Gods & Monsters: The Prometheus Thread (Mahooosive Spoilers!)
  • I personally think Ridley should move more into producing rather than directing. He is very talented but I dont think he can cut it anymore as a director. He is kind of like Speilberg in that respect. Both insanely talented people who have not made a film as good as their older stuff in years.
    Gamertag: aaroncupboard (like the room where you keep towels)
  • I doubt this will make enough money to get a sequel.
    GT: RasDam Twitter: @RasDam
  • I think bad word of mouth will kill this, especially when I'm sure a lot of people are on the line about this. The cinema I was in was relatively full but I can't see it keeping up numbers of attendents.
    Gamertag: aaroncupboard (like the room where you keep towels)
  • I think David told the engineer to take out Weyland, as he mentioned about parents being dead?, enjoyed the film, plenty of holes, don't they bug test / plot check these films?
  • Some things really annoyed me. The medical machine is Vickers' so why when Shaw goes to use it does it say it's only configured for male anatomy? I can only assume David reconfigured it while they were all in hypersleep.

    Alien is only set about fourty years later, so how do the aliens/facehuggers evolve so much in that time? Got to assume they already exist and the experiment on this planet was a weapon to wipe them out and they were going to use Earth as a test site.
  • The medical thing was for Weyland, not Vickers.
  • Some things really annoyed me. The medical machine is Vickers' so why when Shaw goes to use it does it say it's only configured for male anatomy? I can only assume David reconfigured it while they were all in hypersleep.

    Alien is only set about fourty years later, so how do the aliens/facehuggers evolve so much in that time? Got to assume they already exist and the experiment on this planet was a weapon to wipe them out and they were going to use Earth as a test site.

    In regards to the evolution stuff, I think that black oily liquid was meant to speed the process up. Hence the worms-bigger worms-proto face huggers.
    Gamertag: aaroncupboard (like the room where you keep towels)
  • Matt_82 wrote:
    The medical thing was for Weyland, not Vickers.

    Nope Vickers states that it's hers and it's made clear she didn't know Weyland was with them.
  • You see the film could have been improved if David seriously injured Vickers and then when she went to use the surgery it suddenly revealed that it was for men only. Then reveal Weyland was on the ship.

    I dunno, just an idea.
    Gamertag: aaroncupboard (like the room where you keep towels)
  • Matt_82 wrote:
    The medical thing was for Weyland, not Vickers.
    Nope Vickers states that it's hers and it's made clear she didn't know Weyland was with them.

    I think you are wrong about all this. Vickers does know Weyland is on the ship, she asks David about what he's said after David communicates with him via the yellow helmet thingy, and when Shaw is looking at at the med-bay thing, I'm sure she clearly states it's configured to only work on men, the implication being it's for Weyland's use only.


    Come with g if you want to live...
  • Good point G.man, I forgot about that bit.
    Gamertag: aaroncupboard (like the room where you keep towels)
  • FranticPea
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    Just watched it. Oh dear, what a crock. 

    Also, has 3D not died a death yet? No non 3D option at the showing, what the fuck?
  • Saw this last night and despite all the criticism here being valid and all - I really enjoyed it from beginning to end.  Great performances, astonishing spectacle and gruesome body horror FTW.  I was aware of the bewildering inconsistencies, daft script, confusing motivations of the characters and frankly ludicrous actions/inactions of those characters but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't along for the ride for the whole thing.

    Two minor moments of sheer idiocy stood out though - Guy Pearce walking like an insane cross between Forrest Gump and John Cleese in his leg braces and Noomi rolling slightly to the left to avoid the massive crushing spaceship death.  Stupid on a Roland Emmerich level of stupid.

    Having said that, I like Chronicles of Riddick so I may not be the best judge of these things.
    Gamertag: gremill
  • FranticPea
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    I love Chronicles of Riddick, but this just left me feeling cheated if I'm honest.

    Just booked tickets for Iron Sky to make up for it.
  • Excellent op and points all round, agree with pretty much all of it.

    Couple of points I didn't understand:

    Why did the murials change? Everybody seemed to be panicking and trying to run out before they were even told about the storm?

    And why did the engineers head explode?
    Xbox/PS3/Wii U: Enragedwhale
  • The murals changed because the door to the room in which they were contained was opened for the first time in thousands of years and the change in atmosphere affected them. The same thing apparently happened to the engineer's head, which is why they rushed off to get it back to the ship before it disintegrated (The bodies outside the door didn't seem to be affected of course. Just more shonky plotting really).
    There was no great reason for it to explode in the medbay. They zapped it with too much juice and it blew-up. It was just done I guess for the ick factor.


    Come with g if you want to live...
  • FranticPea
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    I need to stop reading this thread. Was looking forward to seeing it for ages and now I just feel seriously disappointed. 

  • Why the hell they bought an alien head onto the ship without a quarantine is beyond me. The only reason the facehugger made it onboard in the original Alien was because Ash was a being a devious little cunt and over-rode Ripley's instruction to keep Kane outside the airlock. Just another example of the characters in Prometheus acting like reckless morons and breaking the spell of believability that Alien wove so masterfully.
    "Our music's strong enough to stop a bomb...putting pressure on you kids like I'm a soccer mom"
  • Trudat.
    Come with g if you want to live...
  • Why the hell they bought an alien head onto the ship without a quarantine is beyond me.
    It's cool, they stuck it in a ziplock plastic bag.
  • I enjoyed this film quite a lot.  HOWEVER, it all seemed to be pointing towards the engineers' ship being the one discovered by the Nostromo's crew in Alien, and yet the Space Jockey chap wasn't chest-bursted in his chair, he was chest-bursted somewhere else.  If it wasn't the same ship and planet, then why the hell set absolutely everything up, including creation of a Queen to lay the eggs, as if it was?  Why?  Why?
  • WorKid wrote:
    Even this long later, Alien is amazing - especially now in HD.

    The design is incredible. Just got to the bit where they discover the eggs and the facehugger attacks. The aliens are just so real. It's fantastic.

    I watched it again a few weeks ago. Great film, however it does show its age. Some of the terror of the alien is a little lost when it appears to be pushed along on castors.

  • Stop moaning you lot. It could be worse.......Jar Jar Binks wasn't in it for a start.
  • Yousa point is well seen, okie day.
  • Just got back from Prometheus, is the zombie guy from Sunshine trying to ruin all final acts?!
  • Hahahaha. All that was missing was John Terry with the CL Cup.


    Come with g if you want to live...
  • This was always going to turn out to be a piece of shit given Scott's recent track record, coupled with the fact that it was scribed by Lindelof and Spahits . The fact that they originally wanted an Engineer to turn out to be Jesus Christ, with his murder being the reason they wanted to destroy us says it all. The suggestion is still there with the carbon dating being 2000 years old.  Hopefully Scott will be put in a nursing home before he is able to start on the new Bladrunner film.
  • RasDam wrote:
    I doubt this will make enough money to get a sequel.

    The fact that the story ends with a women and android head flying off in a jockey ship to their home planet makes a sequel almost impossible.  I'd love to know who approved that shit.
  • I'm guessing that new Bladerunner might be best enjoyed with the sound turned down and some ambient tunes on the old iPod to accompany the visuals.


    Come with g if you want to live...
  • That's a buddy movie I wanna see.

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