Metroid General Thread - The Queen of Video Land
  • Fusion is one of the weakest imo. Zero Mission was great though.
    I am a FREE. I am not MAN. A NUMBER.
  • I only evar played Metroid 3D on the DS.  It gave me hand cramps within 10 minutes.
    It wasn't until I hit my thirties that I realised you could unlock rewards by exploring the map
  • Hunters is a technical marvel and I really enjoyed it. Not sure it’s a Metroid game really. I can imagine someone made a really good fps and they added Metroidy stuff after.
  • Samus was a girl right?  Hard to think of another fps with a female protagonist.  Not that you got to see anything with that damned exoskeleton in the way.
    It wasn't until I hit my thirties that I realised you could unlock rewards by exploring the map
  • Blocks100 wrote:
    Hard to think of another fps with a female protagonist.

    No it isn't.
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    Half Life?
  • Good one, I'd forgotten that.
  • Perfect Dark, Jet Set Gemini - iirc.
  • No One Lives Forever
  • Jet Set Gemini isn't a game. If the was, I imagine it'd be third person.
  • Wasn't one of the characters you played in Timesplitters a girl?
  • acemuzzy
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    Acemuzzy (aka murray200)
    3DS - 4613-7291-1486

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    No you're thinking of a monkey
  • Oh, meant Jet Force Gemini. N64 shooter.
  • acemuzzy wrote:
    No you're thinking of a monkey
    Am I? Well, that's silly of me; a monkey isn't even a game.

    indigoDos wrote:
    Oh, meant Jet Force Gemini. N64 shooter.
    Yes, I know.
  • Skerret
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    Jet Force Radio was good too.
    Skerret's posting is ok to trip balls to and read just to experience the ambience but don't expect any content.
    "I'm jealous of sucking major dick!"~ Kernowgaz
  • True, but I always thought they should have stuck with the name Jet Grind Gemini, it just sounds that little bit cooler.
  • Skerret
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    Yes absolutely agree AJ.
    Skerret's posting is ok to trip balls to and read just to experience the ambience but don't expect any content.
    "I'm jealous of sucking major dick!"~ Kernowgaz
  • hylian_elf wrote:
    Fusion is one of the weakest imo. Zero Mission was great though.


    Anyone else been playing Samus Returns?

    I'm 14 hours in, think I'm coming to the end.

    Great game, just did a cracking boss.

    オレノナハ エラー ダ
  • Wasn't Metroid in Serious Sam?
  • After some intensive playing I've completed Fusion again, but first time on a big screen.

    Felt a bit restricted compared to Super and it's a lot faster with a lot more shooting.  Levels are a more maze-like and power ups are often used soon after getting them - quite a bit different to Super.

    After the 3rd segment, it starts getting really good and the atmosphere really ramps up.  Something that is noticeable is the enemies are tough and you can die quite easily unlike Super where you only ever really die to bosses (and then not a lot).

    Bosses are a lot better in Fusion, and some are very tough indeed.  I died more to the first security bot and the first proper SA-X encounter (combined death count) than I did in the entirety of Super.  I also died a lot more to the later bosses as well.  Nightmare is such an excellent boss.

    Underwater part of sector 4 was a drag - similar to Maridia, and the only boss I hated was the stupid giant plant thing. 

    Overall, I think I'm team Super.  I prefer the slower level exploration and the openness compared to Fusion's more constrained sections, but Fusion is still very good.  However, I have completed Fusion numerous times while Super only once.  I'll play Super again in a few years and see how it compares then.  (will still probably prefer it).

    Now it's either AM2R or Zero Mission.
  • Skerret
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    Moot_Geeza wrote:
    Wasn't Metroid in Serious Samus?

    Skerret's posting is ok to trip balls to and read just to experience the ambience but don't expect any content.
    "I'm jealous of sucking major dick!"~ Kernowgaz
  • Made a start on Zero Mission. Very nippy - faster than Fusion so could be a lot of fun.
  • Ooh, just seen there is a romhack for Super that gives it the Fusion/Zero speed and jump physics. Going to have a dabble with that!
  • Super Metroid GBA style hack is great.  Samus moves a lot faster, jumps are quicker, gravity is stronger, weapon fire is faster, room transitions are fast, and the map scrolls smoothly :-).

    And missiles are on the left trigger.  None of this stupid pressing Select 5 times to toggle weapons.  I think xray is on another button as well - that's something that puzzled me about the original - why share it with the sprint button.

    I bet you can get through the game is 1/2 to 2/3 of the time now.
  • Found something new (to me) playing Super Metroid the other night: If you turn into a ball with your blaster charged Samus will then drop 5 bombs at once. I was perhaps a bit more pleased with this discovery than it really warranted.

    Never finished it so it's getting a lot of love on my Snes-mini along with Earthbound and (the also wonderbar) Yoshi's Island.
  • Zero Mission finished and it was ok.

    Didn't have any sloggy bits like Maridia in Super or the underwater part of Sector 4 in Fusion but sections felt more like a (lesser) slog overall.

    Game felt very restricted.  On the one hand it's a bit more open than Fusion (but not by much) but on the other areas aren't accessible until you have the right equipment.  In Super you had a lot more freedom and you could get to a lot of areas even without the powerup.  In Fusion you were given the powers when needed.  Zero makes you backtrack.

    Zero also had some really mundane speed boost sections - simply go to the left and run back to break floors on the right.  More tedious than fun.

    I started enjoying it more as I got powered up but then the final section appeared.  I hated it.  Lots of scripted chases and death if you didn't know what to do.  Felt like Outlast - thrilling first death but ultimately tedious as you fail, retry, fail, etc, as all suspense is removed.

    Bosses were ok.

    Game is very short.

    So far:
    1) SM
    2) Fusion
    3) ZM

    I'm now playing AM2R (1.3.3) and I can see that being 2) or 3) based on current experience.
  • Been playing Fusion again on the SP and it seems very slow and floaty after playing ZM and AM2R on a big monitor.  I think it's a better way to play because the graphics don't look anywhere near as garish and it doesn't feel as constricted as it does when playing on a big screen.

    The design was obviously made to be played on a rubbish, poorly visible, tiny screen :-)

    What that means is I need to play ZM on the SP as well to play it as intended.
  • What's the news on Prime on Switch?  I have happy memories about the first Prime and want those back.

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