The Grizzly Badger Tail. CH40 The DJR
  • that cake appears to have a 'Ram Steelwood approved ratio of icing to cake'.
    "Like i said, context is missing."
  • Enjoyable. Offer of type-setting/design services for inevitable printed tome.
    Mostly an idiot. Live: thedarthjim / Instagram: mrjalco / Twitter: @MrJalco
  • Thank you Jim. This is the second one in the series. I'm happy to email you the first one if you like. It might clear up some things.
    Sometimes here. Sometimes Lurk. Occasionally writes a bad opinion then deletes it before posting..
  • Pm'd.
    Mostly an idiot. Live: thedarthjim / Instagram: mrjalco / Twitter: @MrJalco
  • Done and done. :)
    Sometimes here. Sometimes Lurk. Occasionally writes a bad opinion then deletes it before posting..
  • For clarification a nice Badger got the first story printed and made up into a book and sent it to Rev.
    That person to this day remains anonymous.
    Town name: Downton - Name: Nick - Native Fruit: Apples
  • no, it was me.
    "Like i said, context is missing."
  • That person has just been identified as RamSteelwood
    Town name: Downton - Name: Nick - Native Fruit: Apples
  • also i am spartacus.
    and batman.
    and tiger woods.
    "Like i said, context is missing."
  • I have that book on my desk. I still read it. Yeah it's an ego massage. But I have a book I wrote. :)
    Sometimes here. Sometimes Lurk. Occasionally writes a bad opinion then deletes it before posting..
  • also i am spartacus. and batman. and tiger woods.
    Are you Tin Robot?
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • wrote:
    also i am spartacus. and batman. and tiger woods.
    Are you Tin Robot?

    If he is, could he come and do my surgery this afternoon, because I'm knackered?

    More importantly,that was an extra specially excellent installment Rev, though it has left me wanting cake.
  • It was tin that sent me the book. He am so best.
    Sometimes here. Sometimes Lurk. Occasionally writes a bad opinion then deletes it before posting..
  • So who's the bad guy who killed dubs then? Any guesses?
    Sometimes here. Sometimes Lurk. Occasionally writes a bad opinion then deletes it before posting..
  • wrote:
    also i am spartacus. and batman. and tiger woods.
    Are you Tin Robot?

    now you're being silly.
    "Like i said, context is missing."
  • :D
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    I have again been out-caked by my sister-in-law

  • There you go muzz.
    Sometimes here. Sometimes Lurk. Occasionally writes a bad opinion then deletes it before posting..
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    Cheers bro
  • Chapter 20

    It’s a mixture of dust and dirt on the screen, though you wouldn’t want to take a taste test on that. It would be better cleaning it off using a dry cloth then a damp one to avoid marks. The screen is old-ish, maybe not as far back as a CRT but a square screen, not widescreen. It hasn’t been wiped yet. I guess they can’t find a cloth. Either that or they don’t care.
    An old style keyboard sits at the makeshift desk while the hard drive sits under the desk itself humming away.
    There is no power going to the small tower. It seems not to need anything. The red light above the power button is strong, almost too bright to look at directly.
    The keyboard makes loud tap tap tap noises, a mixture of the style and age of it and the frustration being vented on it.
    The typist hammers it one more time and sits back, lets out an audible sigh and bangs its fist on the table.
    There is a red painted wooden door to the left of the desk. It stands in its frame similar to the one that Brooks saw earlier, not actually connected to a room. It stands there with its own intent. You could say there is a slight air of domination about it.  
    The brass door handle turns and a figure falls through it, clutching at its side and trying to stay upright but failing and ending up on the floor. He’s carrying something under his arm.
    The typist looks up for the briefest of moments then turns back to the screen, shaking his head and starts to type again.
    ‘Please tell me that the other guy got it far worse than you.’ said the Typist.
    Injured just looked up at Typist and mouthed a bad word.  Then he spat some blood out of his mouth and sat up.
    From another part of the room a third figure appeared, running over, cloth in hand and looking concerned.
    He bent down over Injured and started to fuss over him like a mother hen. Injured didn’t like that at all and he half slapped, half push Concerned aside. Concerned fell to the floor, apologising as he did.
    ‘Why he decided to bring you back, I’ll never know.’ said Injured.
    ‘He serves a purpose, I’m sure of it and I’m sure that purpose will become clear in time. Though I’m more interested in whether you managed to achieve anything more than a beating from Tempy.’ said Typist
    Another person joined the group from somewhere else in the room, (that actually seemed to be more like a cavern,) observed the scene for a minute. They walked over to Typist.
    ‘I guess we have to ask ourselves and question whether the violence we have been engaged in so far is through our own choosing or somehow part of some larger design.  Are we in part affecting the design that is planned or is the overall plan to affect the design through our actions. If we in part continue to affect the design will that in turn affect the outcome of the plan. This is something that should be discussed, if not debated.’
    Typist just looked at him. Typist then shook his head.
    ‘If I had known what the rest of you were like, I would have switched myself off as soon as Blurum had made me. It appears that I’m the only one with any intelligence or organisation in this whole place.’ He said.
    He was the first one that Blurum had created, before Unlikely. It seemed appropriate considering his name.
    ‘Did you manage to achieve anything then Reindeer boy?’ asked Typist.
    ‘You better watch your mouth Player 1. I don’t see you heading through that door at any point. Scared of ruining your nails? Here, I brought you something.’
    Rudolph threw something so it landed in Player 1’s lap.
    Player one shrieked and threw it to one side.
    ‘You sick bastard! Who the hell is it?’ asked Player 1
    ‘I found him trying to fight his way out camp.  He was up to his eyes in Spambots, putting on such bravado and skills. So after I took a bullet from him, I took his head.  Don’t worry about getting Tempy. I got you something more Permian-ent. Heh heh. Call it a bonus extra after Dubs.’ smiled Rudolph.
    ‘You took out Dubs as well? That’s so cool Rudolph! We’re some team aren’t we?!’ said Concerned.
    Rudolph got up walked over to Concerned and punched him hard on the side of the head. Concerned fell to the floor, sobbing slightly.
    ‘Pranky, the day I consider you part of my team is the day that everyone else is dead in the world and I need a kidney transplant and you’re are the only person who can give me it and I have to say the we are on the same team in order for it to happen!’ shouted Rudolph. He kicked Prankster 101 again for good measure. Pranky sobbed an apology.
    ‘Such a display of anger! I wonder if this violence will also have some kind of bearing on our plan? Again, was Rudolph meant to hit Prankster101? If he hadn’t hit him then does this mean we would have had to change the plan in order to progress to where we need to be? Why if we consider the fact you don’t technically have kidneys then this leads..’
    Player 1 slammed his hand on the makeshift desk to interrupt Scorpio.
    ‘Scorpio…please. Not everything has to end up in some massive semantic debate that goes nowhere!’ shouted Player 1.
    Rudolph breathed in and held his breath and the bullet wound seemed to glitch away. The blood stain and hole remained and he sighed disappointedly at his ruined top.
    Pranky got up off the floor and moved towards the desk, rubbing his head and keeping his distance from Rudolph.
    ‘If you’re so amazing, how come you still haven’t figured out the password to get us into Admin?’ asked Rudolph
    ‘Why can’t we just wait until Blurum comes back? Won’t he just open it then?’ said Prankster101.
    The other three stared at him and he kept his next thought to himself.
    ‘I never saw him when I was over in the island, he could have already been wiped out. He just wanted to get over there and have his revenge.’ said Rudolph.
    ‘Which is why I’m trying to get into Admin to see if we can help him. We owe him that much for bringing us back in the first place. Maybe we can cancel down a couple of accounts here and there. Cull a couple of Badgers without them knowing what hit them. Unfortunately, he’s a program, so that means the password is complicated. Which means it’s going to take time. Which means you need to stop chomping my arse about it every two minutes! ’ said Player1.
    Rudolph leaned closer to Player1
    ‘Which means maybe someone needs to get rid of some sand that is clearly irritating them downstairs..’ replied Rudolph, point at Player1’s crotch.
    Player1 didn’t respond.
    ‘And where the hell is Unlikely?’ said Player1.
    ‘Maybe there’s a big ham sale and he just couldn’t miss out!’ said excited voice in the darkness.
    ‘Contra, get out of that corner and into the light. If you’re sitting there thinking about the NSFW thread again, I swear I’ll come over there and..’ shouted Rudolph.
    ‘You can come over anywhere you like as long as you clean up after you Dolphy honey. Is it just your nose that glows in the dark or did Santa use you to help check his prostrate?’ said Contrarose.
    Rudolph clenched his fist and stood his ground while Contrarose chuckled to himself.
    ‘This isn’t getting us anywhere. Unlikely will be doing his thing, we just have to trust he’s met up with Blurum and something is happening. Something which means we can just go over there and help clean up.’ said Player1.
    ‘I want to go over there and take out a few of those Badgers. There’s a whole pile of them that didn’t take me seriously anytime I had something to say. We’ll see how serious they become when they’re on their knees begging for me to end it for them.’ said Pranky.
    ‘Are you planning on reading them all of one of your famous interviews? Or were you going to read out both comments you got as well?’ said Player1
    This caused everyone to burst into laughter and Prankster101 to commit grievous murder in his mind.
    ‘We need to find out where they are hiding first of all. There’s a couple of them out on the road to the mountain. I’ve seen one of them by himself. I’ll kill him when I get a spare minute. There’s two in the sky keeping down the numbers of spambots.  The rest of them seem to have vanished. Though they could already be up at the house in the mountain. That’s where Yossarian was taking Nexx.’ said Rudolph
    ‘How could they have just gone? There were over a hundred of them at the very least.’ said Player1
    ‘It’s a big island. There’s both sides to it.  I’m only one person. If you had your way we would have still been sitting here waiting for Blurum to come back. If you had your way we would have then still sat here waiting you to crack the code. If you had your way, then I would not have found the other island which would have allowed us to find out the Badger were on another Island! Maybe if we stop doing things your way we could maybe help Blurum to finish the job!’ Rudolph shouted.
    Sometimes here. Sometimes Lurk. Occasionally writes a bad opinion then deletes it before posting..
  • The writing is just getting better and better rev, love it <3

    Are these all old forumites then?
  • Kow
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    I do not like mention of R***lph.
  • Well how about I have you kick the shit out of him then.
    Sometimes here. Sometimes Lurk. Occasionally writes a bad opinion then deletes it before posting..
  • Outlaw wrote:
    The writing is just getting better and better rev, love it <3

    Are these all old forumites then?

    Thanks. Yeah in some way, they've all contributed to some of the darker sides of the forum.

    Sometimes here. Sometimes Lurk. Occasionally writes a bad opinion then deletes it before posting..
  • It got a little confusing for me to follow because I don't recognise the names (apart from Unlikely) but it sounds like an interesting chapter, I can't wait to read some more.
  • Kow
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    Well how about I have you kick the shit out of him then.

    That is acceptable.
  • I've been here (and blurum) a couple of years now and I hadn't heard of some of those names, I do miss Unlikely's contributions though.

    Great writing and new levels of intrigue! Top work Rev.
  • Rudolph was a particularly unlikable scumbag.
    Town name: Downton - Name: Nick - Native Fruit: Apples
  • GooberTheHat
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    Nice work rev. I have no idea who any of these people are though.
  • Escape wrote:
    It's getting a bit like that episode of The Tripods with no Tripods.

    Protags don't seem to know what they're doing.

    Hopefully that's plenty now..

    Sometimes here. Sometimes Lurk. Occasionally writes a bad opinion then deletes it before posting..

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