Work - The pros and the cons...
  • Yes yes muzz bang ya feet up and stop giving a shit. First day on phones tomorrow, out of training. Can't wait. Give us a ring tin and ask for me.

    If I could be confident of getting you, I definitely would. (Despite the terror that's invoked by the phrase "ring the GMC"...)

    Hope it goes well tomorrow - you will, as G says, most definitely smash it.
  • SATs day today and Team Tiger smashed it. My empire of 10 year olds made all the other 10 year olds look rubbish. Hah! Well done, Tiger Kids. I shall reward you with rounders.
  • acemuzzy wrote:
    So I've just found out that one of the 50 people working at the place I'm moving to is a friend of a friend.  And they say they really like it there.  So that's kinda reassuring! Pretty tedious having to work out a three month notice period though :-(

    Yep 3 months notice is rough, I once had to do the same thinking they would reduce it as I was desperate to leave. But yeh while it sucks now, the 'don't give a shit' attitude will kick in, and its ace.
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    Yeah already having conversations where I'm telling people something is doomed and gonna be a shitshow and getting relieved I don't need to help solve it. (Though annoyingly bits I'm gonna need to help with cos some will explode while I'm still around...)

    But anyway, DS is the man for today, hope you smash it tomorrow mate!!
  • SATs day today and Team Tiger smashed it. My empire of 10 year olds made all the other 10 year olds look rubbish. Hah! Well done, Tiger Kids. I shall reward you with rounders.
    That’s awesome mate! :)

    Come with g if you want to live...
  • Good things all round in this thread. Love to see it.

    I have my third definitely-not-an-interview on Thursday morning before I go to court/cinema for more jury duty. Chatting with the potential colleagues this time, having already chatted with the owners. Time for me to take the lead and be the one asking the questions, I think.
  • Well done everyone on new jobs. Good luck everyone applying for them.

    At this point I've abandoned any desire to work in academia and have basically become a full-time freelance games journalist. I reached the mythical tipping point where work tends to come to me, rather than having to pitch for everything, or I can generate work at short notice in a quiet period.

    This week I'm doing my first silent review - writing a review for a publisher on an early build so they get an impression how it might perform with critics. So that's another avenue opened up. I've also got my first Edge cover feature coming this month.
  • Woah. That’s brilliant news congratulations!

    How do you feel about it? You’re clearly very good at writing reviews and features on games so I’m hoping you enjoy it, but also hoping you’re not too disappointed about academia being such a closed shop. Are you continuing to blog on the side?
  • In a way I feel like I dodged a bullet. Humanities in the UK is being decimated and a lot of the people who work in academia are overworked and highly stressed. I don't think I would have thrived.

    Obviously that leaves the question of whether I should have put so much time and effort into getting a PhD, but it has value in itself and pretty much led me to where I am now anyway.

    Also, I still want to write another critical theory book at some point, so I haven't completely given up. But for now I'm happy doing what I'm doing.
  • Paul the sparky
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    Paul the sparky

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    What's the secret game?
  • I'm putting in an application for a job that's come up in space.
    As in space regulation.

    It pays more but it's doing similar to what I do now with drone regulation.

    Plus I quite fancy telling people I work in space.
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    It's not rocket science mate
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    Uh anyway, good stuff Jon, and go poppo & tigerrrr.
  • poprock wrote:
    I have my third definitely-not-an-interview on Thursday morning before I go to court/cinema for more jury duty.

    Remember at the end of the not-an-interview to mention that you have to go as you have to attend court, and don't elaborate on that fact. Just say something like:

    "sorry, gotta go - due in court in 30 minutes. Embezzlement."
  • It will make you seem mysterious and a more attractive employment prospect.
  • Obviously. It’ll help if I make sure my swollen knuckles are clearly in shot as well.
  • "Do you think this suit is ok for court?"
  • Pfft. I’m here in my T-shirt and jeans waiting for court to reconvene. It’s all breaks and no action. Being a Judge looks like a pretty cushy profession.
  • poprock wrote:
    Obviously. It’ll help if I make sure my swollen knuckles are clearly in shot as well.

    See, attention to detail like that is what helps manifest success.
  • Nice one Jon, always enjoy reading your stuff.

    Good luck DS!
  • Dark Soldier
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    Bossed it. Only half day calls Doctors are fucking chill.

    All the other lads bossing it in here, Jon is big review guy now. Send any spare codes my way bro I'll write the reviews for you.
  • What's the secret game?
    Very secret. It's not very good though.

    Many years ago, when I worked in Electronics Boutique, a local developer came to the shop looking for feedback from us, mostly about box art and what would stand out on display, but also to show us the game. We played a demo and I said something like 'it'll be good when it's finished', to which he replied it basically was finished. Sometime later, after the game had come out and flopped, he was in the shop again talking to the manager, but I didn't recognise him at first. The manager asked if I remembered the time that guy had come in and demoed his game to us, and I said something like 'Oh yeah, it wasn't very good, was it?', then realised that was the guy right there. He didn't say anything. I walked away. Really awkward on both occasions. But I was absolutely fucking right.

    Anyway, that's pretty much what I'm doing for work right now.
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    Honing your talent for upsetting developers
  • Dark Soldier
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    All had to do covid tests yesterday as our trainer had come down with it. Obviously been in a room with them all day for 5 weeks.

    Negative, started feeling rough on way home. Positive this morning. Feel like death.

    Three fucking times now lads. Fuck me. Taking today and tomorrow off then hopefully WFH early next week.
  • Fuck sake. That’s rotten luck mate. Hope you get well soon.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • Oh that sucks mate. Sorry to hear buddy.
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.
  • b0r1s
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    Get well soon DS!!
  • Ah, shit. Hold on tight DS.
  • All had to do covid tests yesterday as our trainer had come down with it. Obviously been in a room with them all day for 5 weeks. Negative, started feeling rough on way home. Positive this morning. Feel like death. Three fucking times now lads. Fuck me. Taking today and tomorrow off then hopefully WFH early next week.

  • Dark Soldier
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    Thanks lads bunched up on sofa watching the new Jurassic movie. Much love

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