  • Poms are good, but they have diminishing returns every level, which you can see by comparing number. The Impending Doom upgrade goes from 60% extra damage to 100% the first time, then 130%, 120% etc. It’s worth spreading the love.
  • Also the rarity of the boon affects the amount of increase per pom as well. The good news is that if you retroactively increase the rarity of a boon, that these increases will also recalculate as though the boon had been that rarity the whole time.

    You can also consider the kind of weapon you use as well. I'm happy if I'm running a fist build with an epic boon from like athena, or aphrodite for example who give quite high damage boosts to pump poms into that boon even if it's gone beyond being super effective, purely because of the amount of hits I'm going to be landing with my fists compared to other types of attack. Whereas if I was using something slower like the shield, or the bow, then I'd be more inclined to make sure I was getting the best value out of my boons by spreading the poms around where possible between attack, special, cast and call.
    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."
  • Tempy wrote:
    Poms are good, but they have diminishing returns every level, which you can see by comparing number. The Impending Doom upgrade goes from 60% extra damage to 100% the first time, then 130%, 120% etc. It’s worth spreading the love.

    I wonder if it’s actually diminishing. 

    Even though the percent is smaller the base number is bigger. 

    There might also be some level of tipping point where even a token amount extra reduces damage by a full hit. 

    Still I agree they look less attractive over many poms.
  • Nina
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    Struggling with this as well, main character movement is hard to follow, I often get stuck behind pillars or on traps, can't remember the door icons for the Gods, and it just all feels messy. Will watch your videos as well Tempy and go back through this thread.

    How many boons does each God have? They just have at least 3 normal, and some epic and rare ones? Is there a website for it like for the items in Isaac? I assume they always offer from the same pool, so i should be able to look them up before going into a room.

    How does upgrading the underworld work? We've added fountains, but hardly ever get them. Is it worth to focus on this right now, or should I get the darkness to get my mirror stuff up now quickly?

    Should I always go for Chaos if I can?

    What's the deal with the guy standing before the big boulder? Text is tiny and a bit confusing (I find the description of things quite often a bit unclear)

    We've still got some talents to unlock on the mirror, so that plus unlocking keepsakes might be the best thing to focus on? How do you upgrade weapons?

    Mainly playing with the sword now, as that's what B chooses (we switch controller after each run, trying to figure it out together but he's losing interest), trying to use my cast more but that flame is one more thing to keep track of, maybe that's a good one to upgrade next time?

    How important is health early on in the game? I have a keepsake equipped that gives you a chance to restore health from an urn item drop, and tend to go for the health upgrade when choosing a room. Maybe that doesn't matter that much if my power is not up there?

    Sorry, lot of questions but I think B is done with this soon so I have the game to myself. I also assume it has cloud saves on Epic store?
  • Nah they have about ten to fifteen boons and the quality of each one is the “rare”, “legendary” etc. (So a rare critical hit chance might be 3% but a normal critical hit chance from her would be 2%). 

    Weapon upgrades are what you use the blood you get from bosses is for (I think the first boss only and shop at the end of the game and possibly the shop in the lobby). 

    I like chaos but it can be a hinderancw!
  • There’s a wiki that lists them all if you need it Nina: https://hades.gamepedia.com/Boons

    Rarity goes Normal/Rare/Epic/Heroic.

    Legendary Boons are unique boons that require you to have take one or two pre-requisite boons before they are even added to the pool that run. Similarly duo boons are added when you have a certain boons from a god and have another god too - so Demeter/Zeus Cold Fusion can only appear if you have the Jolted Boon for Zeus.

    Upgrading the underworld with fountains means those rooms can appear, not that they will.

    Chaos is very goo, but if you have low health maybe don’t.

    Boulder guy is Sisyphus - you can get health refill, money or darkness from him. A free room, always in Tartarus, always denoted by a question mark door.

    Unlocking mirror is great, focus your darkness on that. Weapon upgrades will come when you start getting Titan Blood.

    Health is good if you’re early on and still struggling but Dusa’s keep sake is probably less useful than Cerberus if you are dying, cos charon shops and pools nearly always have health in them.
  • Nina
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    O, so Sisyphus gives health? I thought it said something of going back to the House of Hades. We always chose darkness there, as that one had the least confusing description. 

    Is there an icon for the fountain rooms? Or are they connected with another, more default room? We didn't get any last night so can't remember. 

    Will work on the mirror, have a few more talents to unlock, we've mainly been gathering darkness to get death defiance up to the second level. I assume if you've invested darkness, you can't reinvest if you want to play around with it? Any tips on which ones I should invest in early on?

    We only have one Titan Blood so far, B beat Meg once, and that's the furthest we've gotten so far.

    We got the Cerberus Collar last night, will work on that. 

    Will be careful with Chaos, I couldn't take it yesterday as she wanted more health than I had.
  • Fountains aren't highlighted, they'll just turn up.
  • So there we go. Just got my first clear and it was an absolute embarrassment. I didn't even need to look at the screen whilst fighting Hades, just spammed the fuck out of my ridiculously OP abilities. Zeus duo came through hard style on my call, coupled with festive fog and lightning attack I just obliterated everything. Theseus went down before Minotaur. I was astonished. Never had a run like it. Felt way too easy. Felt good. I guess I've just been unlucky with my choices so far lol.
  • See, like you said, you just spam your powers and the game plays itself. Congrats!
    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."
  • Special mention goes to the ending. Surprisingly affecting. Why can't all the voice talent in videogames be this good FFS??
  • Questor
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    Just wait until the credits ending Chalice (10 clears) - it's seriously good
  • Roujin wrote:
    See, like you said, you just spam your powers and the game plays itself. Congrats!

    I only see this as a negative.
  • Questor wrote:
    Just wait until the credits ending Chalice (10 clears) - it's seriously good

    I'm not sure I'll play it again really. The areas and bosses have grown very repetitive. I just wanted the clear. Great game. Some nice narrative here and there but quite a lot of guff, too much down time between levels for me, and very noisy graphical flourishes when things get hairy. I do love how they've pretty much conquered a few genres in a single game. People that make games all over should be looking at this lot and taking note...
  • Nice work, Chalice.
  • Roujin wrote:
    See, like you said, you just spam your powers and the game plays itself. Congrats!

    For real, though - builds are all about specialising in certain areas and building up multiple buffs.

    Spread boons too thin across call and special and attack and dash and...? Gonna have a bad time

    Pom a single boon forever? Diminishing returns and you’re gonna have a bad time.

    Layer boons on one or two specific actions? That’s the sweet spot.
  • Yeah it's about making choices early on and then building on what you get for the rest of the run. I've got 3 clears in a row now and am approaching the "ending" I think. Still great. Love how the different weapon mods make you change up your playstyle again.
  • I can’t believe rouj keeps getting away with this bant and people keep replying in good faith.
  • I have a policy of not spending more than 2 seconds considering the implication or meaning of Rouj posts.
  • I thought you'd be right in here for the Cummie/Commie utopia, but I GUESS NOT.

  • Nina
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    Roujin should stream this game so we can hear the live bants. Until then I don't believe a word he says.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Nina wrote:
    Roujin should stream this game so we can hear the live bants. Until then I don't believe a word he says.

    He hasn't got 4 hours spare to do 1 run tbf
  • regmcfly
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    Credits on this. Noticed the guitar solos are by Masuhiro Aoki. Nice.
  • It's just the solo in one specific track - The Unseen Ones.
  • regmcfly wrote:
    Credits on this. Noticed the guitar solos are by Masuhiro Aoki. Nice.

    Me too! Twinsies!!
  • regmcfly
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    regmcfly wrote:
    Credits on this. Noticed the guitar solos are by Masuhiro Aoki. Nice.

    Me too! Twinsies!!


  • Subbax
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    Any tips on shield builds?  I can't get past that shitbag Theseus.

    I accidentally spent all my blood on the first aspect.
    It's a goddamn snoozefest out there.
  • Yes, you can block his attacks with the shield and then attack him with the charged up attack as he walks away. The only things you can't block normally in that fight are the jumping smash from Asterius, the call Theseus uses and also when Theseus recalls his spear if it hits you in the back as it returns to him.

    You can also snipe at him with your special as well if you don't want to stand close to him.
    "Let me tell you, when yung Rouj had his Senna and Mansell Scalextric, Frank was the goddamn Professor X of F1."

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