be there and can see myself being a misery because of it.

    Me and the gf have had arguments about this and generally the mood has not been good between us. She thinks I'm not giving allowances to what she wants to do and have assumed we'd be here at Christmas and so on. Trouble is, she hasn't really talked to me at all about what is going on with her mum, the severity of it or anything like that so I had no idea, and she hasn't exactly approached me in the best way to talk about it. She basically waits for me to bring it up or ask what she wants to do, then asks me what I think before answering and then gets shitty with me for not matching up what's in her head. It's really fucking difficult, as I'm not trying to take her away from her mum for Christmas or anything, but at the same time I really don't want to go to TQ.

    In my family, we have Christmas lunch on Christmas eve, but we'll have it about 5 o'clock. So I suggested that she stay for dinner so Harry can see everyone etc, and go after, but she doesn't want to do that. I think she'll go down as soon as possible. Probably Friday eve if Harry is better (he's been ill and can't really go down if he is). So basically looks like shit between me and gf for Christmas, and I won't get to see my son on Christmas either. The impression I get is she doesn't really want me to go either, but I dunno. She hasn't exactly been reasonable in talking it over, which I can understand, but it makes things very difficult.

    Yeay Christmas.
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • Your gf's mum is dying of cancer. In all likelihood, this will be her last Xmas with her.

    You, on the other hand, will hopefully have many, many xmases with your mum ahead of you.

    Jesus fucking Christ Matt. Do the right thing. If you don't, your gf (and you) may regret it for the rest of your lives. The wrong decision could have repercussions down the line for years to come.

    Its one year. Relationships are about compromise and there's a massive red flag above this decision that you need to acknowledge.
    Gamertag: gremill
  • I know, and I knew I was going to come across wrong there. I think I'm just annoyed with the lack of communication and stuff. I dunno.
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • Understand why you can be upset about the lack of communication, but Christmas is just one day. Have the whole shindig on another day with your family, have it twice, have it every week!

    Kids and toys and adults w/booze maketh the day, not the calendar.
  • We'll sort it out, I'll do whatever needs to be done and hopefully it'll be okay.
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • Cheers guys, I know I was being stupid and I can be pretty fucking stubborn so kind of needed to be told to sort it out.
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • Considering the lady types are stereotypically supposed to be open about their feelings, many that i've known have locked up over the serious shit, so there is that to consider.
  • It's really difficult if your lady isn't communicating the facts about her mum's condition to you. Perhaps she's having trouble dealing with it herself and simply isn't ready to talk things through, even with you? It does sound like she's afraid this might be her last chance to have a Christmas with her mum, even if she can't admit it.

    I think you'll have to go, Matty, and put a happy face on too. Not doing either one could have huge repercussions down the road.

    Best o'luck.

    Or you could pretend you've got a tummy ache on Xmas day, stay home, and play Rock Band in your pants?
  • Its tough man, I know. Look, you obviously dont like the idea of Xmas in TQ. Under normal circumstances I'd say you had every right to say hell naw. But, these aren't normal circumstances.

    My advice, and you call tell me to fuck off and mind my own business if you like, is to swallow it down, support your gf and take the pain of one shit Xmas. If you think Xmas is bad there normally, think how much worse it'll be with her mum in that condition. She'll need your support.

    You doing that, whether your gf says she wants you to be there or not, is worth more than any present you can buy her any time of any year.
    Gamertag: gremill
  • Sit down and have a heart to heart with her about it Matty. 
    Apologise for being a stubborn bastard and tell her that you love her and that whatever she wants to do this Christmas is fine with you and that you'll be supportive.
    I'm sure in your heart you know this is the right thing to do.

    Come with g if you want to live...
  • Skerret
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    Sometimes you just have to grin and bear it; this is one of those times.
    Skerret's posting is ok to trip balls to and read just to experience the ambience but don't expect any content.
    "I'm jealous of sucking major dick!"~ Kernowgaz
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Yep, suck it up, get down to Torquay, and don't even consider bringing up the lack of communication issue with her until after Chrimbo is out the way. It'll only lead to more stress and annoyance at an already stressful time. And it won't gain you anything, especially if you end up sounding accusatory which you do a wee bit in your previous post.
  • Skerret
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    I like divans.
    Skerret's posting is ok to trip balls to and read just to experience the ambience but don't expect any content.
    "I'm jealous of sucking major dick!"~ Kernowgaz
  • Nothing to see here.
    GT: Knight640
  • I remember remember the 25th of December like it was only two weeks and a day ago.

  • Skerret
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    call the poliiiiiice
    Skerret's posting is ok to trip balls to and read just to experience the ambience but don't expect any content.
    "I'm jealous of sucking major dick!"~ Kernowgaz

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