Hey Bats, go easy on him hmmm? For me?
  • I have only had that problem on WIIU AO but I can sympathise.
    What are you playing on Webbins?
  • Bone.
    GT: WEBBIN5 - A life in formats: Sinclair ZX81>Amstrad CPC 6128>Amiga 500>Sega Megadrive>PC>PlayStation 2>Xbox>DS Lite>Xbox 360>Xbox One>Xbox One X>Xbox Series X>Oculus Quest 2
  • I asked that like I had a solution.
  • I am playing PC with a 360 controller.
    I have found some counters aren't necessarily just a case of hitting 'Y' the second you see it ( or whatever other button).
    @Tempy mentioned something about this and is generally good at this type of thing.
  • There's a window to hit Y, this window is highlighted, or should be, by the counter indicator above a goon's head. I am pressing it whilst this is active but clearly after the window is closed as I am getting tagged. It feels like the indicator is set to normal but the actual window is set to the hard difficulty I have optioned. I think I preferred AA/AC where I'm fairly sure there was no visual indicator on hard and you paid more attention to a goon's attack animation.
    GT: WEBBIN5 - A life in formats: Sinclair ZX81>Amstrad CPC 6128>Amiga 500>Sega Megadrive>PC>PlayStation 2>Xbox>DS Lite>Xbox 360>Xbox One>Xbox One X>Xbox Series X>Oculus Quest 2
  • I've not spent lots of hours in combat in this but i would agree with Webbs, there is something definitely a little off about the hand to hand.
    It seems they've made it slightly worse than previous incarnations. 
    I also take his point about the batclaw, and I've noticed the quick batarang targeting off at tangents to the goon I'm actually pointing the stick at, coupled with my aerial attack not triggering on the character i want moan, i ended up shooting at the tv, something i never did with the previous games.
    Live= sgt pantyfire    PSN= pantyfire
  • I don't much care for Batman and I've never played any of the previous games.  But I'm getting that 'new game itch' again, so can I just roam around the open world in this and beat-up perps and rescue firemen 'n' stuff?   Or I am compelled the don the straight-jacket of following the main story?
    It wasn't until I hit my thirties that I realised you could unlock rewards by exploring the map
  • Certain parts of the city are inaccessable until story points are hit, and some side missions too.
    I'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts...
  • Also, if you don't like endless waves of thugs, these games are shite. Actual environmental traversal is kept to a minimum - you can pass or you can't - there's little exploration skill needed. Just, go here, punch that. If that's your thing - many people seem to like it - then that's cool. But if you want a world you can just walk around and explore...avoid.
  • Although I enjoy the combat in the Batmobile, I take the criticism about the handling and its performance around Gotham, more Blunderman than anything. The AR TT race was a ball ache as was the early Riddler Batmobile challenge. Those APCs seem to be on rails and have the pace of an F1 car whilst the Batmobile barges and bulldozers its way in an effort to catch up.
    GT: WEBBIN5 - A life in formats: Sinclair ZX81>Amstrad CPC 6128>Amiga 500>Sega Megadrive>PC>PlayStation 2>Xbox>DS Lite>Xbox 360>Xbox One>Xbox One X>Xbox Series X>Oculus Quest 2
  • Blocks100 wrote:
    I don't much care for Batman and I've never played any of the previous games.  But I'm getting that 'new game itch' again, so can I just roam around the open world in this and beat-up perps and rescue firemen 'n' stuff?   Or I am compelled the don the straight-jacket of following the main story?
    This isn't the game for you.
    It isn't GTA Batman. You can glide/fly around doing side quests and Riddler stuff but overall it is a linear game that allows you breathing space.
    There needs to be a name for this type of game really.

    You don't have to be a mega Batman nerd but liking the universe helps a lot. I would genuinely recommend playing the three games in order as well, there are on going stories and nods to previous entries in both AC and AK. Also AA is probably the best game for game's sake.
  • My combat so far has been square, square, square, square, square, square, square. It doesn't feel anything like the way I remember the original. Also, so far it feels like I'm just a target wandering around in the open, waiting for a group of bad guys to dance around me while I watch a black shape bounce around them until they stop. It's feeling like any other third person game. I certainly don't feel like a dark force in the shadows, picking off goons who have a growing sense that something isn't right and they're possibly next.

    Graphically it's all very impressive, but everything is just so busy. As I mentioned before, I got lost in the Police Station until I realised that exit signs were among the great many things vying for my attention.  Outside, it's so busy, I'm having real difficulty getting a sense of place.  I'm finding environment traversal a chore. If the idea is to use the Batmobile more often, I'm not keen on that either.

    Maybe I wasn't in the right frame of mind last night, maybe I'm just not very good, but I'm not feeling it.
  • Not sure what the problem is here folks, the combat's as good as ever. There does seem to be a few more layers of depth this time around though, and I don't think the game does a great jog of teaching you about it. 

    Remember - ALL groups can/should be taken out as a single combo. Get your meter up straight away, but reserve the takedown until the right time ie target the more troublesome dudes first - the game will automatically target pretty reliably (use the weapon-dismantle takedown for guns, shields or knives but NOT baseball bats as you'll want to use those). 

    Try not to leap like a maniac around the room - harder to keep track and not accidentally punch an electro/shield/big dude, breaking your combo. Keep calm and central, mostly counter (or super counter) and if things get too hectic do a takedown and everything will slow down again. In between strikes get a gadget in there too (super gel is particularly good for crowds).

    If it's a tricky group with few basic enemies to allow you build your combo up, remember in this one you can pick up dazzed enemies from the ground so you can easily get up to takedown-level with just one guy. 

    That, and baseball bats damage anything!

    The AR rooms are great for practise and make sure you're reading how to do all the moves as you unlock them.

    Going to post a vid of me being awesome later to make you all feel bad about yourselves
    Gamgertag: JRPC
    PSN: Lastability95
  • Urgh ffs

    the Batgirl dlc is being developed by AO dev, not RS.

    I want my money back!
    Gamgertag: JRPC
    PSN: Lastability95
  • Also, if you don't like endless waves of thugs, these games are shite. Actual environmental traversal is kept to a minimum - you can pass or you can't - there's little exploration skill needed. Just, go here, punch that. If that's your thing - many people seem to like it - then that's cool. But if you want a world you can just walk around and explore...avoid.

    This just made me realise there's a big element missing from AK compared to AA/AC - platforming. In the first two there were several environmental puzzles of how about how to physically get from A-B. This game's missing that completely, which is a shame. Loved those bits.
    Gamgertag: JRPC
    PSN: Lastability95
  • I've turned it down to normal difficulty, combat is much improved. I wasn't finding the game hard in itself, but the controls and camera are just too clunky and can't keep pace with my inputs. Too tired of trying to wrestle with the game instead of enjoying it.
    GT: WEBBIN5 - A life in formats: Sinclair ZX81>Amstrad CPC 6128>Amiga 500>Sega Megadrive>PC>PlayStation 2>Xbox>DS Lite>Xbox 360>Xbox One>Xbox One X>Xbox Series X>Oculus Quest 2
  • Just finished the story. Great stuff.
    Also there is a genuine push to get you to mop up after.
    Oh and after the story is done...
  • Just finished the story. Great stuff. Also there is a genuine push to get you to mop up after. Oh and after the story is done...

    Hey, nice one man. At last - someone to spoiler chat with!!

    Enjoying the post-ending pace. More time to explore the city, mess about with thugs etc. Listen out for all the new chatter btw - some funny bits in there.

    BTW did you notice while you played through that...
    Gamgertag: JRPC
    PSN: Lastability95
  • Billboards, didn't notice.

    Ak reveal

    There is another ending once you 100% btw.
  • Riddle me this: how does Ms Gordon's interest in reading and life, link her to Majula and the first flame?
    Ps4:MrSpock1980J     XBL-360: Jadgey      
    Things are looking up for my penis.
  • Off my tits. This game is amazing. Back listening to BatDance on vinyl. It is the one!!!
  • Watched a friend play this earlier, it seemed much the same as AC but with extra shine and tedious bat mobile bits. Meh.
  • It is fun as fuck. It is all the barman things all the time.
    24/7 bats.
    Getting to a 10 for me. Fuck the haters this is fun as fuck. I am the bat!
  • I'm loving it too. Trying not to binge on it. Bat mobile is a thing of absolute beauty but I'd highly recommend switching battle mode toggle to L1; a much more intuitive system.
    Ps4:MrSpock1980J     XBL-360: Jadgey      
    Things are looking up for my penis.
  • Kow
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    Barman: The Game.
  • Kow wrote:
    Barman: The Game.
    Features advanced optics.
    Ps4:MrSpock1980J     XBL-360: Jadgey      
    Things are looking up for my penis.
  • 11% done now, really enjoying it. 
  • Got the second ending - 1 more to go.

    Doesn't make sense though. My advice would be to mop up 100%  before triggering the ending.

    Probably going to NG+ going after all the riddler stuff though.
    Gamgertag: JRPC
    PSN: Lastability95
  • Spock wrote:
    Riddle me this: how does Ms Gordon's interest in reading and life, link her to Majula and the first flame?
    Aight. In her character bio, oracle is reading "le disir de vivre" - by Paul Aker, a book with a quite distinctive cover. The same book can be found in Seath's library in DS1 and a few copies are also in the mansion in Majula.
    Ps4:MrSpock1980J     XBL-360: Jadgey      
    Things are looking up for my penis.
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    It goes deeper than that. For example, Gordon and Majula form an anagram of "Anglo Ram: Judo", and there are scattered raferences to Mr. Steelwood's Zen/pirate philosophy in several of the dlc locations - a hint both at reincarnation and, in meta terms, a commentary on their respective publisher's download-centric mindsets.

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