Crackdown 3: Crackdowner
  • I'm with Reg on this.  6 years ago we were promised a game that would deliver world-destruction type elements, that like of which we'd never seen before.  And they ain't delivered on this at all.  It's USP is non-existent. So it's more than ok to take the developer to task and ask why this hasn't happened.

    Likewise, it's ok to like it, if you're currently liking it.  But it ain't what they said it would be. Sad face.
    It wasn't until I hit my thirties that I realised you could unlock rewards by exploring the map
  • Life is a lie, enjoy what you have.
    At least I've found a new tattoo!
    [quote=Skerret]Unless someone very obviously insults your loved ones with intent, take nothing here seriously.[/quote]
  • So far so fun, you can pick up corrugated sheet metal, run towards enemies using it as a shield against the bullets before chucking it at them like a frisbee.


    Some performance issues on PC sadly, some stutter that John mentioned in the DF vid. I've been tweaking stuff but not able to solve it, so settled on 120FPS cap with no G or V sync, good enough. Just a shame it can't be a completely smooth experience. Hopefully they patch that at some point.
  • "settled on 120FPS"

    Aye right you simmer doon.
  • Haha! 

    I'm actually enjoying this. I'd never have played it if it hadn't been included with game pass and it's definitely not worth full price but it's been nice to revisit Crackdown. I'm spending most of my time jumping about collecting orbs and the jet boost and horizontal dash are making it feel pretty good to just potter and occasionally punch people.

    Glad they fucked it and had to pull out the building destruction as I just want to climb shit and look for orbs and you can't do that if all the buildings are rubble.

    Smashing these nerds:
  • Curtis
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    Curtis Rolph

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    £2 for 2 months Game Pass is wonderful. :)

    Then i spent an hour playing this and thought to myself "why would i waste another second of my precious time on this outdated shit?" Its like history repeating itself but in the worst possible way. As if time just stopped, except we all got 12 years older!

    I'm fed up of games doing the same shit over and over. I know originality (in any art form) is difficult, but i refuse to waste my life away chasing orbs just because it reminds me of a better time when Crackdown was new & fresh.
  • giphy.gif

    Anyway, the guns in this feel great. Best so far has to be the Arc Rifle which is just godly, tough choice between that and the Omni Rifle, so I'm taking both atm :P  The boggo PDW is super trusty too, great for chewing through the lesser goons up close. Incendiary grenades seem overpowered too. Not keen on the sustained beam type weapons though, doesn't suit my guerilla playstyle.

    The Spider upgrade for the Agency vehicle is excellent, maybe not quite as badass as the old fully upgraded SUV from Crackdown 1, but the physics are absolute nonsense and it's great fun to use to climb out of a sticky situation.
  • See I found the Arc Rifle (that's the one gained in the prologue from the robots?) OP for when you get it.
    I did 3 of 5 Metro stations by standing one the opposite side of the road on top of a building spamming it. I have no idea what the AI boss enemy at Metros looks like in game because I just shot at the icon.

    The poison grenades are more satisfying than normal, feel like they are melting enemies rather than gassing. The shield guys offer some challenge.

    Mostly though it's a case of standing back and spamming that rifle.
    I dropped that gun accidentally at one point and the game changed considerably. The challenge was raised. Could be patched I guess.
  • It definitely gets tricker once you get into areas where there are constant reinforcements arriving from different sides, have to keep moving then, and the 5 shot capacity and slow ROF becomes less useful. That's when the PDW and explosives come in handy.
  • You could stand back and pick people off but sometimes it's just more fun to jump in with the cryo-shotgun then punch the enemy into hundreds of tiny icy pieces.
    [quote=Skerret]Unless someone very obviously insults your loved ones with intent, take nothing here seriously.[/quote]
  • FranticPea
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    So this is more Crackdown and I wanted more Crackdown and I got more Crackdown and I like Crackdown and it's a reet good blast.
  • Ok, this is now the best game ever.
  • Man this game is awesome, just unlocked some aces weapons after taking on some Elite TN squads and it’s gone from being good to being awesome. Really enjoying just jumping and dashing around, collecting orbs and smashing shit up. Nearly at level 5 agility and the double dash in air makes moving around without vehicles so quick.
  • Does seem to level up pretty quickly. I fear it may all end too soon.
    [quote=Skerret]Unless someone very obviously insults your loved ones with intent, take nothing here seriously.[/quote]
  • Hodge360 wrote:
    Does seem to level up pretty quickly. I fear it may all end too soon.

    Yeah I don’t think it’ll be too long, in a couple of hours I’ve completed 3 entire sections of the map. But I’m cool with that. I quite miss quick 8-10 hour campaigns that are just bang for your buck. Every game needing such massive exploration, hours of depth, huge levelling needs to progress etc, it’s driving me nuts. Put me off Ass Creeds Ori and Ody and has put me off Farcry. I like having one such game on the go but now everything requires 100 hours and I can’t be arsed.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    If this campaign is pretty short, it increases the likelihood that I’ll grab it cheap at some point and blast through it.
  • Speedhaak
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    Verecocha wrote:
    Hodge360 wrote:
    Does seem to level up pretty quickly. I fear it may all end too soon.
    Yeah I don’t think it’ll be too long, in a couple of hours I’ve completed 3 entire sections of the map. But I’m cool with that. I quite miss quick 8-10 hour campaigns that are just bang for your buck. Every game needing such massive exploration, hours of depth, huge levelling needs to progress etc, it’s driving me nuts. Put me off Ass Creeds Ori and Ody and has put me off Farcry. I like having one such game on the go but now everything requires 100 hours and I can’t be arsed.

  • Aye, totally agree with that, far too much filler in most games. I'm dead happy that this isn't overlong like most modern games, makes me actually excited to play. With mostly every open world game I've played over the last five years I end up realising that I'm just not going to see the end of them, so much for the extra 'value'. I reckon there will be some good replay value here anyway, trying to beat stuff in a different order, in co-op, or with different difficulty levels.

    LivDiv wrote:
    I played an hour last night and it's not shit but it's a missed opportunity. Not just because of the cloud stuff but a number of other things leave it short of modern standards (although at least it isn't a micro transaction fuckfest). Some extra polish, some more budget for actual cut scenes, some actual design to some of the combat sections and it could be a really good title.

    What modern features would you like to see exactly? Because I honestly can't see what could have been done that much better. Sure cutscenes I guess, though all the story has to be IMO is pleasingly throwaway brash nonsense, and that appears to be the case. The combat and movement feel great, very responsive and fluid. And the sandbox stuff is fine so far, I like that as you free prisoners you start getting allied rebel backup, like a big laser turret that follows you around the map on a monorail. I'm piss-tired with most of what modern gaming has to offer these days, and I'm seriously glad they haven't fucked it with fiddly progression systems or other common open world bollocks.

    The elephant in the room seems to be the destruction stuff, but it seems to me that having that level of major destruction would have been a mistake, like it clearly just wouldn't work with the overall game design, and probably would have got old fast. If the visuals where some kind of quasi-realistic detail-vomit then they would interfere with the the clarity of the world, and your movement through it and target aquisition in it. It's big, bright, colourful and abstract, messy and clean at the same time, and I like it. It's a 3D action platformer, and everything is exactly what it should have been. Crackdown is it's own genre.

    In many ways it does feel like it's from another time, and that is completely fine.
  • Probably not going to be able to play this so much soon, so if anyone fancies some coop give me a shout, would like to give it a go.
  • Anyone tried the multiplayer?
    [quote=Skerret]Unless someone very obviously insults your loved ones with intent, take nothing here seriously.[/quote]
  • I’ve installed and the wife is out, I’m down for some MP later.
    I just want more crackdown. I want to run, jump and smash cars over peoples heads
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.
  • Crackdown was always shite. Welcome to redpill city, cretins.
    Don't wank. Zinc in your sperms
  • Mmm delicious marmite
  • Gamerwotsit is Freeblader if anyone wants to add/invite me for coop.

    Or chuck a message via the discord.
  • Had an hour or so. Yep it's crackdown.

    It's my own fault though that the last game of this ilk I played was Spider-Man, and damn. Its showing hard.
  • Put about 90 minutes into this tonight and it’s pretty much all I wanted, more crackdown.
    I like feeling like an overpowered super agent who kicks bad guys off of sky scrapers and throws cars at their problems.

    Lots of fun!
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.
  • Aye, most fun I've had in an open world game in a long time.
  • FranticPea
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    But it's not revolutionary, it isn't anything new. Shame on you all.

  • I don’t always need revolutionary, sometimes all I need is for something to give me exactly what I know and love.

    In this case it’s kicking bad guys to death on top of a sky scraper
    Not everything is The Best or Shit. Theres many levels between that, lets just enjoy stuff.

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