Let's sort Davie out with a PSVR. Can we 'stretch' to a digital copy of Destiny 2?
  • Yossarian wrote:
    I took the liberty of PMing PC with your address.

    Thanks pal.
    pc71 wrote:
    Got your address Davie, making sure they are working fine and I'll get them off to you by Tuesday. Get your Netflix on tonight and take it as easy as you.

    Will do pal.

    Gremill wrote:
    Get well soon Davi, bit of a shocker reading through this (although I’m betting it wasn’t as much of a shock as it was to you and your missus!)

    Thanks pal appreciated.
  • Got a surprise visit of my girlfriend and best mate with his wife and 2 kids.
    One of wich is my godson dylan,
    He wanted to know if i had super powers becouse of the wires and the machine connected to me.

    Bloody love him.
    Awesome surprise too.
    Feel tearfull but happy and fragile.
    Not sure if thats good or bad.
    Cant wait to get home!
  • Nice one man. Sounds like you've got good people around you. :)
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Andy wrote:
    Vaping sounds like so much effort.
    I've been thinking about this.

    In some ways, it's no different to any hobby. Take gaming as an example (especially the state of gaming back in the 80s when it was a bit more splintered and niche): sure, you can go out and buy a games console and a handful of games and start playing, but you'll get more out of it if you do some research, try out some different games and controllers, find what sort of thing you enjoy, which is the best version of a multiplat. It's probably a pretty similar thing with ecigs, you can certainly get cheap, ready to go kits, but the major difference is that with gaming, if you fail to get into it, you end up with a console gathering dust and a new hobby. Failure to get into vaping means often means falling back into a habit that will probably kill you.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    It’s less weird than smoking.
  • Less weird a habit, maybe, but that’s debatable. And if I ever saw somebody list smoking as a hobby, I’d put them firmly in the ‘weird’ column.
  • Top work in here, folks. We're right behind you Davie!
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Andy wrote:
    Less weird a habit, maybe, but that’s debatable. And if I ever saw somebody list smoking as a hobby, I’d put them firmly in the ‘weird’ column.

    Yeah, I see your point, but there is a bit of a hobbyist aspect to ecigs which usually needs taking on to break that smoking habit and replace it with a healthier one.
  • Escape
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    Both my parents gave up smoking, but in different ways. My dad was the first when he was approaching the age his dad was when he died from cancer, and he just went cold turkey and made it work. He was on imported baccy for a few years prior, so I reckon that was a good call.

    My mum gave up over several years following a breakdown, never with the intention of giving up completely, but to cut down heavily for the health benefits. She ended up hating the taste, and if she smokes now, it's once in a blue moon. Same with my sister, who 99% quit years ago.

    My dad's now about three stones heavier, whereas my mum's only gained a bit. Whatever works, innit. Bournville chocolate's not proper dark, by the way; it still has plenty of sugar. You can afford to put some timber on, though!
  • Personally Davie I think you should at least make a decent try at giving up smoking fully first.
    E-cigs are considered healthier in terms of carcinogens but heart disease is still somewhat of an unknown with conflicting studies and a conclusion that it is too early to tell.

    This is the British Heart Foundation's advice on the matter.
    Note the grey box at the bottom that suggests people suffering with heart disease should consult their GP.

    The decision is yours at the end of the day but best to be fully clued up.
  • Dark Soldier
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    Aye I've always said if/when I give up it'd be fully. I don't trust E-Cigs in the long term.
  • Yossarian
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    Yossarian Drew

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    Davie has literally consulted his cardiologist about this.
  • Surely it's a good way to work towards quitting if that's your goal?
  • God full on nightmares and less than 4 hours sleep and i just cant get comfy.
    Im aching all over, i think its these wires etc.

    Im using an inhaler with nicotine things at the minute and i had a patch on all day (that i forgot to remove till writting this) that im supposed to remove before bed.

    My phone charger wire hasnt worked over night so il have to get another that works properly at some point.

    The goal is for me to stop smoking completely and the vape is like a helping hand (held out by yoss whos hand i could bow down and kiss if i weren't feeling so fragile) to get me there.

    The vape is as im told by staff here a lot better than just complete shut off from a long standing habbit and if i kept smoking the cheap knock off baccie then i would just die.

    So it's a small step (or i see it as Huge for me) in the right direction.
  • Escape
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    Compression socks? The hum of machines is the worst.

  • Just to let you know guys, i had a wee cry last night becouse of the generosity and helpfulness of you lot in here.

    Everyone was a sleep but a member of staff caught me and filled my empty water jog and enquired after me.

    When i told her i was just feeling happy but useless and i was getting help from my friends on a videogame forum she remarked 'aren't they full of bullys' wich made me laugh.

    I remember vaguely back on the old edge boards feeling like that but it was mainly my own fault for having a shit education and upbringing and not caring about spelling or grammar.

    Just wanted to always be talking about games,
    And know everything about them.

    Its amazing how this place came to be and how everyone is amazing and supportive of each other.
    Iv never really had anything like that, especially since most of my close family live in Kilmarnock and i moved to darwen to work in a factory beside my older brother upon leaving the childrens home.

    Its also amazing how me and my older brother have started having a relationship again just after my dad was starting to leave us forever.
    His wife hated me and said i was the black sheep of the family all that time ago but she even messages me on her own accord now.

    I kinda want to live for my brother, he doesn't deserve to have another death so soon.
    Hes had his wife's mum, my dad.
    And as i found out after being brought in here a friend of me and my brothers died too the same morning i got rushed here.(hanged himself becouse he couldn't cope with the grief of his sister who overdosed on ecstasy last year and was well known to everyone her name was sky nicol and it was in newspapers etc becouse she was 15/16)

    Iv always tended to hold my thoughts to myself as i dont want to look an idiot and generally feel inferior to everyone else while trying my hardest to be better and make sure my kids are better and dont suffer the same social withdrawl i have.

    I had one great talk via pm with rev when shit were going down hill fast that helped lots as my ex partners mental health declined rapidly and spcial services were on my case.
    I found it so hard to talk about Any of this but the little i did really helped as i had no family support back then.

    Then when my father was passing away over those 2 weeks till he went i let it all out here

    Everyone helped

    I guess when im emotional i can actually pit something down and say stuff i mean instead of just joking about everything like a clown.

    (nurse came with meds last night saying "drugs" to wich i replied "just the usual coke and weed for me please" wich no one found funny)

    Theres a nurse thing to deal with our sores or something too so when she asked i enquired what did she mean she said "shoulders, sides, bum that sort of thing" to wich i said "didnt know that were an option il have bum and my front please" she laughed and wiped her eyes.

    Bit more successful there and despite feeling tender and a bit sore i said "im ok really my girlfriend wouldn't like another woman touching me"

    Anyway don't know why im writing all this but i just kinda want to show my appreciation for all the support i got here that i never got anywere else and still do even though i get a little more from my older brother now.

    Feel free to ignore all this, iv thought about deleting it too but im gonna leave it for now.

  • Oh if anyone sees my mate on gt sport ony account feel free to.freak him out, his names kel and hes been doing my daily mileages for me the cheeky cunt.
  • Escape wrote:
    Compression socks? The hum of machines is the worst.


    Not so much the hum but the squeeeeeeeeee of a tap that sounds like painful white noise torture.
    Keep having to leave it drip a little to stop it after anyone else uses toilet.
  • Never fret about off-loading on here Davie. Amongst the occasional bickering that occurs this place is very supportive. The only time anyone is judgemental is when they believe someone is breaking the forum rule.

    Don’t ever feel embarrassed of who you are or where you’ve come from. You’ve obviously had an upbringing that all of us would struggle with and come out the other side an engaging, balanced, caring individual. When you’re feeling low just reflect on how many people on here value you and have offered kind words, help and assistance.

    You’ve had a major shock and (unlike some) have the opportunity to reevaluate things and put your body in order. It’s going to be bloody tough but know that there is a forum full of advice, encouragement and support whenever you need it. It’s a positive by-product of the digital age in which we live that we often turn to virtual figures we’ve never met to help deal with the daily problems of our life. All the best.
  • Jesus Davie, you're making me emotional and it's waay too early on a Monday morning for that!!
  • Ah video games. Brings everyone together! Doesn't matter who you are or where you came from.
    Who would have thought 15 or so ago that you could feel so close to people all over the world that, sometimes, you haven't even met!
    You're an essential part of our family Davie, wouldn't be the same without you so we'll all be cheering you on for what's going to be some hard months ahead.

    And never feel ashamed of wanting to have a vent on here. Sometimes it's required to get it out. Especially in tough times. Nobody is judging. And if they are then fuck 'em,you do you.

    Hopefully you'll be ready to go when the next Destiny expansion comes out, you've been essential for the raid runs so far.

    Also, I mentioned what happened to Tbo who you should remember from destiny and he also wishes you a speedy recovery!
  • Stay strong Davi - you post what you want when you want. Everyone here is rooting for you.
    Gamertag: gremill
  • Olimite
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    Olimite Too

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    Lovely write-up Davie. Never worry about lack of education - it's what you say, not how you say it that matters :)
  • It doesn't really matter how you give up smoking as long as you do. It is going to be tough but you can do it. You'll get used to not smoking in the hospital but then you'll be back home and have to get used to not smoking there too.

    The best bit of advice I got was to look at the clock when a bad craving starts. They usually only last a few minutes but it can feel like hours. I know, at least for me, they last less than five minutes, so I'd keep an eye on the clock knowing if I could hold out for those five minutes it would be easier, and it always was.
  • Kow
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    My uncle gave up smoking in his 50s. Couldn't get the fags to his mouth after the stroke. Which was caused by the fags. So get rid of them now and never go back.
  • I think though when a doc tells you to stop or else, the message gets through. Did for me anyway.. Think of giving up as the dark souls of life...
  • Personally Davie I think you should at least make a decent try at giving up smoking fully first.
    E-cigs are considered healthier in terms of carcinogens but heart disease is still somewhat of an unknown with conflicting studies and a conclusion that it is too early to tell.

    This is the British Heart Foundation's advice on the matter.
    Note the grey box at the bottom that suggests people suffering with heart disease should consult their GP.

    The decision is yours at the end of the day but best to be fully clued up.
    Nicotine is a stimulant. I think this hospital break is the perfect opportunity to give up full stop. Vaping is just too easy, you can end up way more addicted to nicotine
  • JonB wrote:
    I didnt mind the villagers being twats. Made me feel ok about ignoring them and flooding the market with mayonnaise.
    I hope you mean this literally rather than in an economic sense.
    I'll leave that to your imagination.

    I tinker in mayo too but not enough to cause any literal or economical tsunami. I’ve taken to psyching them out instead...

    That cunt Sebastian, for example, I absolutely hate him. But that guy put up a wanted sign for a winter yam and I had some so I thought “why not?”.

    Anyway, I take it to his place early eve and he’s already in his room and I can’t enter because he’s locked in his room on his computer and I can’t enter because we’re not close enough yet.

    What fucking arsehole demands something and then locks himself away where no one can give to him? Sebastian, that’s who. That too cool for school emo arsehole who hates everything and everyone - I bet he put up the sign just so he could say how no one cares for him.

    Anyway, I decide that, since I still have one day left to hand it in, I’ll come back in the morning when the shop opens and catch him as he goes out.

    Next morning I’m there at 9am and head to his bedroom. He’s still in bed.

    I wait.

    Finally, at 10 or so he gets up and...


    What. A. Cunt.

    At this point I was seriously about to sack the whole thing off and leave him yamless but I had never missed a delivery and I’d be fucked if I finally ruined my streak for that dick, so I brought the yam out of my backpack and held it aloft outside his door...and waited.

    And waited.

    And waited.

    At 3pm he finally stood up to leave his room and when he opened the door he saw me in his way, rage in my eyes, holding a winter yam in the air. He gave me 300g.

    Now, financially that was a massive waste of a day. But I won the ideological battle. He’ll think twice before wantonly posting signs demanding foraged materials. He knows I’ll be there outside the moment he cracks that door.

    Sebastian 0 - 1 Me

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