Cyberpunk 2077 - new CDProjekt Red
  • JonB wrote:
    I suppose it invites comparisons to GTA with the open world and seems inferior in that respect. But where it counts, in the characters, writing and mission design, CP is streets ahead. As for the action, you're certainly kind of forced early on into shooting, but after the first couple of hours you can specialise away from that. You can play most of the game without shooting at all, if you want.
    Spot on.

    I might wait to the proper next-gen version before playing through properly, but I was very impressed from the small amount I played.
  • regmcfly
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    I think I'm ready to finish this one off now. I've cleared 62 side quests, and I believe there are 80, and fuck doing Street races like it's a 2004 game. Looking to wrap it up and move on to 13 Sentinels.

    It's weird that although I've specced exclusively in guns, I've completed two quests just stealthily today. Not sure I'm seeing massive substance in the points I'm putting into things, which when they factor into a 3% increase in X makes sense. Feels quite slight.
  • I find myself holding onto skill points because I'm getting on just fine and not sure where exactly to stick em. Think I've got 4 at the moment
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • regmcfly wrote:
    I think I'm ready to finish this one off now. I've cleared 62 side quests, and I believe there are 80, and fuck doing Street races like it's a 2004 game. Looking to wrap it up and move on to 13 Sentinels.

    It's weird that although I've specced exclusively in guns, I've completed two quests just stealthily today. Not sure I'm seeing massive substance in the points I'm putting into things, which when they factor into a 3% increase in X makes sense. Feels quite slight.

    Do the street races.
  • MattyJ wrote:
    I find myself holding onto skill points because I'm getting on just fine and not sure where exactly to stick em. Think I've got 4 at the moment

    Yeah there’s this weird dynamic where you get perk points where if you use them now you know you might want to actually use them later on a cooler perk.

    For what it’s worth you get plenty and by the end I was struggling to decide where to put them.
  • regmcfly
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    regmcfly wrote:
    I think I'm ready to finish this one off now. I've cleared 62 side quests, and I believe there are 80, and fuck doing Street races like it's a 2004 game. Looking to wrap it up and move on to 13 Sentinels.

    It's weird that although I've specced exclusively in guns, I've completed two quests just stealthily today. Not sure I'm seeing massive substance in the points I'm putting into things, which when they factor into a 3% increase in X makes sense. Feels quite slight.

    Do the street races.

    Will do.
  • They're really just another story, rather than an actual racing game.
  • Come on man don’t ruin it before he’s done it.
  • Not reading spoilers, but good to know it’s worth doing, because I’d have biffed that for the same reason as Hollis.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • Yeah same.
    Don't wank. Zinc in your sperms
  • GooberTheHat
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    What about the fighting storyline? I've skipped that too. Is it worth doing?
  • regmcfly
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    I've done 2 of them and it seems more like they're little mechanics rather than plot. Genuinely can't be fucked with the hand to hand as it is frankly appalling, so I've not done the others.
  • regmcfly
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    I've got a gun that makes people vomit and die so that'll see me through to the end.
  • There’s not much of an overall narrative in the boxing but each fight is worth doing. You need to be pretty decent with the fighting and have the right equipment to have a chance though.
  • Can I not just shoot them all in the head?
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • Buy gorilla arms, and people have been dropping a sword on the floor just before starting the fight, then picking it up as soon as they are able.
    Live= sgt pantyfire    PSN= pantyfire
  • regmcfly
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    Theres an absolutely garbo side quest called Sweet Dreams. It isn't worth it at all, for any reason. Avoid.

  • GooberTheHat
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    Which one is that? Pretty sure I've done it but can't remember it.
  • regmcfly wrote:
    Theres an absolutely garbo side quest called Sweet Dreams. It isn't worth it at all, for any reason. Avoid.


    Smells like H is gonna give this game a grudging [7]

    Not quite as bad as Div, who almost certainly on WhatsApp, or at the very least changed my name to "tasteless fuckwit - Don't believe his lies"

    Tis truly a marmite game.

    Don't wank. Zinc in your sperms
  • I changed your name to "Saudi Llewelyn Bowen".

    Seriously though I am sure this is a fine game my expectations were just off and thats my fault because plenty of reviews and posts here should have already adjusted them.

    The Dunky video on it actually nails my experience in a few seconds of the 3 or 4 minute video he has put up.
    The glitches etc are immersion breaking sure. However if you pick Corpo there is no immersion to break because that line is just utter trash. There is nothing Corpo about it.

    I mentioned it and others have said it. Its a good game just don't try to role play. I wanted to role play and its a massive missed oppurtunity given the potential of the world that really that isnt possible.
    Its fine though, I will pick it up again down the line or on Game Pass and probably enjoy it but what I would pay £50 for isnt offered so better to get a refund.
  • regmcfly wrote:
    Theres an absolutely garbo side quest called Sweet Dreams. It isn't worth it at all, for any reason. Avoid.


    I thought it was a fun twist
  • Which one is that? Pretty sure I've done it but can't remember it.

    You go to a guy who offers you a cool braindance.
  • LivDiv wrote:
    I changed your name to "Saudi Llewelyn Bowen".


    I can see it, just put a proper shnoz on t'lad and Bilal's your uncle
    Don't wank. Zinc in your sperms
  • regmcfly
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    regmcfly wrote:
    Theres an absolutely garbo side quest called Sweet Dreams. It isn't worth it at all, for any reason. Avoid.


    Smells like H is gonna give this game a grudging [7]

    Not quite as bad as Div, who almost certainly on WhatsApp, or at the very least changed my name to "tasteless fuckwit - Don't believe his lies"

    Tis truly a marmite game.

    Sounds exactly right to me.
  • regmcfly
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    The score bit.
  • regmcfly
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    regmcfly wrote:
    Theres an absolutely garbo side quest called Sweet Dreams. It isn't worth it at all, for any reason. Avoid.


    I thought it was a fun twist

    That's LITERALLY IT. No plot, no anything. Just a
  • regmcfly
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    Right. Finished Cyberpunk.
    All Surface No Feeling *

    Of all the Cyberpunk zeitgeist of the past month - the bugs, the ad campaign, the refunds, it is Night City itself that lingers. A disgusting monolith, crammed to the brim with activities and alleyways. The landscape evolves and dissipates as I enter and leave, the towers giving way to industrial sprawls, to shacks, and finally, to the desert. Night City itself, as a construct, feels like the one of the best realised environments I have encountered in a videogame. And when it all clicks, the world of Cyberpunk really comes to life in a grotesque and fascinating way. 
    In one particular side mission that I've been replaying in my head, I spent the day accompanying a criminal who was going to atone for his sins in the most dramatic way possible. He was being supported by Corpos who saw a way to make a cheap buck from his torment, turning it into a media consumable by many. In the end, I became a passive participant in his suffering, watched from afar, but in an earlier conversation, I had put enough seeds of doubt into his head about his plan that it botched the media product. Completing the mission, I noticed the billboards around town advertising the event, as if the city itself was reminding me of the choices I had made. 
    I keep thinking if there was a way for the outcome to turn out different - and at times I think there was, but when I also stack it up against several of the key 'systemic' choices in the game, I'm less inclined to believe this. It feels odd that a world where the overriding message about humanity's excess seems to be that you can do everything, but none of it matters or fulfils in the long run, the developers seem to have taken that to the core of the game's design.
    Take that initial choice (not the size of your endowment) of the origin story for your V - Nomad, Streetkid or Corpo. In the run up to the release of the game, there was sizeable buzz, here and elsewhere about rolling the game multiple times to see how things could play out differently. But to what end? A few dialogue choices scattered in at opportune moments that don't serve to change events, but solely to provide a spot of colour? It feels like a system drawn over from the tabletop game that was too unweildy to package into the game for three diverse playthroughs. 
    There are more systems that feel as though they have been shoehorned into the game in order to point at the origin source and say 'hey, we did that too'. The modifications options in the game at first can seem overwhelming, yet by about halfway through, aside from my mantis blade arms (which quickly were rendered useless by the weaponry I collected) any of the upgrades I purchased felt as though they made no real difference to how I actually played the game - it was all artifice. 
    To a lesser extent, the skill trees offer a similar veil of depth. I specced pretty much exclusively in guns and body, and finished the game at level 40. Yet in several late game sequences and sidequests, I managed to effectively stealth my way through at no expense for the build I had created - in the world of every playthrough having viable options, the spectre of the Deus-Ex-hole-in-the-wall or convenient-pile-of-crates still rears its unweildy head, 20 odd years on. My gun perks allowed me 20% faster reloads, among other such delights, but by the time I was around 20 hours in, I possessed firepower that allowed me to one shot the thugs that ran aimlessly at me. 
    The game crumbles under the illusion of choice, and as a result, everything in it seems to be less fully formed than if CDPR had been able to rein in things moreso, to reduce the 'need' to have a little of everything in the title. Regardless of what others may think, I absolutely feel the AAA pressures of creating the ur-game (I'll see you in 2022, multiplayer) akin to GTA or Ubiworld is where the fundamental failings of the game lie. Gigs fly in with nondescript abandon - always more to see. A half-baked police system is built in - drive twenty seconds down the road and a three star warning disappears. Fallout-esque items (though sadly fewer dildos than I expected) scatter across every environ, but I never really found a desire or reason to spend money. A character scolds me for killing everyone with gay abandon, but in looking up the quest line after completing the game, it actually changed no elements of what happens. It is a game in which I can do anything, but nothing actually carries any value. 
    It's impossible to weigh up the content of the game without looking at the context within which I played it. I played on my PC which I only bought this year, and the game ran smoothly at ultra across the board throughout. Yes, I got my fair share of hilarious bugs, but only one of them hard crashed the game, and another glitched a quest necessitating a re-load. I was, by all accounts, lucky. Yet it does feel somewhat fitting that a game structured around a piece of faulty tech, with radio news stories talking about injuries caused by faulty tech... well, you get the rest. 
    At the end of the game I chose my ending based on one of the two characters in the game that I genuinely enjoyed spending time with, and I can't see myself going back to see alternatives - there isn't enough meat to the bones of that ending to rush in for that. But I will keep dipping in and out of the city, watching the highrise mount and then dissipate as I run through the highways. That remained a constant joy for me, and throughout my playthrough I was never once inclined to fast-travel to a locale, even when it was several kilometers away. 
    It seems CDPR have made the most Cyberpunk product  , not game, that they could. A game pushed out unfinished and half-baked by a Corpo hiding it behind the sheen of Keanu, the buzz of 'what could be' in 2021. A game where the voice of those pushing the relentless ad campaign to the trolls and easy targets of the net echoes loudest. A game in which I can modify what I do, what I wear, and how I do it to my hearts content, but where none of it really matters. 
    And despite all that, it's raining in Night City, and my motorbike is only 31 meters away on autocall, there's road to be covered, and things to see that you people wouldn't believe.
  • Started this last night, just to have a look at it and see what's what. I'm playing it on a One X and it doesn't appear to have any issues that are that obvious? Seems like it'll be a fun time.
    Gamertag: gremill
  • bad_hair_day
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    All fur coat and no knickers.
    retroking1981: Fuck this place I'm off to the pub.

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