Pro Wrestling
  • Goldberg was rumoured ever since he was advertised in the WWE game.
  • mk64 wrote:
    How is it that Aj and Shane can go at it but foley and tripple H can't? 

    I find the cruiserweight stuff so boring. I like gentlemen jack and neville is ok but the others are so gimmicky, the worst is TJ Perkins with his street fighter intro. 

    also, how early did you all know goldberg was coming back? And are there any other older wrestlers who may come out of retirement? Predictions please

    Perkins was way better in the Cruiserweight classic. Everyone was really. Did you watch that? Neville is great, he's a proper heel. Austin Aries though will soon be the star of the division.

    Foley can't wrestle due to injury. They were setting something up with him and Dean Ambrose a couple of years ago, when he was advised to retire on medical grounds, so unfortunately we won't see Mick wrestle again.

    Not retirement, but the Hardy's are believed to have been offered contracts. We might not get the awesome stuff they have been doing in TNA recently though.
  • Likelyhood thatVince wants the hardys back because they are hot stuff at the mo but will then change them back to 90s hardys? Look at how they wasted bully ray.

    I love Aries. He was the best thing in tna when last his run started. Pity they didnt have the courage to let him run with the belt. Super charisma and a good wrestler too.

    I think there is an outside chance of one last match for kurt angle. As long as he doesn't have any 'episodes' back stage. Other than that I can't think of anyone off hand who would be a big return. Maybe rey mysterio?
    SFV - reddave360
  • Thing is, Matt is the star now. And they need to present them that way to the fans who don't keep up with indy events. Or Matt is quickly forgotten.

    It would be a shame if they can't use the Broken universe stuff. Them coming back to delete WWE and MeekMahan would be amazing.
  • Jeff will always be the star in Vince's eyes.
  • Yes, and that's the problem.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Yeah what WWE needs is a couple of 40 year old former solid wrestlers with long histories of drug and mental problems to get the brand on point.
  • Thing is, Matt is the star now. And they need to present them that way to the fans who don't keep up with indy events. Or Matt is quickly forgotten.

    It would be a shame if they can't use the Broken universe stuff. Them coming back to delete WWE and MeekMahan would be amazing.

    I'm guessing the tna lawsuit is simply a way to get wwe to pay for the rights to the deleted stuff. Still not sure if wwe still won't take the approach of their way is the only way.
    SFV - reddave360
  • If it runs out before Takeover, you should renew it.

    Damn.  I always forget about NXT.
    When you got movies like Tom Cruise in them, you can't lose
  • shanes a nutter. Pretty sure they're trying to turn AJ to a heel but it's not working despite him being pretty decent at playing the bad guy. That whole thing is a farce. should've been him vs Strowman :)   

    the foley thing is weird unless they're genuinely looking to replace him. 

    American alpha losing the belt to the usos is also odd. Great finish to the match though. I hate their gimmick but at least they have more of a repitoire than most wrestlers. 

    Austin Aries has impressed me so far
    He could've just said they came from another planet but seems keen to convince people with his bullshit pseudoscience that he knows stuff. I wouldn't trust him with my lunch. - SG
  • AJ has been heel for the best part of a year.
  • but the crowd cheer him more than anyone else :D
    He could've just said they came from another planet but seems keen to convince people with his bullshit pseudoscience that he knows stuff. I wouldn't trust him with my lunch. - SG
  • So ITV are going to bring back that fuckawful World of Sport Wrestling they trialled at Christmas for a ten week run. One for you Dante, it's being filmed in Preston.

    god help us
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • Aye, I saw that, the Guild Hall. Will be trying for it.

    I liked it, but I'm fully aware of it's shortcomings. A 10 episode order will relieve some of them. The involvement of TNA is slightly worrysome, although Jeff Jarret is in charge again, so perhaps not. One of the complaints was the set was very TV studio (which is because it was in a TV studio, duh), which I had no problem with, but you won't have that at the Guild Hall.

    I suspect as well the crowd will be good thanks to most of the wrestlers having been PCW regulars.

    MK, Foley is having hip replacement surgery, so he needs to be written off. AJ has been heel , but is cheered like you said because he's been booked awfully. The whole giving him the Mania spot then taking it away gave him huge sympathy, and it took him ramming Shanes head through a car window to get heat back, but even then, you can see his point of view. They needed to have him attack Shane again, or at the very least not feign regret at his actions the week before.
  • There's nothing wrong with how Styles has been booked apart from the Shane match.
  • TheDJR wrote:
    There's nothing wrong with how Styles has been booked apart from the Shane match.

    Yeah, his stuff with cena was very good. Thought he got squashed a bit at the end of the last match though. The stuff with Shane though, not so good.

    SFV - reddave360
  • I thought Dante was saying that him getting cheered was a result of bad booking whereas I'd say it's more because he's awesome. His heel promos are far better than his face.
  • Post rumble to now he has been. He gets cheered because he's awesome, yes, but great wrestlers can still get heat. You don't do that by giving them a main event spot at Mania and then taking it away unjustly. Granted, Harper fucked up the Battle Royal, but that's all the more reason not to take it away from him.

    Basically post rumble to now has been a shitshow of pointless stuff.
  • So WrestleMania is here, who watching?

    Andre Battle Royale waste of time again.
  • Going to watch for a bit but I doubt I'll last to the end. Although I said that last year.

    Predictorama time:

    Andre Battle Royal and Cruisers match already down (Mojo wins? WTF?) Was the Aries / Neville match good? They got 15 mins. Also Ambrose defeated Corbon. Surprised a bit at that.


    Orton to beat Wyatt but double turn on both. Wyatt full face, Orton full heel.

    Lesnar to beat Goldberg.

    AJ beats Shane, handshake to turn AJ face

    Cena/ Nikki to beat Miz/ Marease, proposal to kill 20 minutes of valuable wrestling time.

    Reigns to beat Taker, goes full heel

    Seth to beat Triple H

    Charlotte to regain the womens title.

    Jericho to beat Owens

    Enzo & Caz to win Raw Tag team title

    Alexa Bliss to retain Smackdown womens title.

    Am I leaving anything out?

    SFV - reddave360
  • Watching the intro 2 things strike me:

    The jets flying overhead is so well timed. American patriotism at its best.

    The intro credits shows a very united colours of benetton audience even though the actual booking is still quite white centric. 

    Anyway, here we go. Get the feeling Reigns / Taker is the main event
    SFV - reddave360
  • Wow, styles v shane to start?
    SFV - reddave360
  • Going by the reaction, we have a pretty smarky crowd. Not much of a pop for shane but AJ got a damn good one. Set looks pretty impressive as well.
    SFV - reddave360
  • Watching a dodgy stream cos fuck paying for this shite. So far Shane/AJ had been absolute garbage.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • Terrible stuff.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • At least the right guy won. Although it was more a case of shane beating himself as usual
    SFV - reddave360
  • Yeah, but it was turgid stuff.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • If they get the time, Owens/ Jericho could be the match of the night winner.

    Just on Styles/ McMahon, they need to retire Shane as a guy who can go toe to toe. It's not believable and takes away from the sympathy the guy could generate.
    SFV - reddave360
  • O/J should hopefully be better.
    What makes you think Taker/Reigns will be the main event?
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • The last big promo from pre show to this was taker/reigns. Just felt like that was the match the panel was pushing. Not so much on lesnar/ goldberg.
    SFV - reddave360

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